Friday, February 27, 2015


Hello friends! Well, it has been a hard, hard week around here. I am really happy to put this one in the archives. But at least we are getting to the end of February and March starts on Sunday. You know what happens in March--spring!

Since it's been such a rough week, let's get right to the pretties and feel better, okay? First up, I made the turtle block for the Elephant Parade quilt:

I call him Ted, because that goes with Fred the frog. Ted looks a little chilly.

I bought Lorna's pattern and am an impatient sort, so I made a couple of the flowers, thinking that would mean that I could put together a couple of rows. Well. . .

Yep, that yellow flower (which is red in the pattern) is too small by about a half inch! Not sure what I did wrong there. I'm considering just putting a wider white strip on top and calling it good. Since the first row had no yellow flowers, though, it went together fine:

Indoor picture since it kept bleaching out from the snow outside.

It's looking good. Happiness! This quilt kind of reminds me of the work of the late Pam Bono--does anyone remember her patterns? They were a little fiddly but always looked spectacular when finished. I might just have to dig out one of her books and play around some.

In a few spare minutes, I also made these lovely pink string blocks for RSC15:

Eight blocks! With more strings still in the bin. They may just stay there, though, because 8 seems like a lot.

After I made the string blocks, I tried something I've never done before with the pieces that were too small to use for the string blocks. I made my very first ever crumb block:

Is there a better time for an outdoor picture than when it's 12 degrees and sunny?

Yikes! I have mixed feelings about this, actually. I'm not really sure I did it right, and it feels weird not to have everything align correctly. But it's square (6-1/2 inches) and not "wonky," so it's growing on me. I have a LOT of pink left, so I may make a few more of these.  Just so I can get comfortable with them, you know, not because I like it or anything. Anyone have suggestions on what to do with crumb blocks?

And since this is the end of pink month, let's have one final pink treat:

Strawberry chocolate chip cookies! (Recipe HERE. The dough was kind of gross, but the cookies taste good.) Aren't they festive? The perfect thing to end February with, I think.

Hope everyone has a good weekend. I plan to make a blanket fort and hide out until Monday morning. Ha ha, just kidding! I'm getting my hair cut and then doing other dull adult-like things, probably including shoveling some more snow at least once. Good times!

Happy sewing!

Linking to Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict  and TGIFF and also Angela at soscrappy for RSC15.


Anonymous said...

So sorry you had a miserable week. Its the weekend - hurray. You could use the smaller flower on the back of the elephant quilt?
Your pink blocks are great. not sure how you get so much done!! do you sleep much?

legato1958 said...

Well done! I'd add the strips of background to the flower block, too. It's very pretty. Love all of the blocks!!

JanineMarie said...

I would add a background strip to the top of the little yellow flower. It looks so cute next to the blue tulip. I like your crumb block. Just keep going (maybe each block a different color?) and pretty soon you'll have a whole quilt.

Nell's Quilts said...

Love the pink strip blocks. If you're having trouble with things not lining up with the strips and odd rectangles and squares, try starting with an irregular shape or a triangle and work that into your crumb block or make a maverick star with little bits. It's fun and you'll soon get over everything not lining up perfectly - it's liberating.

scraphappy said...

Crumb blocks make a beautiful star center. They are also nice alternating with plain blocks. So many fun things to do with them, the not lining up is the fun part though! Most of all, such a relaxing way to use up all the little bits.

Scrappy quilter said...

Crumb blocks are so much fun to make. When I put mine together I always put a small white border around each block. I hope this month is much better for you. Hugs

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Your pretties made me feel good - especially the pink chocolate chip cookies ! Too cute.

On that flower block - I am with you - add a strip to the top and call it good - it will fit in just perfectly.

Enjoy your fort!

Kate said...

The Elephant Parade quilt is going to be so cute. Fun blocks in it.

You got a lot of pink stitching done last week. Hopefully this next week will be calmer.

Magpie Sue said...

Making crumb blocks does take some getting used to, especially for those of us who are more analytical in our thought processes. There are all sorts of things you can do with them though. Just think of them as another block style. Folks have made whole quilts out of them!

Jo said...

I do make a few different items with my crumbs.

Kathy's A Quilter said...

Mari, for having a lousy week, you have some remarkable quilting to show for it. Love that Elephants on a Parade, and string blocks and congrats on that liberating crumb block.

Sheila said...

Love your pink blocks. I'm making crumb blocks, too. Using bits that have accumulated for years.
Have a good week, dear.

Shelina said...

Your elephant parade is looking so nice! Love all the different fabrics you used for the elephants! I am also following along, but still have to make the frog and the bird, and of course the flowers.

Pamela Arbour said...

Your elephant parade is so cute. The pink fabrics are luscious and bright. I have never heard of strawberry chocolate chip cookies! enjoyed your post!

Marsha Cooper said...

A crumb block. That sounds interesting as I am sitting thinking what I am going to make with so little yellow in my stash.

France Nadeau ❅ inspiration imagination creation said...

Your string blocks are just gorgeous! I love how you mixed all those shades, with a few cherries that add a lot of interest.