Friday, April 3, 2015

Boston Common

Hi all! As I write this, it is 63 degrees outside! It rained like crazy last night, but now it's sunny, and the weekend is supposed to be moderately nice. I've even been outside to do some garden cleanup. There are little green shoots everywhere. Spring is definitely here!

This week I finished the charm square Boston Common quilt:

Yes! All those charms are out of the closet and used up in a quilt!

This quilt used 130 charm squares and is about 56 by 72. I had to cut a few extra 5-inch squares because there were only 120 in the charm packs, but I don't think anyone can tell. The important part is that I did not buy anything for this quilt--it all came from things I had on hand.

As great as it is to use up those charms, it's also quite gratifying to use the border fabric. This border is the extra fabric that I cut from a backing from a quilt I made in 2009. It's from a line called Sunshine by April Cornell, and it could have been my favorite fabric ever. I'm so happy to use it here!  There are just a few little bits left over, which will get cut up and used as scraps.

I always intended this to be a donation quilt, and wouldn't it be terrific for Sarah's Hands to Help drive? I think it would be quite a cheerful break for someone undergoing chemo, so I'm pretty sure that's where this one will go.

I'm blaming the great weather for taking up some of my sewing time and keeping me from finishing other things this week, so here are a couple of sneak peeks for next week:

Tuesday is the next block for the Classic Stitches row quilt, and here's a peek a part of it:

Also, Wednesday will be a very special day here at the Academic Quilter--one year of blogging! I suspect there will be a small celebration of some sort. Here's a peek so you'll be sure to come back and check it out:

Hope everyone has a great weekend. If you celebrate Easter, I wish you a blessed and happy holiday. If you don't celebrate, I wish you a warm and happy weekend as well. We will be spending some time at church this weekend, and having Easter brunch together. And then Monday is Opening Day for baseball as well as the basketball championship game. Lots to be happy about right now!

Linking to Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric AddictLink a Finish Friday and also Finish it up Friday. Happy sewing!


  1. That bright cheery quilt will make a great donation quilt!

  2. Isn't it fun when we can use fabric from our stash? Love your choice of colors... and, congrats on your first anniversary as a blogger!

  3. What a beautiful quilt, I love blues and yellows together it feels so very fresh and spring like :)

  4. Such a beautiful quilt, Mari! Your placement of the color is fabulous!

    Doesn't that first year go by so fast? Congrats - here's to many more!

  5. Oh my, Mari, you WILL be watching basketball Monday!! I just saw the end of the game. I was hoping for an MSU/ Wisconsin match-up, but oh well... Have a lovely Easter. Your Boston Common quilt is adorable.

  6. Such a lovely quilt for spring. It will bring joy to its recipient for sure.
    Congrats on your first year of blogging. I've enjoyed reading your posts! Looking forward to seeing the new block on Tuesday. Happy Easter!


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