Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Happy news

Hi all! Don't know about you, but I got up this morning and realized that we are very close to the end of June.  How did this happen? Stop rushing by so fast! I have too much to do this summer for it to go so quickly!

I have some very happy news to share with the world today.  Let's see if you can guess what it is from these quilty pictures:

Pretty! And artsy, too, there in the tree. 

Didn't guess from that block pattern name? Okay, try this one:

This is a lovely block, but I swear I am never making it again.  (Which means, of course, that I will make it again because it's just so darned challenging, but would look lovely in a quilt.)

Still didn't get it?  Well, this will do it:

Yes! We are very happy to share that our daughter is getting married!  We are so happy about this.  Her fiance is a wonderful young man and we like him very much. The wedding is next April.  I'm told that's not very long to plan everything, but I do like a challenge.  They are fairly relaxed as these things go, so it should be all right.  Right?

It's hard to photograph white fabric, but I tried.  Of course, that's the paper doll pattern that is one of my RSC15 projects. The veil is just tacked on since I'll have to remove it for quilting.  Actually, I'll probably find some tulle instead of this netting and just stitch it into the block. 

For anyone who wants to know, the top block is called Single Wedding Ring and is very easy to piece.  The pink flower block is called Bride's Bouquet and was a real bear to piece, even though I paper pieced it.  I actually think it would be easier to hand piece this one than to paper piece it.  Fitting those yellow triangles into squares was a fairly bad idea!

Before anyone asks, there will be a wedding quilt for them, but it won't be a surprise. I want them to choose the colors and some of the fabrics so that they can enjoy it for a long time.  I'll put some special touches in there, though, so there will still be some surprise. 

Anyway, that's the happy news from this quarter!  Hope you are having a happy day too.  And if you have any wedding-planning advice, I'd be glad to hear it!

Linking to Linky Tuesday, Let's Bee Social, and WIP Wednesday.


  1. Congrats to your daughter and her beau! I like the bride block, it's very creative.

  2. Congrats to you and your daughter! How exciting!

  3. Congratulations! As the mother of a groom, I'm not much help for the mother of a bride . . .

  4. How exciting. I like the brides bouquet block. I agree, it probably is easier to just piece it. Nice block anyway. Oh there is plenty of time to plan and get it together

  5. Congratulations! Love the bridal bouquet block....a wedding quilt???? Would be very romantic...

  6. Congratulations! Our son just got married on the 6th of June. The bride took care or everything and it was beyond my expectations. Summer is going by all too quickly. I need to commit to or reject starting my Master of Humanities soon!

  7. Congratulations to your daughter and her fiancée! What wonderful news. And beautiful blocks!

  8. Congratulations, Mari!! Planning a wedding can be lots of fun--just beware of Pinterest overload. It's been awhile since we've planned a wedding. Pre-Pinterest, I think. Our daughter is coming up on her 10th anniversary. Our son got married last June, but we didn't have to do much for that one. Have fun with the quilt planning, too. (I'm still working on our son and daughter-in-law's. I didn't even make the first anniversary, but it is getting closer to being done.)


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