Sunday, June 7, 2015

Orphan adoption project

Hi folks!  Yesterday I was happily catching up on some blog reading and came across several people who are giving away works in progress.  Turns out that Cindy at Quilting is More Fun than Housework had the best idea ever--an orphan adoption event.  She offered one of her own orphaned WIPs for adoption by someone who would finish it and offered a linkup for anyone else who wanted to do the same.  Do I need to tell you what a genius idea this is?  Just genius!

So, I am offering an old work-in-not-much-progress of my own for adoption by someone who will finish it and love it.  You can have it absolutely FREE, no postage or anything, with one little catch--you agree to give a similarly-sized quilt (any quilt, not necessarily this one) to a charity that will give it a good home.  I would prefer that it go to adults as there are tons of charities for baby quilts.  Homeless shelters, women's shelters, nursing homes, and Quilts of Valor are all good choices.  Give away one quilt and enjoy this one forever without guilt!

So, this quilt is called Wine Country and was an impulse purchase years ago (at least 4, maybe more) at the quilt shop. Here is the pattern:

It comes with this fabric, and includes substitution directions--red is substituted for pink, etc.:

The red piece there is 2 yards.  The browns are quarter yards and the greens are probably half-yards, though I didn't measure them.  This should be enough for the top, including the pieced border. No backing, sorry.  I didn't make the quilt so I didn't get a backing!

The quilt sample made up from this was darling, which is why I bought it to begin with.  (You've never done that, right?)  Here is all the progress I made on it:

Yep, all I did was cut the 6-1/2 inch squares for the snowballs. Sadness!  Don't know why I didn't work on it again--I guess it just didn't hold my attention.  It's not really my color, though the fabric is quite nice.  I really want this to go to someone who will make it up, so please keep that in mind when you enter.  And I'd love a picture when it's finished!

This could be yours to finish and snuggle up in! All you have to do is leave a comment on this post telling me one fun fact about yourself or where you live.  For example, I live in Waukesha, Wisconsin, which is the birth place of Les Paul, a musician who invented the solid body electric guitar.  We have a parkway, a museum, and a middle school named for him and our city symbol is a guitar in his honor.

I will send this anywhere in the US or Canada free of charge, but will ask to share the shipping cost to anyone anywhere else in the world.  We'll split it in half, with me paying half and you paying half.  Overseas postage is horrendous, so I think that's fair.

I'll be away at a conference for much of this week, so I will draw a winner using the magic random number widget thingy when I get back on Sunday, June 14.  You have until about 3 pm Sunday to leave a comment.

Congratulations to Rose, who has adopted this orphan project! Thanks everyone for entering!

I feel so much better just knowing this is in the envelope waiting to go to a good home! Whew--all the guilt over not finishing is out of here! If you're interested in more adoption opportunities, jump on over to Cindy's (HERE) and take a look at the other links. And many thanks to Cindy for the fantastic idea!

Not sharing this anywhere but Cindy's linkup, but feel free to tell all your friends!

 Happy sewing, everyone!


  1. Looks like a wonderful quilt. I make quilts for fundraisers here in town- small town in Iowa- Hawarden-lots of Cancer fundraisers etc- they usually bring in a small amount so one that starts free would be welcomed. I quilt my own on a small frame and a Phaff Grand Quilter. Semi retired and taking care of parents and have 3 kids- 9 grand and 2 great grandkids. I have not learned how to blog yet - some day when time allows to learn .Thank you

  2. Love the quilt! I live on the southern coast in Oregon. Lots of wineries around here. :) We have 4 of our 7 children close by and 3 of our grandchildren. We usually have Sunday dinners at our house, so fun! Thanks for the chance to adopt your project. I am in the process of making a Quilt for Valor. :)

  3. I would love this quilt. I make quilts for lots of charities. I just finished one today for an Aussie Hero on deployment. Our guys are all over in Iraq, Iran and many more.
    I live in central Victoria, Australia. Less than 10 minutes away from a place called Hanging Rock.
    There was a movie made there called PICNIC AT HANGING ROCK. It's where a group of school girls go on an excursion and some go missing, never to be found again....

  4. This would be cute! I have a lot of "wine-y" friends that would appreciate this.

  5. Hi Mari! This is such a great giveaway, but don't add me in (I have one up for adoption too) I'm laughing that you called it a "an old work-in-not-much-progress"! You quilt project will make someone very happy!

  6. I love the fabrics in your WIP! I'm getting ready to make a quilt or two to donate to our local Hospice care facility -- a great purpose for WIPs, I think. I have lived in a small town in Kentucky for more than half my life now. One "claim to fame" of this town is that we had The Duct Tape Bandit -- a "stupid criminal" story that made national news some years back. I'm sure you can still find stories about it online. Sadly, this is not the good kind of fame. But everyone got a good laugh out of it at the time.

  7. I would finish up the quilt for a young mother whose house was recently flooded. I am making two flannel quilts from my stash for her toddlers. Insurance isn't covering all that needs to be replaced and rebuilt and she has been under a lot of stress recently, as you can imagine. I think she needs a little TLC too.

  8. What a wonderful project to put up for adoption! Looks like there are quite a number of people ready to take this one off your hands. Thanks so much for participating in the Orphan Adoption Event. It really is appreciated!

  9. The colors are absolutely beautiful. It would make a great quilt to raffle off for charity.

  10. I live in Western New York and we got over 7 FEET of snow last November in our Snowvember or Snowmaggedon event! Thanks and God bless! ILuvTheEucharist @

  11. I'm in NC as a quild we donate our quilts to battered women's shelters in 2 counties. So it would go to good use.

  12. If I won the quilt I would give it to one of my grand children

  13. I live in Taos, New Mexico, home to hippies, artists and assorted nutcases. My town is also home to one of the longest-running inhabited communities in the US, Taos Pueblo.

  14. This would be a lovely quilt! I live in a suburb of Youngstown in northeast Ohio. The Butler Institute of American Art in the downtown area was the first museum in the country dedicated solely to American artists. It is a true gem. :)

  15. This would make a great looking quilt and I'd love the chance to finish it for you. I live in North Dakota which everyone knows has discovered oil which has caused an influx of people into our state. Although it is much slower since the oil prices dropped, but we all know that is temporary and things will pick up again. Sadly, I do not live anywhere near the oil so the closest I get to it is when I fill my car with gas at the gas pump.

  16. Woohoo! Love this! I live in Katy, Texas which was named after the K-T Railroad (Kansas-Texas Railroad) that went through the area in the 1800's.

  17. I love these colours and this would be a sweet quilt to make!! I live in a small remote community in Northwestern Ontario, north of Lake Superior... these days people are reporting the presence of bests all over our community!!! We even have a FB page specifically for reporting these sitings!! Sometimes I think it is only "one" bear walking all around town and everyone is reporting that one bear!! Lol So far I have not come across one... Fingers crossed!!!!

  18. I love this pattern and the fabric. However, I would have to substitute the winery fabric for something else because the "charity" for which my small quilt group sews helps at risk teens earn high school diplomas. However, there are members of my group who are wine drinkers and would appreciate the fabric. Thank you!


Thanks for your kind comments! I appreciate every one and will answer if I can. No-reply commenters, you are appreciated also!