Saturday, June 27, 2015

Scrappy blue stars

Hello again, friends! Yes, I know, it's been a busy week.  And before we go any further, congratulations to fellow blogger Lane at That Man Quilts? He got married yesterday!  Many blessings and much happiness to them and to everyone who ran to the courthouse yesterday to get married.  So wonderful to see so much happiness!

So now, just an update on my Rainbow Scrap Challenge projects.  I made some actual progress this week!  I've finished up the light blue crumb star and the larger frame for it:

How cute is that? As ambivalent as I've been about the crumb blocks, I really like this one.  The frame fabric is the very, very last of some fabric that I loved from about 2007.  I have just a few squares of it left, but otherwise it's finally used up.  I'd say that's a good use of resources.

Just as a reminder, the frames for these blocks are from the Moda Love pattern, which is a free pattern in 3 sizes that can be found HERE. (Should go straight to a pdf pattern.) Such an easy and versatile pattern, and I'll bet that I'll use this one again many times.

[You know, other bloggers have pictures of perfect, lovely blocks, but mine always have strings and threads hanging off them.  Sighhhh.]

Since there is no separate aqua month this year, but I have a bunch of aqua scraps, I decided to go ahead and make up some aqua string blocks:

Those will fit right in. I'm leaving the paper on these until I get to constructing the quilt.  I've noticed with the crumb blocks that they can get very stretchy because of all the seams, and who wants to try to put together distorted blocks? 

Since I had the aqua scrap box out, I dug to the bottom and made an aqua crumb block as well:

Don't know which I like more, the block or the day lilies!  Amanda at crazy mom quilts is offering a quilt along for her Scrap Vortex quilt, and I tried the basic method she describes for this block.  It worked well enough.  Turned out a little bit "log-cabiny," but it looks okay.  And yes, that's a little white bit in the middle there.  The aqua dot and white were left over from a strip and already sewn together and I was too lazy to rip them apart. I think it worked fine.

I haven't made a star or a frame for this one, and I think I'll hang on to it until the end. Usually we have 11 colors, so I might need this one for an extra block to finish off the quilt, or I might want to replace a color, like brown.  I'll have this at the ready, and if I don't need it, it can go in with the string blocks as an interesting element.

On a related scrappy topic, does anyone else ever get tired of the scraps they have left over?  I keep seeing the same ones over and over and passing over the same ones.  I'm seriously thinking of taking the colors we've already used and cutting everything left into 1-1/2 and 2-inch squares. I already have a bunch of pieces in these sizes for a couple of "someday" quilts (one of which takes 10,000 1-1/2 inch squares) so it's not completely crazy.  Anyone ever done this? Am I nuts? Seriously, what's the worst that could happen-- I'd have to buy more fabric?  Tragedy!

Hope everyone is enjoying a lovely summer weekend!  Be sure to turn on the air conditioning in the sewing room so you don't get too warm to sew!

Linking up to Scrap Happy Saturday with Angela at soscrappy.


  1. I love your framed star; thanks for the link to the pattern. I think it's a good idea to cut up scraps into usable pieces that you have to hand. Only I've never done it on a grand scale! I don't think I have any scraps to cut any smaller! I like the aqua string blocks you've made and I'm sure you'll think of lots of ways to incorporate them.

  2. Nope, you are not crazy. I just used my die cutter to chop up several leftover pieces that have been passed over again and again and again - turning them into HSTs for depression blocks. Maybe RSC should coordinate a scrap exchange - a zip loc bag stuffed with crumbs, strings, and scraps from another stash can be MUCH more interesting than the same quantity of bits from our own (giggle).

    LOVE the light blue block (and the link worked perfectly) -- your string blocks are lovely, too. Such a pretty color range.

  3. I always have threads and bits all over too...

  4. I see some scraps get passed over project after project but I don't want to get rid of them, it's just not their time. As to precutting into squares. Is that the frequent way you sew? from squares?
    I must say I have made many many watercolor type quilts with 2 inch squares and they make terrific backgrounds as well as abstract designs, so in that way I say cut. There is comfort in making order from chaos, repetitive cutting, mindless hour of rest.
    On the other hand, I like my scraps to be oddly shaped as I like the random curves I can piece with them.

  5. I love your light blue framed crumb block. I wish I had blues like that!

  6. The light blue framed crumb block star (now that's a mouth full) is beautiful. Good for you for taking on the aqua too!

  7. I know what you mean about getting tired of your scraps. I'm there too. Love your blocks..they turned out great.

  8. Your star is lovely! There comes a time when you have to let your scraps go but it is hard to know when. If you keep passing them over there must be a reason - say bye bye to those if you can.

  9. Those cherries in the string blocks are so cute. Great choice.
    I do get tired of certain scraps. Especially if I am working with scraps a lot. Then I need to play with something fresh and go back to the scraps later. They become more appealing when I add a few new scraps to the mix,

  10. Love the framed star.
    I know what you mean about the scraps, I'm cutting mine into 2.5" squares as I go and then plan to make a postage stamp type quilt. Just pulling out a square and sewing it to the next. No order and no over thinking

  11. Well I have buckets of scraps already cut up into squares. But guess what? I seem to pass the squares over time after time. LOL I guess if I really don't like a fabric much I hesitate to use it. Bonny Hunter says "if it's still ugly, then you haven't cut it small enough". Some of my fabrics which I deem "ugly" would have to be three threads wide before they improved in my opinion!

  12. I think that cutting up your leftover scraps and getting them ready for your someday quilt sounds like a fabulous idea. Love your crumb block too.

  13. Just cut 'em up! I love cutting into scrap pieces. Your large star is beautiful especially with the crumb block in the middle. I'm making the Scrap Vortex quilt and isn't if just a great way to use those scraps. Julie has come up with a great idea - a scrap exchange - excellent.

  14. I used to precut squares and strips until I realized I rarely used those shapes in those sizes. Now that I have a better understanding of how I work I can cut small scraps into patches I know I will eventually use (although some of them are threatening to overflow their current containers!). I've found the precut patches invaluable for leaders and enders.

    Your light blue star is lovely. I never made it to my aqua scraps this month. That was a surprise; I fully expected to run out of light blue at the end of week two!

  15. Love your star block.
    I understand what you are saying about passing repeatedly over some scraps. It may take awhile, but I usually use them eventually. However. Last year I started donating fabrics and scraps that I simply don't want anymore. Feels good.


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