Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Framed in red

Good morning, all!  I don't know about you, but I think July is going way too fast.  How did this happen?  The winter always seems so long and the summer so fast.  That hardly seems fair to me.  Plus, I went shopping for some sandals (it is July, after all) and found that they were mostly gone, replaced by--are you ready?--boots.  Aaah!  Back-to-school displays have been up for weeks, but I'm hanging on to summer by my fingernails!

Not only am I running out of summer, I'm running out of red!  For today's block, I actually had to purchase a half yard of red.  I had a red kid print in the stash, but I didn't think it would work too well for this block.  Many of the little scraps were also more of a burgundy, but I'm calling them red for this project.

First up, of course, is the red crumb block, brought to us today through the miracle of cropping, since I forgot to take a stand-alone picture of it:

Lots of bits and bobs there.  I basically scrounged every red bit that I could find.  I also used Amanda's "scrap vortex" technique again, which works really well.  There is a reason to save all those little pieces!  It does my heart good to see them going into a quilt.

Then they got made into a star, of course:

Well, that looks festive!

And then, finally, the frame:

I like it!  I think it will play well with the others and add a spark to the quilt.  I am so ready to stitch them together, but I know I'll regret it if I do!  Patience is a virtue, but it's a hard one to practice.

That's all from here for today!  Hope you get some sewing in before it's time to get out the rakes and shovels again!  (I have a BIG announcement coming later this week, so be sure to check back on Friday!)

Linking to Linky Tuesday, Let's Bee Social, and at soscrappy for RSC15.


  1. Mari, I am in awe of your stars with the frames. I simply love them!

  2. Schools start here in just over 2 weeks - summers are short and fast, and HOT this year.

  3. Keep holding on to summer as long as you can! Love the red. The fabric you picked is perfect. It won't be too long before you can put them all together.

  4. Wayyy back in 1992, we moved from CA to State College, PA so my hub could work on his PhD. Being from central CA, I didn't know what we really needed to be ready for winter. By the time late fall came and it started to really get cold and snowy it seemed like the selection of boots and jackets was already all picked over. Little did I know that the season for shopping for this sort of thing was really in August! I remember we had to order stuff from LL Bean because we had a hard time finding what we needed.

    Summer is whizzing by. School starts on Aug 19th here. Gone are e days of stating the Tuesday after Labor Day. :(

  5. Love the red. Can't wait to see your finished quilt.

  6. Ooooh that looks great! We love to start thinking of Christmas in July which totally goes against the humid heat we're suffering through in July hahahah.

  7. Those stars are going to make an awesome quilt!!

  8. How lovely to see all the steps in putting together your beautiful block. I think that technique for making scrappy fabric is so great.

  9. Thanks for taking us through the process of another beautiful block taking shape. I clicked over and read your BIG announcement... Good luck with all of it!!!

  10. Those reds are very vivid! Love it!

  11. So glad you showed us the closeup of the center. It is all those little bits of bright that make it work so well. Love the frames and I can see why you are so impatient tout them together.

  12. Your block just sparkles! Love the scrap vortex technique for the center. This is something I have seen a lot of lately, but have not tried yet. Looks like fun!


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