Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Halfway there

Hi all! Hope you had a wonderful 4th of July.  That was a very long celebration this year, wasn't it? The hubs had a 4-day weekend, so we had a mini-vacation of sorts, plus we got a few things done around the house.  It was nice.

Lots of things are happening around here, and today I'm pulling out all of my RSC15 projects at the halfway point of this year.  I decided that I have too many projects.  Somebody remind me next year not to do so much, because I will totally listen to you and scale back on everything.

First up is the row quilt, which is my major RSC project this year:

Wow, I love it!  I swear they are all the same length--it's the fence that's off.  The rows are just pinned here, and I'm planning to use sashing between the rows, so this will be a large-ish quilt.

Next are the 12-inch blocks, which weren't a part of the original plan but are an offshoot of the block tutorials.

A little washed out, but you get the idea. These will make their own quilt, and I just this weekend thought of an interesting setting for them.  It might require me to buy gray fabric.  That will be an interesting shopping trip, because I never buy gray and don't even know what's out there.

Next are the Framed blocks:

Gosh, how can I not love this quilt?  They're a little wrinkly from having been in a project box, but I still think they look great. These are crumb star centers set in Angela's sawtooth stars and then set in large frames made from the Moda Love pattern.  My fingers are itching to stitch these together! I know I should wait, but I'm ready!

Next are the Paper Dolls, which was my original project to use up weird scraps.  The blue and green dolls never got a picture of their own, so here they are:

And here is the whole family:

Once I let these girls outside, they became unruly and didn't want to stay still for their picture. At least no one ran away.

I'm thrilled to pieces with this quilt so far.  The original pattern has 49 dolls, but I think I'll probably end up with 60 or so, based on the number of months left.  It will be a row wider than the original pattern, but I think it will still be okay.

Last but not least, a collection of string blocks:

They look happy in that little pile, don't they?  I have no real plan for these, but they're fun to make and use up a lot of odd pieces of fabric.

So that's my status report!  I think they're looking good, although I'm starting to be worried about having enough scraps to finish.  I've used up the light blues and most of the aqua, and don't have a lot of red or brown.  I guess we;ll have to adapt as necessary.

Happy sewing, everyone!

Linking to Let's Bee SocialWIP Wednesday and Angela at soscrappy.


  1. Yeah, look at you go! I love that row quilt! :)

  2. That's a lot of blocks. Lovely vivid colors and such variety. I'm a sucker for both.

  3. Wow, you are really piling up the pretties! I can't wait to see what you do next!

  4. All your blocks are great. I love the string blocks, they look so bright and cheerful together

  5. While all of your projects are perfectly wonderful, those Framed Blocks really speak to my heart. Maybe THAT's what I'll do with all of my Slab Blocks!! Thanks for the inspiration.

  6. SO many gorgeous blocks!

    I went in too deep last year with six large projects . . . this year I limited myself to three plus finishing up last year's. So far, I'm doing pretty well - wishing you luck with the scale-back plan. Scraps seem to have minds of their own!

  7. It's so fun to see everything all laid out together like this. I'm still a huge fan of those crumb star centers!

  8. Absolutely loved this post. So much color and variety to look at all in one spot. Row quilt will be gorgeous.

  9. Lovely bunches of color - those framed ones really jump out at me. Glad the girls did not run away when they were outside.

  10. This was so inspirational - you have really embraced the rainbow. I love the idea of doing the row quilt. And the paper dolls are just too cute. You've made my head spin with new ideas!!

  11. What a fabulous display of scrappiness! Funnily, though, they don't look scrappy at all! That's what I like about "scrap" quilts; when you put all those little leftovers together they don't look like scraps at all!

  12. Mari, that is so many amazing projects! You will be very proud once you manage to complete them all. I love the row quilt, it will look great with the sashing. And the paper dolls - what a great idea to have fun playing with your scraps.

  13. raving about these! Hooray for fun! The row quilt is so very clever. Just clever and interesting to see. The paper dolls are my next love...and if they ever need a home... you know I'd treat them right, haha. I just might have to try one of those, and like you I have waaaaay too many irons in the fire right now.
    So when someone reminds you not to take on too much next year, remember to remind me to do the paper doll pattern.

  14. Wow! You are super busy! That is a LOT of work reprrsented there. You choose bright happy colors, I like that. Great job!

  15. Lots of great rainbow quilts in your future! Those are amazing, you can finish them!

  16. I cannot believe all you have accomplished at this point. This is amazing!! I'm not sure which project i like the best.... the girls are wonderful and your row quilt is the more intricate version of mine. Crazy good stuff.

  17. It's fun to see your progress on all of these projects. (My favorite quilt is the paper dolls, and I think it's funny that they were unruly when you took them outside.)

  18. Everything looks amazing! The row quilt idea is terrific!

  19. You have amazing projects on the go but I have fallen in love with your string dolls!

  20. I had not seen the paper dolls. They will make a special quilt!

  21. Please don't totally scale back on anything. You will have so many beautiful projects at the end of the year. Imagine running out of scraps! What fun would it be to have to buy more fabric to replenish your stash? There are lots of great quilts all coming together. I do love the row by row, but the 12 inch blocks are fabulous too. So hard to pick a favorite.

  22. I lovelovelove the row by row. I've said it before, but maybe I can acutally remember this time: next year I HAVE to do a RBR for RSC16... anyway.... all your blocks look great!

  23. How fantastic are all of those!!! I love them - but I especially love your comment - tell me not to make so many projects next year - I'll listen - that made me laugh out loud, and maybe snort a bit ;-) Your doing great!

  24. What a lot of eye candy! I just love your unruly paper dolls.

  25. Just have a good time, dear. Your colorful blocks are wonderful and I love all your projects. You go girl.


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