Friday, August 28, 2015

Finished moving!

Hello everyone!  Here's my big finish for this week--we are finished moving!  Can you say hallelujah?  We are finally into a rented condo and are starting to feel like real humans again.  Yesterday I even cooked.  It was a moving miracle.  And classes have started and along with them my new job, which I like very much so far.  I totally fail at moving, but things are starting to look up.

Now that we are finished with that, I am really ready to get back into a sewing routine again.  I did have another go at the breakfast room, but I've also been doing some handwork.  Take a look at these:

Hand applique!  Who would've guessed I had it in me? These were back-basted, which I've never done before, but I think they're turning out okay.  I just need to add leaves to all of them and then I can sew them into the rest of the pattern.  Don't worry, I'm sewing the rest of the quilt by machine!  I might also put the rest of the leaves on by machine, but we don't want the quilt police coming around, so don't tell anyone, okay?

There is also this piece, which I have been working on for literally years:

I honestly don't know where to go with this now.  I have some hexies basted for the corners and partial flowers for the end, but after that I think I'm finished with it.

Finally, before I left a friend gave me this bag of little bits:

The quilt shop sells these bags really cheap because they're the really little pieces left after they cut up strip packs and other pre-cuts.  I sorted them out and kept only the pieces that are bigger than 3/4 inch.  Yep, that's really tiny!

I think there are some string blocks in my future, don't you?  Seems like a good way to warm up the machine in its new home.

Everybody have a great weekend.  We are still unpacking and getting things set up, and some time very soon I need to go looking for a new quilt shop.  Anyone out there near Philadelphia, please let me know where to look!

Happy sewing! Sharing at Confessions of a Fabric Addict  and Finish it up Friday.


  1. Oh I bet it feels so good to be in a house and not a hotel! Hurray for you guys.
    Your hand applique is so cute. I haven't done that before. Well, I take that back. At a guild meeting once long ago, I did a little needle turn applique bit but it never progressed from that one time. Maybe someday...

    Those strings are crazy tiny. Looks like good colors tho - red and aqua. I think that stripe looks like Daysail from Bonnie and Camille? I have some of that. Enjoy those string blocks!

    Bet you are going to have a great weekend!

  2. That is happy news - both about your condo and how much you like your work Mari!
    Very nice work on your periwinkles! They look very sweet!
    It sounds like you are not overly enthused with hexies, but that piece is very appealing. And my, I don't know if I'd have the patience for string piecing that tiny.

  3. I think that your hand-appliqué flowers are more than ok. They are quite beautiful. I like the curve of the petals. I also wish you a great weekend!

  4. Hurray for your finish! But my, I think living betwixt and between agreed with you to get all that handwork done. Blue flowers in nature are my favorites, so I am in love with your appliqued ones. Such neat work! And how neat that that bag of strings has colors that look great together. Have fun settling in!

  5. moving is so hard. Welcome to my area!! I hope your school year goes well, the blocks are gorgeous. I like hand applique actually. Soothing as you must focus on them. LeeAnna

  6. If you've never visited her blog before, do check out Nancy, Blogging Near Philadelphia. She's wonderful, her writing is excellent and insightful, and I'm sure she can help you find quilty-places galore!

  7. I also love your periwinkles, but I have no idea what back-basting is. I will look it up sometime. I'm only 10 months into quilting so I have A LOT still to learn. Take care, Mary


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