Friday, September 18, 2015


Hi everyone!  Very exciting news from here this Friday--the girls are here! The girls are here!

Good thing, too.  It was starting to get lonely around here.

Of course, I mean these girls:

Believe it or not, they almost got put into storage with my fabric, but they were rescued just in time, then finally made their way here to Pennsylvania.  Hey, everybody makes packing mistakes and ends up giving an important box to charity or tossing out their tax receipts or something.  At least I didn't do that!  These girls just got stuck in a box going the wrong way.  But it's all okay now, because they're back where they belong.

And they're here just in time to meet some of their new sisters!  I've been behind, so this week I tried hard to catch up and made both last month's and this month's dolls.  Here are the indigo girls, who are not really indigo but are at least blue:

That wild paisley skirt is actually a bit of fabric I saved from a Vera Bradley purse.  It makes a great dress!

And here are some of the orange dolls:

Yes, that girl with the candy corn dress is wearing a witch's hat. It's just how she rolls. It's a fashion choice.

And the last three sisters for this week:

Gosh, they look happy.

I am getting close to finishing up this family, so I need to start thinking about setting options.  I like the idea of them holding hands, which could almost be an "I spy" type of quilt, but I might also want to break it up so that it isn't quite so dizzying to look at all of them.  Any one have any suggestions?

Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend.  Along with the doll blocks, I also got a couple boxes of my scraps, which means lots of sorting and pressing in my future.  (But, oh, how happy I am to be doing it!)  I might also get to go to a quilt show, which we all know is just this side of heaven.  It's exciting just to think about!

Sharing at Confessions of a Fabric Addictsoscrappy, and Finish it up Friday.


  1. I'm glad the girls found you. They are so cute. The last one reminds me of Emmylou Harris. I get to see her this weekend. I like the idea of hand-holding paper doll style--maybe with sashing between rows to break things up a little.

  2. Oh, your girls are adorable! I have been having fun following along with the different blocks that people are making for the RSC15 challenge, and they are all so fun! Can't wait to see what your gitls turn into!

  3. I would agree with Janine - let them hold hands and sash the rows. Mari, these are adorable. I like the little witch. She will be a cute one to hunt for in the quilt. Have a great weekend - I am sure there will be some nice inspiration at the quilt show.

  4. I love the girl in the witch hat!

  5. Oh I love the girls. Glad you found them. I'm in the same boat.
    Boxes in storage and missing blocks. I love these blocks can't wait to see the finish! I'm thinking I want to make one for my grand daughter!
    Thanks for sharing. I linked at Crazy Mom too. I'm #100! I feel special. LOL.
    Have a great weekend. Happy sewing.

  6. Those are really cool! Can't wait to see what else you do with them!

  7. Your girls are looking great. Oh I do like the idea of them holding hands. How about a stripy effect with some grass and sky to separate the rows and let everything breathe?

  8. I am glad you found the girls because they are adorable.

  9. Very fashionable girls. Glad that made it to your house and that you got to add to the family.

  10. I would have to do some serious pondering for setting these darling ladies . . . SO glad you are fondling fabric AND getting settled in a bit more.

  11. So glad your girls have been found, and also that you have some scraps to play with again.

  12. You Definitely should give them a Welcome Home party, with goodies and a cake and tea, or maybe something stronger, make it a. Ishtar they will remember. I second Angela's idea for grass and sky. They certainly don't want to feel boxed in any more!

  13. Hi Mari! I found out about your blog via Lee Anna's Blog! Welcome to Pennsylvania! I live in Allentown and am enjoying your blog! Glad you found your girls! They look like they wre a lot of work and LOVED that you used the Vera Bradley fabric. Enjoy the beautiful day! Hugs, Mickie

  14. What fun to see this bunch of girls - super idea.

  15. I'm so happy these girls found you since your daughters are not in Philly! The paper pieced girls are really cute! Good job! Hope all is well there!

  16. Mari, moving sure can leave you spinning in circles! Glad you were able to find your doll blocks - they look so fun and fabulous all together! I bet you have a lot of fun deciding on fashion choices, candy corn is a great one! LOL

  17. They are soooo cute, their dresses in rainbow colors! I'm glad you found them!


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