Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Tiny little finish

Hi everyone! How are you today?  We just got back from yet another trip, this time to a professional conference.  I don't know who decided that January was a good time for a get-together, but clearly they did not have enough work to do to get ready for a new semester. Or any consideration of the weather, because it can be a nightmare sometimes.

Today I have this little tiny finish to show off:

They're refrigerator magnets!  Aren't they cute?  I made these when we were in the car going to the conference. They're just little one-inch hexies sandwiched together with a magnet in the middle.  For some reason, when we moved all of the refrigerator magnets got lost.  Between you and me, I blame the hubster, but they weren't valuable or anything so we can forgive him.  Besides, these are way cuter.  But very hard to photograph!  I tried to get a picture on the refrigerator (where they live now) and this is the best I got:

Stupid shiny surfaces!

To give these a little body, I used up a scrap piece of Peltex interfacing that I found in one of my scrap bags.  No idea why I had it, since it's a very stiff interfacing that I think they usually use to make bags and such.  Anyway, I just traced the hexie shape onto the interfacing and cut them all out.

These could have been used as poker chips, they were so stiff.  Then I just wrapped some squares of fabric around the interfacing, basted the corners, pinned them together in pairs, and then whip stitched the edges together.

When I was on the last edge, I slipped in one of these little magnets, that I think I got for a dollar:

Stitch up that last edge and all of a sudden you have some very cute magnets for the fridge! Here's my advice, though--pay more than a dollar for your magnets!  When we got home and I went to put these on the refrigerator I discovered that the magnets weren't strong enough to hold them to the fridge through the stiff interfacing.  I had to open up the side and add bigger magnets.  Thankfully, they stick now.

That's my "big" finish for now.  Classes start on Thursday, so wish me luck with that! It's going to be a good semester, I just know it.  Hope you all have a good week too!

Sharing at Linky TuesdayConfessions of a Fabric Addict, Oh Scrap! and Finish it up Friday.


  1. that is such a cute idea - and much better than the pizza delivery magnets!!!

  2. I really really like your idea!! I think I need decorative ones instead of all those ones you get with advertising on it!! Thank you so much for sharing.

  3. ooooh... these are really cute. Only problem is we have a silly fridge that is stainless and nothing sticks to it. I miss having magnets and silly photos all over the fridge.

    Good luck with the new semester!

  4. Very cute! Good luck with the start of the new semester!

  5. Ooh, more toys for the grandkids to play with when they come. The lower part of our refrigerator front always gets re-arranged when they're here. These are definitely way better than the advertising magnets we have.

  6. That's such a cute idea! Much nicer than the magnets we currently use.

  7. Fabulous idea - I have a thing for magnets myself - I really like special ones - these are great.

  8. Love your pretty magnets. I made some using some left over one inch tiles from a recent DIY flooring project. Like you, I found my magnets are far from great. I think that they are too small, but I "sourced" them from an old shower curtain. Now the ones made with magnets from my electric toothbrush...good night, those babies can hold! So the weak ones are for show and the good ones are for holding stuff. I'm going to look for some at the craft store and make a few more. Maybe even give your pretty idea a whirl. Visiting from Crazy Mom Quilts linkup.

  9. I have often thought of using peltex in hexie projects. I love the body it gives. Glad to see us on the same wavelength. Except you actually made something, lol! I just thought it. These are way cute. I wondered if all the fabric would keep them from sticking. Would they hold up pictures or papers etc? The picture is good Mari, no problems seeing them online. Leeanna

  10. So cute! Now you will have tiny little quilty reminders every time you open the fridge.

  11. What a clever and cute idea. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  12. I love refrigerator magnets! (I collect them when I'm traveling - cheap souvenirs!) I'll have to try making some of these little cuties.


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