Friday, February 12, 2016

A small bite of chocolate

Hi everyone!  How was your week?  I am still feeling pretty run down from the demon flu, but carrying on.  What are the options, really?

The one thing I accomplished this week was making up the brown Grandma's blocks:

I'll tell you what, I am loving these hand dyes.  They are so beautiful and they sew up so nicely.  Plus I almost never think that brown fabric looks like chocolate, but these totally do! In this case, a nice creamy milk chocolate.  Yum.

So, here's my scrappy confession:  remember all of those scraps I was cutting into usable pieces because they were bringing me down and crushing my creativity? 

Well, I finished cutting them up and then. . .I gave most of them away.

What?!  Yep, they were all nice and pretty in stacks and I put most of them into boxes and envelopes and sent them to various places, including some friends who quilt for charity, where I'm sure they'll be put to good use.  It just made me tired to look at them, and it seemed like a good idea to clear the decks and get them out of here. I feel like I lost 10 pounds! 

I didn't get rid of everything, of course!  I kept enough 2-inch squares to finish a scrappy quilt that I started but is still in pieces, plus all of the 5 inch squares and the bigger chunks.  And I kept all of these:

One and a half inch squares!  I have about 12,000 of these babies, which I've been saving for years. ( No, I didn't count them!  I counted out 500 of them, weighed the pile, then weighed the rest and divided.)  I even traded some with friends not long ago, and it didn't really make a dent. So then I did this (with inspiration from Angela's lovely projects):

Postage stamps!  I finished the dark blue one above and started a light blue one and a brown one. I don't think this is an RSC project but I could change my mind.  I keep finding the last little bits of fabrics that I loved, so it's been fun so far. When I'm done with this quilt I may give the rest of these away too, depending on how I feel about them.  Little bitty seams could make me crazy.

Hope you all have some chocolate or at least some fun this weekend!  It's going to be quite cold here, but our daughter is coming from Maine to visit, so I'm sure we'll be out and about.  And I have to get started on creating some more scraps since most of mine are now gone! Wonder what will happen there?

Sharing at Confessions of a Fabric Addict, soscrappy for RSC16, and Oh Scrap!


  1. On man's trash is another man's treasure. It is very generous of you to take the time to cut the fabric into usable pieces and give them to friends who can use them. Win win for both of you.

  2. fantastic little piles of scraps! and yay, you! for giving some away! if you're not going to use them, why keep them and feel guilty, or pressured? great idea!

  3. Fabulous! What drains your energy has to go!
    Love the photos!

  4. What a lovely plan to share and use up!

  5. Sometimes we just have to lighten the load! I'm sure everyone appreciated your kindness.
    Great postage stamp block!

  6. I am sure the recipients of your scraps will find a good use for them. Love your blue postage stamps block. Stay warm and enjoy the time with your daughter. Happy weekwend.

  7. You were very courageous (some would say crazy) to give all those pieces away. The charity folks will appreciate them, so good going.

  8. I'm doing a postage stamp quilt for the RSC them! I think they are my favorite type of scrappy quilt! Your dark blue block is gorgeous!

  9. Some times you have to clear the decks so that new inspiration can flow! The postage stamp block is lovely. So many beautiful fabrics.

  10. Bigger chunks, 5" squared, 2" squares, and 1.5" squares sounds like a gracious plenty to keep. Knowing how I feel when I receive a "scrap infusion", I know that you made several people VERY happy!!

  11. Wow - you sure do make great use of your scraps. Such a pretty stamp and a lovely pile of little bits. Enjoy your visit and stay warm.

  12. Mari, I do like your brown blocks, but your blue postage stamp block is awesome with such vivid blues!! Our university's recycling center is starting a creative recycling area with materials for art projects and studio space for people to use them. Your post has inspired me to go through my fabrics and finally let go of ones that no longer bring me joy (lots of grayed colors from the 80's and 90's). The center is opening in April, so that gives me a good amount of time. I'm sure there are some artists that could do wonders with my scraps while I make space to restock with fresher colors and patterns. Thanks for the kick in the pants to do this! I hope your energy is back to normal soon. Have a fun weekend with your daughter, and stay WARM!

  13. That was so nice of you to cut them up and then give them away. It is amazing how many quilts you can make with scraps and still can't seem to make a dent in them!

  14. After all the work of cutting them up, it was generous of you to give away all your scraps. Now you get to look and something new though! Beautiful browns in your block. Hand dyes are so much fun to work with, best of all, they look so elegant in the finished quilt.

  15. I sometimes wonder how blocks get their name - Grandma's block looks like four baskets or a churn dash variation. It's rather charming.

    I have several postage stamp projects going. They are like little catalogs of fabric that has passed through my hands.

    Good for you for flinging 10 lbs!!

  16. Your brown blocks are definitely yummy looking, but I, too, like lots of the others love your postage stamp block! Wow! Made me want to go start cutting tiny pieces! I usually stick with 2 1/2 inch squares as my smallest, but now I'm rethinking that. Happy Valentines Day!

  17. Your postage stamp block makes me want to go play in my scrap bin. Thanks for sharing all your pretty blocks with Oh Scrap!

  18. I know it's hard to fling scraps -- at least, for me: I think, "Am I giving up too easily?" But once they're flung it feels so good. And bravo for the postage stamp project. I do love working with 1.5" squares. Seeing what other quiltmakers have done with them is a great inspiration.

  19. And your friends whom you gave the scraps to are doing their own happy dance I am sure!! Love you brown blocks.

  20. Nice brown blocks. Congrats on being able to donate those scraps that didn't make your heart sing!

  21. and the next time you start giving away scraps send some over here please.

  22. Love, love, love your blue postage stamp block. So nice of you to share you wonderful scraps.


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