Friday, March 25, 2016

Catching up with Grandma

Hi all! Has everyone had enough basketball now?  It's all basketball all the time around here right now.  Thankfully my husband only makes me watch the really interesting finishes, and not all the games are exciting.  I do enjoy some of those dramatic finishes, though, so it works out.

Today I just have three more of the Grandma's blocks in different colors:

I made these to "catch up" after I realized that I need about 30 blocks to make a decent-sized quilt.  After this, I'll be making  two of the main colors and one of the accent colors each month.  Unless I hate any of the colors involved, then it's whatever I want.  I don't think I'll be making black blocks, for example.  And January's accent color was purple, so I skipped that and made a green-yellow block instead.  It was a pretty dismal day, so I couldn't get a good picture of the real color.  This is as close as I came:

Yeah, not good.  I promise it's a really pretty color, though.

Look how much these add to the blocks I've already made:

Now *that* looks more like a quilt I would make!  Much happier all around.  I've also really improved at making these.  It's all about the seam allowance, so that the points match at the corners. This is the first time I haven't had to rip anything to make it all match.  Feeling pretty proud of myself!

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend.  I am going to do some sewing for the wedding, and it will involve cutting into my mother-in-law's 68 year old wedding dress.  Not that I'm nervous about it or anything. Just a family heirloom, that's all.  Nothing to be worried about.

Happy Easter to those who celebrate!

Linking up with soscrappy for RSC16.


  1. Your colours are so fresh and spring-like they lift the spirits! Congratulations on the points; from here they look perfect. Is this block called Granny's block, I haven't seen it before.
    You are brave cutting into an heirloom: I have no advice because the idea would scare me rigid!

  2. That looks like a beautiful quilt on the way. Best of luck with not wrecking the family heirloom! No pressure at all

  3. I really love those blocks - the quilt will be gorgeous!
    I once made a wedding dress, using parts of a family dress. Just remember to stop and breathe now and then...

  4. Gorgeous colors in your blocks! They will make a spectacular quilt.

  5. Those really are gorgeous colors! I love the photo of them all together.

  6. Your blocks are SEW beautiful and I'm sure you will do the wedding dress proud!!

  7. The pic of all the blocks shows that you have made good choices. And congrats on no ripping! I haven't achieved that yet ever. I pray that you will handle the wedding dress successfully and that it will contribute beauty and memories to the wedding.

  8. Those hand dyes are gorgeous! One is prettier than the next! Be sure to post more about the wedding dress redo! Good luck!

  9. Your blocks look beautiful. I love your plan of making the months colour blocks plus the accent. Look forward to seeing the quilt.

  10. Beautiful colours! I am sure you will do well with the wedding quilt.


  11. I love your colors. So fresh. Clean. Feels like spring. This is going to be a great quilt.

  12. Great blocks. It's going to be a great quilt when it's finished.
    Good luck with the wedding dress. I'm sure you'll be fine x

  13. Individually the blocks are great, but together - oh wow!


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