Friday, April 15, 2016

So much to celebrate!

Hi everyone, and thanks for stopping by today!  It's a great day here, and we have much to celebrate.  First, our daughter's wedding was amazing.  It snowed, it rained, it snowed some more and no one cared because it was such a great day.  There may or may not be a picture at the end of the post--you'll have to look and see! Thanks so much to everyone who sent good wishes.  They are much appreciated!

The second thing we're celebrating is my blogiversary!  Last Friday was actually the anniversary of this blog, but I was a little busy with other things.

[All quilts in this post are from this year! Some of them I forgot about!]

I can't believe it's been two years!  This has been a challenging year, and it shows in the quilts.  We moved 900 miles, sold our house, started a new job, and settled in to a new area.

I really miss having my sewing room so I can leave all the mess out, but I think I've made the best of it.  I'm still sewing!

There have been some lovely things this year, and I continue to learn new things.  Just wait until you see what's coming up!

I am grateful to all of you who have visited, left comments, quilted along with the BOMs, sent pictures of your quilts, and generally been extra encouraging through the tough times.  You've been amazing, and I appreciate you so much!

One of my goals for the next year is to try even more new things and to do more of my own quilting.  I'm already planning a sewing room where I can leave at least 2 machines up all the time.  Three would be even better!

One really good thing about moving was that I got to meet some blogging friends:

Believe it or not, I'm already planning a couple of meet ups with others as well.  So looking forward to it!

I feel optimistic about the future and I look forward to sharing it with you!

The giveaway is now closed!  Congratulations to Elaine M!

As a small thank you for everything that you've given me this year, I'm offering a small giveaway:

These are 6 Kona fat quarters and a half yard of Kona white, along with some fun cotton thread.  To enter, just leave a comment on this post.  You can live anywhere, and you don't have to be a follower or anything.  I'll pick on Sunday night, using the random number generator.

Thanks so much again, and now here's the picture everyone has been waiting for:

Their photographer was Photography by Brea in Maryland.

Aren't they sweet?  It was a beautiful, happy day.

Have a wonderful weekend, and here's to another fun year covered in thread.

Sharing at Confessions of a Fabric Addict, and Finish it up Friday. 


  1. Congratulations on your blog anniversary! I'm so glad I found you ~ Your blog is always so cheery!

    Happy Quilting!


  2. I'm glad your daughters wedding went well. You can breathe now it's over. Congratulations on you blogaversary.
    You have done some amazing work. Your quilts are just lovely. I enjoy reading your blog...

  3. Love reading your blog , congratulations on your blog anniversary. Your daughter's picture is beautiful congratulations to your daughter . love the konas

  4. Mari, congratulations on your blog anniversary! Your quilts are so beautiful! I just found you through the RSC this year, and always enjoy reading what you are up to.

  5. I've followed your blog for a long time and really like the happy bright colors you use in your quilts. You've done well this year with moving, job change and lack of sewing room. As I learned at a camp, It is a mark of leadership to adjust. Blessings.

  6. Congratulations on your blog anniversary and the new son-in-law. As I scrolled through all the pictures the one with all the different rows (Row-Along?) was my favorite. Right up until I spotted all the different purples in one top. I love purple, so it gets my vote, even though you didn't ask for votes! LOL Get some rest, you deserve it after the hectic pace of the last few months.

  7. I so enjoy looking at the creativity of your quilts!

  8. Congratulations on your blogiversary and your daughter's wedding! You have made a lot of quilts this year, I love the elephants with the turtle and frog. Really jumps out at you.

  9. Congratulations on your two years! Such a lots of wonderful projects completed. The wedding picture is beautiful!

  10. It amazes me that you want to gift us because we follow your blog . . . Your blog in itself is a gift! Thank you for it. I always enjoy reading it!!!! lynnstck(at)

    p.s. So thankful the wedding day was beautiful, in spite of the weather! happy thoughts your way....

  11. Looks to me like you met - and conquered - the challenges of the year. Beautiful quilts and what a beautiful wedding photo. Congratulations on the wedding and the blogiverary.

  12. You have some fabulous finishes! Congratulations on growing your family too. Like Smokey Robinson sang "I got sunshine on a cloudy day..."

  13. Beautiful wedding photo, simple yet different. I like it. And all your quilts are beautiful, some just a little more than others. My favorite would be the top of houses, just love them houses.

  14. Congrats on your blog anniversary. Love the variety of your quilts. The picture of the wedding couple is just lovely. What a beautiful day they had.

  15. Your quilts are beautiful. I am sure your daughter's wedding was lovely.

  16. I enjoy looking at your blog and lovely quilts

  17. Thanks for the giveaway chance. Your quilts are beautiful.
    Glad I found you on Finish It Up Friday!

  18. Happy blogversary! I always love seeing what you are up to as your posts show up in my feedly stream. You have made some lovely quilts over the years, and have shared generously. Hope there will be many more anniversaries!

  19. Oh, Mari, Congratulations!! I made myself read the whole post before looking at the wedding picture (not that reading the post was hard to do). Gorgeous!! They will have a fun story to tell of how it snowed on their wedding day--in April. Who would have thought? And congrats, too, on your blog anniversary! It was fun looking back over your quilts of the past year--some I had missed along the way, so they were happy little surprises. You certainly have packed a lot into this year in your life. And you've done it with such grace and style. And so many quilts in the midst of it all!

  20. Congratulations on 2 years, hope for many more. Lovely pic of the couple, sweet.Enjoyed all the quilt pictures today. Thanks for the chance to win.

  21. Happy Anniversary to your blog and wishes for many more posts and beautiful quilts to write about! Also, congrats on your daughter's wedding and becoming a mom to a son-in-law! Lots of excitement for you!

  22. Well done and congrats on the blogversary. Imagine having space to leave out two or three machines, heavenly!
    Tarnia.hodges at

  23. Blogging is fun,isn't it, and congratulations on your bloggy anniversary.

    You have had a busy time with moving, but you still keep sewing, good on you.

    And your daughter looks gorgeous in her wedding photo!!

    Many thanks for the chance to win your prize.


  24. I too am an academic quilter and enjoy reading your blog.

  25. Congratulations on your blog anniversary. Thanks for taking the time to share your beautiful quilts with us. I look forward to many more posts.

  26. Congratulations on your blog anniversary and your daughters wedding! I've been following you for a long time...must have found your blog right after you started. Love the quilts you make! Looking forward to things to come!

  27. Congratulations. Keep sewing and blogging!

  28. Congrats on your blogiversary! Lovely eye candy.

  29. What a beautiful wedding picture. Congratulations on your blogaversary . Your year in review was stunning. A wonderful recap of your work.

  30. Lovely pictures and inspiring quilts! I am academic but only a quilter in theory -- hope to be in practice some day.

  31. You've been quite the productive lady... So many beautiful quilts.
    I love your yellow elephant with its pink ear. Your yellow house is charming with its red door. I love the color combination of your nine patch quilt. Your row quilt is very beautifully done. They're all beautiful, really.
    Thank you for generously offering those fabric and thread. Happy anniversary!

  32. Beautiful quilts but an even more beautiful photo of your daughter and her husband. After reading about the snow and rain I couldn't help but wonder if they were cold in that photo - then I remembered that love can keep you warm.

  33. Congratulations. What milestones! I love the house quilt. Love all your colors.

  34. Delightful post! Lots of beautiful eye candy to see. Happy Blogaversary to you!

  35. There are some beautiful quilts there, some I recognize and have admired previously. Well done for continuing to sew in a challenging and busy period - but sometimes we need that just to keep sane! Thanks for sharing them and your daughter's wedding photo looks gorgeous too.

  36. How did I miss this post? And even a giveaway?!? Oh well, shame on me.

    Happy Blogiversary Mari! I have so enjoyed your blog and your projects. One of the things I like about your blog is you have lots of different things going on. House quilts, the ladies, classic stitches, intricate stitches, so much variety. It was fun to see pics of the projects I remember reading over the years.

    Keep going and I can't wait to see you in Maine! :-)

  37. I love your quilts, in fact I might have to ask you where you got the pattern for a couple I really like! Love your blog and thanks for the chance to win the Kona...


Thanks for your kind comments! I appreciate every one and will answer if I can. No-reply commenters, you are appreciated also!