Saturday, May 14, 2016

Grandma's gone green

Wow, I am feeling a lot better now!  Yesterday I cleaned the kitchen, made some blond brownies, scrubbed the tub, and then I sewed for several hours!  I feel like a real person again, and since it's been raining for something like 15 out of the last 17 days, all of that seems like it was a grand idea.

Of course, the first things I stitched up were these:

Green Grandma's blocks!  I braved a break in the weather to take a picture among the other green and growing things, but I didn't dare take the rest of them outside.  I'm sure they would have blown away and ended up in the street somewhere, in a puddle. 

Because I need 30 blocks for the quilt, I made a lovely light purple one too:

The accent color for this month was supposed to be brown, but I just can't face brown right now, plus I always think green and purple look really good together. It looks kind of gray in the picture, but I promise that it's really lavender.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!  I think I'm going to make some chocolate chip cookies and then go back to the machine.  There are so many things to sew!

Yep, it was wet outside!

Linking up with Angela at soscrappy for RSC16!


  1. Your blocks are lovely Mari! Today is a no-sew day, must pay bills and do laundry, but have four days of sewing next week!
    Pugs and kisses,

  2. I have spent the day sewing too. I can't imagine all that rain. We might get one or two days but not 15. We would love 15 days of rain.
    Happy stitching

  3. We do need the rains, but when they come all at once for so many days in a row it is hard on our mindsets! Your greens really are lovely!

  4. Your green blocks are fresh and springy! I like them with the purple, too. It's rainy here in Colorado, too - we've had more than our share in May, I think. I'm very ready for some warm and dry weather!

  5. This morning we had about six hours without rain and a couple hours of a flirting sun. My garden thinks we have had too much rain and is announcing that next months color is yellow with molting leaves as the accent color.

  6. Oh it sounds like you are really making the most out of a wet weekend without having to grade a zillion papers. Brownies, sewing, cookies, and even a squeaky clean tub..... Perfect! Hope the sun comes out soon.

  7. You are indeed right, the greens and lavender are a lovely springtime match. Enough of brown. Glad you had a nice undemanding weekend.

  8. We haven't had an excess of rain but I completely empathize about using brown right now. You're going to have a lovely quilt when all these blocks are made.

  9. LOVE the way your GREEN blocks seem to sparkle!!


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