Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Back from vacation

Hi everyone!  I was gone for a while!  The hubs and I went on vacation to see our daughter in Maine.  It was great!  Maine is so pretty.  If you know Bernie from Needle and Foot, she wrote a great little column talking about good things about Maine, which you can find HERE.  Of course, the best thing about Maine for us is seeing our daughter!

We got back a little bit ago and I've been writing like a madwoman. I have to get some things on paper while I still remember what they are!.  I did finish up this star:

This is the aqua star for the Framed quilt, which I think will be done this week! No promises, though.

I also worked some more on the quilt I'm making with 1-1/2 inch squares:

I now have 9 of these blocks, with more started. I have enoughsquares for another pink block, though next up is lavender, followed by turquoise/teal.  Really amazed that I had enough of each of those, but I did.

After these come the greens--lime, dark green, and light green.  It's looking like I'll have 16 blocks at this point, which I think will make a nice sized quilt.  I'm really hoping to get 20 blocks, but the sorting is really tedious.  Really wish that I had just made blocks and not sorted by color.  And what do you think of a tan/ beige block?

I'm on the fence.

While we were in Maine, I had the opportunity to meet up with the aforementioned Bernie of Needle and Foot!  She was vacationing with her family in Maine the same time we were there, so we met up for lunch and a bit of quilt shopping. (Her post about our lunch is HERE.)  It was really an amazing thing that we got to meet since she lives in California! It was really great to talk (and talk) and shop. Here's my picture of us:

Don't we look like people you'd like to go fabric shopping with?

On the way back from vacation, the hubs and I also got to stop and have ice cream with Nancy of PugMom Quilts and her husband Mike.  And LarryPug! He is the sweetest pugboy ever, and he even got a bit of ice cream. It was great to sit and talk with them and have a nice, relaxed time.  I wish we lived closer so we could get together more often, but it has been wonderful to get to actually know some blogging friends.

Have some great sewing time folks!  I have to go do some actual work now, but I really am planning to have that Framed quilt done really soon.  Cross your fingers! 

Bridge to Canada in Lubec, Maine!

Sharing at Sew Fresh Quilts and Oh Scrap!


  1. I love those scrappy, but color-coordinated squares! They are so bright and cheery! I just love sorting through my scraps and picking out colors and pieces for something like that. Memories of quilts made in the past. I need more scraps. :) I can't wait to see how you finish it.

  2. You're home!! Isn't it great to get back to your own routine? Vacation was great but I was ready to come home.
    I like the tan scraps - I would make a block with them. Love your aqua crumb star.

  3. I love those blocks of color. I am always surprised how well tan blocks work with bright colors. I say try it! Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap! How wonderful to meet up with online friends.

  4. Your postage stamp blocks are great! I've been making one off and on for a few years and have decided to use my neutrals as an inner border, 3 squares wide.

  5. Awesome scrap blocks! I really like those postage stamp blocks.

  6. Go for the tan! Worst case scenario is it ends up on the back for the label, right? The squares you've got make it look like it'll be a fun block, so go wild!

  7. Beautiful pictures! Thank you for sharing.
    Love those scrap blocks. You could mix some multi-color blocks with the single color blocks for more variety and fun. Your quilt is going to look like a box of crayons. Wonderful!


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