Friday, June 10, 2016

Power outage

Ever have the power go out at your place at a really inconvenient time?  That just happened to me!  It has been hot and stormy, on and off, for a few weeks now.  Not that big a deal really, but this week the power went out during a strong storm.  Not usually a tragedy, but this time it stayed out for about 8 hours.  Just when I had a bunch of sewing to do!  And laundry, and the dishwasher! And the air conditioning was out too, of course!  So, instead of finishing what I had planned, here is my big finish for this week:

These are potholders for my daughter.  Why buy them when mom can make you exactly what you want?  She chose some really cute fabric, I think.  It has all these "cooking words" on it:

These were fairly easy to make.  I just cut circles out of the fabric and some Insulbrite, (I traced around a salad plate) then layered them, lightly quilted, and then bound them with bias binding.  In retrospect, it was silly to cut the circles first.  I should have quilted it first and then cut the circles, but I wasn't thinking.  For the smaller ones, I just trimmed the sides of the circles to make an oval.  It worked for me. 

I'm also supposed to make some kitchen curtains for her, but the power was out so I didn't get to those either!  Oh, well!

Sad unmade curtains!

The other thing I was going to do was staple some ironing board fabric on my small ironing board (which I use all the time!), but I couldn't because I really need to use the electric stapler for that. I had a decorator fabric on it as a cover, but it's gotten really scorched and I'm hoping the silver fabric works better. Oh, well again! Use your imagination!

Hope all your projects worked out this week!  The hubs and I are at an academic conference, which is why it was so critical to do all those things the day the power went out.  Good thing my real-people clothes were all ready to go, or I might have to try to look professional in t-shirts and capris!

Have a wonderful weekend!  Here's hoping you don't have power troubles!  Or weather ones, either!

Sharing at Confessions of a Fabric Addict and crazymomquilts.


  1. Oh I do sympathize Mari. I hate when the power goes out. We have a well for our water so no power means no water. Or, very limited water. Ugh. Makes me grumpy in a big hurry!

    How many layers of insul bright did you put in the hot pads? Just curious. That fabric is very cute as is the curtain fabric. What a nice mom!

  2. That is one of the reasons I would love a vintage hand Singer machine. Your hot pads do look lovely though. Where I live we get a lot of minute cuts for no reason, just seconds, but now and again we get a big one. In the winter we had one for about 20 hours, not good when your house is all electric, well, gas central heating which needs electric to run it. My next house will have a woodturning stove I can heat water or pans of food on. I do need that vintage machine though.


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