Sunday, September 25, 2016

Leaves of fabric

Hi everyone!  How was your week?  Mine was very, very busy, but now the sewing room is painted.  Yay!  Today I am planning to put up the design wall in there, and maybe, if I am very ambitious, put together the new storage unit.  After that the boxes get emptied!  I probably won't be that ambitious until next weekend, but you have to have goals, right?

You may have noticed that it is no longer summer; it has actually become autumn.  You may have missed this because the temperatures are still in the 80s and 90s, but really--it's fall.  It happens that I love the fall, maybe because my birthday is the first day of autumn.  Really!  So today I wanted to show off some great fall-themed fabric I recently got for a special project coming up at the end of October: 

Don't those look yummy?  Don't know why this looks like night time, because it wasn't, but those fabrics shine anyway.  These are from the Into the Woods line from Paint Brush Studios, which is a sponsor of this special project.

The camera doesn't really capture how pretty these fabrics are.  The leaf print on top has very rich colors and I wish I had gotten more of it.  The others are also really rich and remind me a lot of the colors we'll soon be seeing on the leaves if it ever cools down.

These are great fabrics, but for my project I also added in a few of the Paint Brush solids, just to add a little dash of spice:

This is the print I'm going to use the most of, along with the solids.  Two golds and a purple!  Purple adds so much to fall prints and quilts, although many lines of fall fabric leave out purple.  Most leaves don't turn purple, but check out how the purple mums enhance the yellow and maroon ones:

Okay, the maroon ones aren't quite open yet, but don't the purple, yellow, and green look nice together?  These are on my new deck and are making me insanely happy.  I have flowers again!

So that's the sneak peek at an upcoming project!  Look for the completion of this coming up the week of October 24th. There are some other people involved too, and I've heard a rumor that there *may* be some giveaways. Everybody loves those, right? 

Hope you're all getting in some fun stitching and getting to pet some pretty fabric.  If we all make things from fall prints, will the weather get the hint?

Sharing at Sunday Stash with Molli Sparkles.


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

lovely fabrics - we share almost the same birthday - hope you had a good one - cooler weather here in a couple days maybe - our fall is a little later than what y'all get up north!

Jo said...

Your fabrics are just lovely and your flowers will be so pretty.
What is the project you are getting ready for.

Grandma said...

Beautiful fabric!

Rachel said...

Lovely fabrics! Fall has settled in here over the last few days. Hopefully some comes your way soon!

Sara said...

Really yummy fall fabrics. We had 91 degrees here in South Dakota on Thursday and today it's windy and might reach the mid to high 60s. Typical SD fall weather. But I do love the fall colors. My Mountain Ash trees are just beginning to turn gold. They are always first to change.

JanineMarie said...

Well Happy Birthday, Mari!! How fun it is that it's on the first day of autumn! You have very good taste in autumn fabric, and I can't wait to see what you do with it--especially with that touch of purple. I'm also wondering about the sewing room and what color you settled on for it.

Sandra Walker said...

Yay! Someone else that recognizes the beauty of purple in autumn! So glad the line that I chose has some. Love your mums; I have a burgundy one in my post today too...that also hasn't fully opened yet!

Bernie Kringel said...

Happy belated birthday Mari! I hope you had a bit of time between paying and unpacking boxes to celebrate.
Gorgeous colors in that bundle-- I look forward to seeing what you create with the fabrics. Sooo pretty!
Will you post a pic of the sewing room when it is ready to share?

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

Beautiful fabrics and Happy Birthday! Your mums look really full, they will be beautiful when all the buds open!

Nancy J said...

Mmmmm, those fabrics sing, and you chose perfect plains to compliment the colours in the patterned one. Another secret stitching and quilting? looks like you have all chosen or were given a selection of beautiful fabrics.

Mary said...

I hooe you'll show some progress shots of your sewing room. Perhaps thoughts on the color, why you put certain things where you did - ex. Sewing machine, ironing station, etc. plus I'd like to see the storage area. I hope to be moving in the next few months and would like to see the orogress to help me visualize my set up when I move. Thanks. I have so much stuff to sort through before moving.

Tish Stemple said...

The colors of fall make me insanely happy too! I can't wait to see what you cook up with these lovely prints.

Shelina said...

Happy birthday! I really like that fabric too! What's not to love about combining purple, fall colors and shiny together!