Sunday, October 2, 2016

Stash storage

Hi everyone!  Just a small post today to show off the next step in my new sewing room.  I unpacked the boxes from storage and here is (almost) all my fabric, in one place where I can see it all:

Somewhat anticlimactic for some of you, but this is just the right size for me.  And I am so happy to see it after most of it has been stored for more than a year!  I know I have to refold some things, but I'm totally looking forward to doing that.  I also have to put the scrap bins somewhere, but I think they'll fit behind the fat quarters up on the top shelves.  Then I'll be able to see everything I have and be inspired--either to sew or to go shopping.

Hello pretties!  I'm so glad you're home!

The storage unit is the largest Kallax unit sold by Ikea. (Where do they get these names?)  This was super-easy to put together, but you really do need two people.  I couldn't lift it up by myself and the boxes were really heavy.  It comes in smaller sizes, but I got this size because the closet in here is really small and all of my stuff fits on this one.  Even the books, there on the lower shelves.

The batiks came home, too!

With this put together, I have just one more area to organize, the tables where the sewing machines actually go.  Kind of important.  I have a lot of motivation to get that finished this week, though, because next week the renovation of the rest of the house starts in earnest.  Didn't I mention that?  Our new house was built in 1973 and only had one owner, who never really made any changes to the house.  It was on the market for more than a year before we came along, and I guess we were the only ones crazy enough (or desperate enough) to take on updating it.  Here's an example of what we're facing: harvest gold fiberglass shower.  Original equipment in great shape, but really, really bad just the same.  The electrician has already been here, but next week it's time for demo, so I want the sewing room to be done so I have a happy place to retreat to away from the dust.

Even St. Francis seems to like his new home!

Anyway, wish me luck!  I did cut some fabric today, and the last installment of the Intricate Stitches quilt is up on Tuesday, so I better go finish!  Hope everyone has a wonderful, restful day.

Sharing at Sunday Stash with Molli Sparkles.


  1. I bet it was quite a thrill to see your fabric after a year! I know I like to look and check over my fabric for inspiration sometimes, it has good memories associated with it.

  2. I think your fabric stash looks just right. I have mine out where I can see it too and I think I have too much as some is years old, I need to start to make large patchwork just to get rid of some of the old stuff.

  3. Good to be sewing while work is being done. Keep busy

  4. The shelves looks fantastic! I hope you can start sewing soon!

  5. Oh wow, congratulations on getting your fabric out of storage and beautifully displayed.

  6. How exciting to reconnect with old friends! I love when I go through one of my storage spaces that I haven't visited in a while and find fabrics that I had put there and (oops) forgot about. I can't leave my fabric in the open, because I live on a farm between farms and when the dust flies, it usually ends up on my fabrics! (And everything else in my house)
    I do love your shelves though. It all looks so neat and inviting!

  7. Wow! Look at all that pretty fabric!

  8. Your stash looks just right to me. You want to be able to find what you have, and to not feel guilty about buying more to refresh the collection now and then.

  9. I do like your storage, in fact it's just what I need. Good luck with the renovations, it was bad enough having the painter here for two weeks and camping out in various parts of the house with two, very energetic, dogs. On the other hand, your newly renovated home will be so worth it.

  10. The fabric looks prefect. It makes me want to come over and fawn over it. Sooo pretty! And much more organized than mine.

    Good luck with the renovations. Take before and after pictures. It is always fun to look back and see how far you've come.

  11. That is awesome!! What a great way to store it all!! And what a bunch of work you have done

  12. Love your fabric organization. You've inspired me to hurry up and organize mine similarly, but on repurposed bookshelves.

  13. Lovely stash! I like all your mini bolts. I love having my stash where I can see it and get inspired too! Good luck with your renovations!


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