Saturday, December 31, 2016

Constellations, a new BOM!

Hi everyone!  It's the last day of 2016! We are at my parent's house for a couple of days after spending time with the grandson, then it's home to start the new year.  Lots of traveling, but we get to see everyone.  Way better than the years we would pile all the kids in the car and head for Grandma's, too.  Less fighting in the back seat.

Since it's closing in on the new year, it's time to start on 2017's projects.  For next year, I have designed another block of the month quilt that will be my major project for the Rainbow Scrap challenge over at soscrappy.  Why not?  I like doing them and the quilts have turned out great so far.

As we know, I don't draw so well (and I don't have the expensive software), but you get the idea.  I've designed this one a little bit differently, so that each month one of the 10 sections will be completed, and then joined to the other sections. For example, in month 3, section 3 is completed and joined to sections 1 and 2. When 4 and 5 are finished, they're joined to 1, 2, and 3 and half the quilt is finished. This way, when you've made the last section, your quilt is complete except for the borders!  The sections include the blocks and the sashing, all of it designed to fit together just right.

Not to worry, I did the math!

The working title for this quilt is Constellations.  Why? Because all the blocks are stars!  The quilt includes both 12 inch and 6 inch blocks, all of them somewhat uncommon--no Sawtooth Stars or Ohio Stars-- but none of them very complicated.  I promise, none of them is as difficult as the Intricate Stitches blocks!  You know I love vintage blocks, though, so these stars are also from our quilting heritage.  And there's only one block to make each month!

For my quilt, I am using some of the many, many fat quarters I have accumulated.  In keeping with my resolution to take more chances with color, I've chosen a lovely blue as a background:

UPDATE:  I had originally chosen Kona Nightfall (a beautiful color) as my background, but then I found the above blue in yet another box.  The pattern that it was with was from 2008, so I think it's safe to say I'll never make that quilt.  There was exactly 4 yards if this, so I've decided to use it instead.  The selvage says that it is Krystal by Michael Miller, but has no date or color number.  It's actually darker than it appears in the picture and looks like the night sky.

So that's the plan!  If it sounds at all interesting, come on along and try a block or two.  I'll be putting up a page for Constellations later this week, and the first tutorial will be posted sometime the first week in January.  After that, new tutorials will be posted on the first Tuesday of the month.

 Hope everyone is having a great weekend and that you have a wonderful new year celebration!  Bring on 2017!

Sharing at soscrappy for RSC17 (!!), Linky Tuesday, and Let's Bee Social.


  1. Wonderful! I will be sewing along with you. If you do a button for this BOM, I will put it on my blog sidebar as well. Happy New Year :)

  2. Looks like a very interesting design. If I didn't have the graduation quilts to finish, I'd sign up for sure. We'll see how the new year goes and if I can fit in a few blocks each month later, maybe I'll catch up. Have a very happy New Year.

  3. Look like a great plan. I'll be watching on.... I have a plan, I think for 2017 RSC. I wonder if I can keep up. I have also found a project for one of the fat quarter packs you sent me. It is a slow one which will be nice. 1 block a month for 6 months.... nicely spaced out.
    I love your ideas and simple drawings. It shows that anyone can do it...

  4. I love stars and can see a scrappy blue and white quilt in my future.

    Thanks for doing this and Happy New Year.

  5. I adore star quilts and your plan looks really interesting. I think I'll play along with you.

  6. It looks like you are off to a great start with a great plan. I am looking forward to watching your constellation grow!

  7. Your plan sounds lovely. Nightfall is a beautiful color, and your paper and pencil plan works as well as any expensive software, right? I think you’ve got a winner here!

  8. Sounds like fun and I love the idea of putting it together as you go. So much easier to get a finish if all the long seams are not sewn at once.

  9. Thanks for taking the time to put together another QAL! Your block tutorials and designs are wonderful. Hoping that I have time to participate in 2017!

  10. Ooh, I picked a very similar fabric for the background of one of my Rainbow Scrap Challenge projects too! How fun!

  11. Oh, my - stars are one of my weak spots. If I don't join in, I'll at least be watching closely! Who can resist stars?

  12. I'm crazy about stars so I shall be looking out for your post in January.

  13. What a wonderful plan for the new year. I wish I was part of the fun on this one, but my life has gone out of control. Watching you sew along will be almost as much fun though.

  14. Your plan is really special. I like the fact that parts are completed separately so you have something to show, like at quilt group. I have bunches of blocks, but no way to hang and show them. The blue is a perfect night sky color and the stars will be shining. How big is it going to be, roughly? I'm interested in your tutorials, so we'll done. Have a Happy New Year!

  15. oh, wow! looks great, and I might just jump in! I have an unfinished star quilt-from I think 1995 or before (!) and it's 6" and 12" blocks! maybe I can just piggyback on your idea! thanks!

  16. Love your blog, and always plan to do your QAL. Too often I stop at the "plan" stage. Your pencil drawings are fine -- I have the software, but still prefer paper and pencil. Once again, I plan to join in your Constellations QAL.

  17. Looks like a great plan - your quits are wonderful!!

  18. This looks like a wonderful project!! Would love to do it! are you having any sponsors? let me know, I might be interested. www.etsy/shop/theredhenshop Happy New Year!

  19. Love this idea and especially the blue background. Can't wait to watch it come together. Stars are my favorite kind of block anyway.

  20. What a great idea for a scrappy quilt, can't wait to see more!

  21. I really like your layout. And I think it's a great idea to join sections as you go. It will so fun to be suddenly done and ready to quilt at the end.

  22. Great idea! I know your quilt will turn out lovely!


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