Friday, December 2, 2016

More testing

Hi all!  Did you have a good week?  The weather here was awful and so I spent a little more time in the sewing room, still cleaning things out.  Still feels like a mess in there, but at least I'm making some progress.  I finally packed up some things that are getting donated and emptied almost the last of the boxes.  I never want to move again.

I did make some progress on the medallion quilt, which I said I would have finished by this coming Tuesday but I probably won't.  Oh well.  Here's what I'm playing with for the first border around the medallion:

Just a mock-up!  White borders to be added in construction phase.

Somehow it always looks better in my head than in fabric.  I'm not sure I like this.  I like the unbalanced part, but I'm not sure the geese are going to work out.  They might be pulling attention away from the center block.  Maybe smaller ones would be better? What do you think?  I think I have to let it marinate for a little longer.

This quilt is all made out of hand dyes, and so is the Grandma's quilt.  I cut all the border pieces for that quilt, but I was left with smaller pieces that won't work in either one.  What's a frugal quilter to do but start making some crumb blocks?

I love it!  These are 6-1/2 inch blocks.  Don't know what they'll become, but those little pieces make a pretty block, don't they?

In a few spare moments I also made up these neutral 4-patches:

They're prettier than I thought they would be.  I don't know what they're for, either, because I am definitely not making Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilt, even though I just painted the guest room green and hung a purple and green quilt on the wall in there.  Frankly, I don't think a new one would work out, so it's definitely not on the agenda.

One last thing to show you.  This is how I'm storing my fat quarters now:

Wow, I can't believe how well this works.  I saw this on Pinterest and didn't really know how well it would work, but I found this shoe holder at Target for less than $10, so what was the harm in trying?  The silly thing is great!  The fat quarters fit just great, and frees up some shelf space.  And if I ever use those fat quarters, maybe I could put some shoes in it.  Or maybe some notions, it works either way.

Everybody have a great weekend.  We are going to the movies, which is good, because I'm really tired of working on things for the house.  Plus--movie theater popcorn.  Yum!

Sharing at Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Finished or not Friday and soscrappy.


  1. How about surrounding the medallion with a solid white border before adding the geese. It might help set the center off.

  2. I love flying geese, so this is very appealing to me, but a white border would indeed set them apart.

  3. I love the look of the geese around the center. Maybe, instead of all the colors, you do them all in the muted/light green?
    What a great idea with the shoe pockets. If I ever get a closet with a door, I might keep this idea in mind.

  4. I'm a big fan of geese, so I like those. I think that if you want to really focus on the center medallion, you could do that with the quilting maybe. I like your fat quarter storage solution. Just realized I could do that on the back of my room door, which is usually open against a wall, so I wouldn't have to worry about sunlight from the window fading the fabric. Thanks for the idea!

  5. I love the design. I also think a sashing frame border would help.

    Go the improv blocks...

  6. This is looking really pretty Mari. I also like the geese.
    The fat quarter organizer is q great idea- perfect with the clear vinyl so you can see what you have in there.
    Have fun at the movies- nothing better than movie popcorn!

  7. I think it's funny that you made neutral four patches but aren't doing the Bonnie Hunter thing! They really are quite pretty and soothing, though :)

  8. LOVE that shoe organizer for FQ storage!! That is a really good idea.

  9. I love those geese but would suggest putting a very thin solid (green?) sashing between them to tell the eye that the geese are not fighting with the center medallion. Great storage idea for your FQs. Don't you love serendipitous discoveries?

  10. I also think a border between the center and the geese would be a good idea. I'd try both white and a color (or colors - why stop at one?) to see which looks best to you. Have fun deciding!
    Thanks for the storage tip!

  11. I agree with Cathy and Gayle, a color border would help. The geese repeating the central colors are great, but the dark green pinwheels seem to be overpowering them for attention. So something to separate the two types is needed, but I don't think green. It's so beautiful it is worth spending time and thought on. Good luck!

  12. I really like the look of the geese going around the corners! That is going to be such a gorgeous quilt!

  13. I like the geese too. A narrow border between them and the center would help separate each set of colors. I'm a fan of white, but you might try some darker fabrics, that would frame the center.

  14. Visiting you from the linky party. I always click on the thumbnails that look most interesting that day. Yours is one!! Beautiful quilt you are working on there! And that shoe bag is a great idea for storing FQ's!

  15. That's a neat idea for fabric storage! What about turning the geese into smaller diamonds, similar to the ones in the corner? I love the fabrics in this piece!

  16. I think the off center geese draw out the color in the center medallion.... but you know me - I like color!!!

  17. Love the progress on your medallion quilt! You make me want to jump right up and get to work....

  18. Very nice! Thanks for linking up to Finished or Not Friday.


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