Saturday, January 7, 2017

Rainbows redux

In her post this week inviting people to participate in the Rainbow Scrap Challenge for 2017, Angela asked veteran RSC quilters to post some of their finished rainbow quilts as encouragement to those of you who may be on the fence. Oooh, fun! I've made several RSC quilts from scraps. so consider this your encouragement! Except for the first one, these are in no particular order.

First up is this quilt, Odd Fellows:

This could be my favorite quilt ever, and that's saying a lot!  It lives in my living room and gets used and loved all the time. This is made entirely from scraps, including scrap white on whites.  I made a couple Odd Fellow's Chain blocks each month in the color of the month and then put them together at the end.  I just love how it came together, and how it turned out.  I think this quilt also involved the first tutorial I ever wrote, for the Odd Fellow's block.  (You can find that HERE.)

That same year I made this one, Triangle Surprise:

This was just half-square triangles in the color of the month put into 6 inch finished blocks.  At the end I set them on point and made a very simple quilt.  This one went to live at my daughter's house.

The Framed quilt was also an RSC quilt:

For this one I made crumb blocks for the centers of the stars, and then used the Moda Love pattern to make the frames around the stars.  These are also from leftovers, including the backgrounds, which used up a lot of my leftover white on whites (which I never seem to run out of.)  This one is on the guest bed at our house, because it's huge! But cozy!

Of course, there are a few others.  There's this one:

Sewing Lessons, made from scraps for the Classic Stitches BOM.  (Check out the tab at the top of the blog.)  This quilt also came from those tutorials:

Serendipity! Also all scraps! I think the hubs is napping under this one right now.  He really finds it comfortable for some reason. I think it's just the right size for him.

So that's some of the rainbow quilts I've made as a part of this challenge.  I'm sorry to say that I'm not done with last year's yet, but I'm working on them!  I also have plans for this year, including another BOM and a quilt using multiples of the same block. If you just make a few a month, it's not nearly as big a deal as if you sat down to make 30 copies of the same danged block at once.

Hope that's enough encouragement for you!  Come on along and join the fun.  It's nice here!

Sharing at soscrappy for RSC17 (!!).


  1. You have some beautiful rainbow quilts Mari. Just lovely

  2. Thanks for the inspiration. I love all the rainbow quilts you shared. Can't wait to see what you create in 2017.

  3. You have made some of my all time FAVORITE quilts for the Rainbow Scrap challenge. Keep up the good work!!

  4. Beautiful work!!! Like the photography, too. Here's to RSC 17!

  5. I think that you have plenty of encouragement for us all. It does make it really hard. To pick a favorite though. So many beautiful quilts to enjoy!

  6. Very encouraging indeed! Lovely quilts, all, and I already have more than one of your tutorials bookmarked for future reference! (And many thanks!)

  7. They are all pretty, but definitely love the Oddfellows quilt. Gorgeous! I've finished 2 RSC quilts but still have last year's blocks hanging in my closet. I'm thinking of adding to them this year to make the quilt bigger. And maybe finding another block to have some rainbow fun with.

  8. Your quilts are beautiful, Mari! You have such a way with solids. I really love Triangle Surprise! Such a simple design idea, with an amazing finish when all put together!

  9. They are all so gorgeous, Mari! You do amazing work. Can't wait to see what 2017 brings.

  10. Oh my gosh - how great are all of those!! You do amazing quilts!

  11. So fun (and impressive) to see these all together!

  12. I'm blown away by your RSC finishes!! They are beautiful and you have such great shots of the one on the snow :)

  13. Your wonderful quilts have inspired me right over the fence.

  14. You've got some gorgeous RSC finishes. I couldn't pick a favorite, they are all so bright and fun. Enjoy this year's challenge.

  15. You've convinced me. Those are gorgeous!

  16. All of your rainbow quilts are gorgeous. But I agree with you - the first one breathtaking!!! Let's get together next month. I have missed you!

  17. Lovely. I really like that Odd Fellows block. I've often thought about trying an Odd Fellows quilt of my own. Thanks for sharing!


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