Friday, January 13, 2017

Small finishes

Happy Friday the 13th, folks!  I hope it's going well, because it turns out there are a bunch of these this year.

One of my "unofficial" goals for this year is to do something with all the unquilted/ unfinished pieces that I have hanging in the closet. For this week, I finished two small pieces that have been in the closet for a while, at least a couple of years.  Here is the first one:

This is a little house wall hanging, about 20 by 20, that's going to live in the entryway to our new house.  I made this from the traditional schoolhouse block pattern before we moved from Wisconsin. It hung out in a box in storage for a long time, then spent time in the closet. I thought it had marinated long enough, so I spent a lovely afternoon quilting it up this week.

I used this little house as a practice piece, so it has a lot of different motifs in it.  I definitely need more practice!  Thankfully, I have plenty of unquilted pieces to practice on. For some reason, stippling is my worst skill.  Don't know why, but it really never clicked for me.

This has a single-fold binding and I used a couple of squares as hangers on the back, too.  It was fun to work on this one and I'm happy enough with how it turned out.

This is the second piece I finished this week:

This also spent some time in storage, and all it needed was a binding!  I made this a while ago from pieces that a friend gave me.  No pattern and not my colors, but it turned out okay.  I straight-line quilted it a long time ago and I think that turned out okay. Yesterday I zipped on a binding and now it's ready to donate. Whoo-hoo!  Let's hear it for more space in the closet!

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend.  It was 60 degrees here today and is supposed to snow on Saturday.  What the what?  Best to stay inside and stitch, I guess!

Sharing at Finished or Not Friday, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, and crazymomquilts.


  1. Oh wow . We are looking at a week ahead of about 100 your temps... I am starting a job Tuesday so I can repay your favour...
    Finishing some stored stuff is great. Keep it up.
    I had a clean out and reorganise tonight too..

  2. Lovely finishes. That little schoolhouse is adorable xx

  3. Love your finishes! Very much! I, too, have been digging out UFOs and finishing them up into something useful. Trying to get a handle on scraps, too! It's a good feeling! Enjoy your day! XO

  4. I like your straight line quilting very much! Great job on 2 finishes! Very inspiring!

  5. I really love the house mini, and it looks perfect to hang up in your new home! Finishing something up that had been around for awhile always feels go good!

  6. Stippling is not my thing either -- never was on the DSM and still isn't on Max. Congrats on the finishes! (weather-wise we were in the teens last weekend with snow on the ground, yesterday it was 71, and today it is 45 . . .)

  7. Whoo Hoo!!! Those are both great finishes!!!

  8. Lovely projects. I like Fridays the 13th!!

  9. Hooray for finishes! I did good last month at starting AND finishing things. This month so far, not so much!
    I love your house wall hanging. I really want to do a "house" quilt. I don't know when I will be able to do that. I need to finish ;) some other starts first.
    The second quilt is lovely. I'm a big fan of purples so this one is very pleasing to me. Someone will love to have the quilt!

  10. Great job on finishing two beautiful pieces this week! That's awesome!

  11. The little house is darling. Congrats on 2 finishes!

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. Catching up with your blog Mari. Love both of these finishes. It is so funny how long something will sit. That pretty purple project only needed a binding?? Yay for finishing it and then donating it. I really like it. I have yet to make a house block. It is high on my list though. This is a very sweet mini for your house. Well done!!


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