Friday, February 24, 2017

Hearts and flowers

How has your week been?  Mine was busy, busy, busy, and also warm.  What is happening with the weather?  Not that I am complaining!  I'll take warm and rainy over cold and snowy any time.  But it's certainly weird to have the windows open in February.

This week in the sewing room, I quilted up the small hearts quilt that I chose for my One Monthly Goal!  Whoo-hoo!  Here it is:

If it looks a little wrinkled, that's because I forgot to take pictures before I washed it. Brain cramp, I guess! I made this little quilt in 2015, and I wanted to have it done for Valentine's Day this year, but that didn't happen.  Oh, well!  It's still February, and it's still finished!  It was free-motion quilted with a loop and heart meander, which I admit has more loops than hearts. 

I quilted this on my almost 50-year-old Pfaff 362 after thread basting it nice and secure, which was good because this got squished a lot when I was quilting it.  Somehow I can never avoid crossing over, doubling back, and generally having the quilting plan go off track.  It usually turns out okay, though, and I'm happy enough with this one.

Every time I talk about thread basting I get comments and emails about how it's done, so this time I used dark thread and took a picture:

It's just lines of big stitches put in by hand instead of safety pins or straight pins, and it doesn't take long, plus it holds everything very secure.  I pre-threaded four needles and basting this took less than 15 minutes.

I gave this quilt a zippy green binding, which I thought gave the quilt a little zing, and also. . .

. . .made the quilt reversible!  It's not just for Valentine's Day any more!  The flowers are a bit bright, but they'll be perfect for spring and make it feel fresh in the dining room. This is just singing right now, with the windows open and all.

So there's another little quilt out of the closet and in use.  Feels good!

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend.  It's going to be 70 degrees here, which is almost unbelievable.  I had planned to clean out my machines and change needles and things, but maybe I'll have to do something outside instead!  It's just a sin to waste a great day, isn't it?

Sharing at Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Finished or Not Friday, crazymomquilts, and One Monthly Goal.


  1. This is a wonderful little quilt! I'm half Swedish, so I'm a real sucker for those adorable "woven" hearts :) Any chance you'd share a heart block--as a relative newbie quilter, I'm not too good at figuring things out yet. Thanks for sharing your finish!!

  2. Lovely finish! I have never tried thread basting before. For some reason it doesn't seem as stable to me. Maybe I should give it a try.
    I just love that pop of green binding on there. Very pretty!

  3. Great quilt(s) since it's reversible! I love the hearts and the flowers on the other side!

  4. I thread baste all my hand quilting projects. I think it holds them together great. It is better than pins because your thread doesn't get caught when you are sewing. If you store it away for years there will be no holes from the pins either. Cute quilt too. Lovely design..

  5. Very nice finish! I love thread basting and use that technique on all my quilts now. I used to get puckers on the back with pins and this hasn't been an issue at all since I started thread basting.

  6. Very pretty-congrats on meeting your goal!

  7. Terrific idea on the reversible table-topper! I, too, have a Valentine's Day quilt that didn't get done...ah well. And yes! I hear it's been crazy-warm on our north shore of Lake Erie as well!

  8. It's adorable! It would be pretty in any color! XO

  9. Yes, having the windows open has been spectacular. You can actually smell things again and hear the birds. Enjoy it because if our weather is coming your way it will soon feel like February again. I love your hearts, especially with that little bright green edge. Good idea to make the quilt fit both February and spring. I haven't tried basting with thread for machine quilting, but did enjoy using it for hand quilting because it didn't get in the way like pins do.

  10. Congrats on finishing your OMG for the month. It always feels good to be able to cross a WIP/UFO off the list and this one turned out very sweet. The weather has been crazy warm here as well. It was in the high 60's almost 70's here on Sat, but when I got up on Sunday morning, you could see bits of snow in shady spots where the temps had dropped over night and it tried to snow.

  11. Sweet little finish, and I love that it is reversible! Double the fun!

  12. Lovely quilt. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish!

  13. I love the hearts and the flowers and the pop of green adds the perfect amount of zing!
    I am glad if I can post thrice a month and then you post twice a week. That is pressure. Step outside and enjoy the 70 degree weather :-)

  14. Congratulations on meeting your goal and it is a lovely finish :)

  15. Great idea to use that bright binding with this quilt. It looks wonderful.
    I had sort of forgotten about thread basting. What a good idea for smaller quilts. I hate having to stop and remove pins. Years ago I used to thread baste quilts and got away from that. Thanks for the nudge.

  16. Congrats on a beautiful finish. Making it dual sided was inspired, it looks great either way.


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