Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Random projects

Hi all!  Hope you are feeling well, because I have not been.  I've been down with a bug the last couple of days, the kind where your head hurts a lot and you don't want any food, not even when your amazing husband offers to go out and get takeout, which is your favorite thing ever.  Hello orange Jello and chicken broth.  So, very little fun has been had since about 3 o'clock Monday morning. 

But there is always fabric to pet and projects to plan!  For February I'm going to try One Monthly Goal, which I've never done before but many people I know swear by.  Here's the project for my goal for this month:

I made this in 2015, I think.  It's about time it got quilted, and what better time than February to work on a red and white quilt?  I chose this fabric for a backing:

This is the leftovers from another backing, so it's a win all around.  Not sure how I'm going to quilt it, but I think something involving hearts would be good, don't you?

Speaking of quilting things up, I pulled this one out and got the machine all ready and everything and then didn't have the energy to work on it:

It's small, so that will get done some time soon.  I hope. Maybe next week.

Finally, I was thinking about these blocks and trying to find some sashing for them.  What do we think of this fabric?

The fabric is little bitty flowers that aren't quite as pink as they appear.  I think I like it, but I'm not sure how to put these together yet.  I thought about putting them on point, but I only have 6 of them and I'm not sure what I'd put in the center.  I was thinking about putting this together quickly since the Hands 2 Help challenge is coming up. Opinions are welcome!

So, that's been the last few days for me.  I'm hoping that tomorrow my head feels well enough to actually leave the house and maybe eat something that is not a liquid. Maybe I'll get a few stitches in if I'm not compelled to do some work or something. Hope you are all feeling well and that you keep on feeling well.  I'm off to take some more Tylenol!

Sharing at Let's Bee Social and the One Monthly Goal linkup at Elm Street Quilts.


  1. The heart quilt top and the blocks are pretty. Hands2Help would be great for those blocks. I am already working on a quilt for that also.

  2. I made that same pattern for the Orlando Quilting Guild when they were collecting for the Pulse. The hearts were red, green, blue and yellow and the border was a combination.

  3. I love your heart quilt, and yes a very appropriate time to get it done, good luck!

  4. Hope you feel better soon -- the bug made its way through our house a while back. NOT FUN.

  5. Feel better! What if you alternated your six blocks on point with plain blocks of that pinkish floral fabric? If you have enough of the pink, that would significantly increase the size of the finished quilt and really make those 6 blocks shine.

  6. Your heart quilt is very striking and definitely worth finishing. I hope you feel well enough to quilt soon, remember to drink lots and take plenty of rest.

  7. Sorry to hear you are down. That's no fun. I really like the red hearts quilt - that will be a fun one to finish up.

    For those orphan blocks, I think the sashing you have shown might be too similar in value/scale? It might set the blocks off more if you use something darker? Just a thought.

    Hope you are better tomorrow.😊

  8. Hope you feel better soon!Your hear top is cute, look forward to seeing how you quilt it :)

  9. I'm glad you've decided to join OMG. the red and white quilt is lovely. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck on your February project.

  10. Hope you are on the mend. Love that heart piece with the checkerboard border. It's so cute.

  11. I agree with Bernie on the sashing with the orphan blocks. I think something dark blue would work better. Love the hearts and yes they need to be finished this month. Hope you are feeling better soon.

  12. It seems to be that time of year for the various cruds to take hold. Hope you are feeling much better now. Love the red and white quilt. I like your choice of sashing fabrics for your blocks. Sorry no thoughts on what to put in the middle.

  13. Welcome to OMG. Love your red & white heart quilt. If you have six blocks, so a two X three down grid, I don't see where the middle would be. All I can see is a nice place for some nice quilting. ;^)

  14. I love the red and white heart quilt as well. I've also had the headache thing but lucky me, I can still eat.

  15. Hope you feel better soon! I hate feeling bad! Love your projects - and Yes - Do it!! OMG is a great motivator!!


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