Friday, February 17, 2017

Thrifty finish

Hi everyone!  Someone told me this week that I shouldn't start a blog post that way, but I can't help it, I just want to start by saying hello!  It just feels polite, you know?

This was a very, very busy week for me, but I did finish something I started a few weeks ago.  You may remember that I got some 12-inch blocks in a scrap bag shortly after Christmas.  This week I finished assembling those blocks into a top, ready to be quilted up and donated.  Here's how it ended up:

I think it's cute, especially for cobbling together some thrifted blocks and a piece of yardage from my stash.  This top is about 40 by 60 and will have some great space for quilty practice.  The center blocks look huge but they're the same size as the pieced blocks, 14 inches with the sashing included.  It was very windy when I was taking pictures, so if this reminds you of a sheet on a clothesline, that's why!

I didn't make these blocks, so I want to show you a problem I had with one of them.  I don't know if you can see the shadows behind the light colors in this block, but they are definitely there:

This is the back of the block, which shows why those shadows are there:

The block maker didn't trim off the connector corners after folding up the triangle pieces on the flying geese and some other pieces, which means that they showed through the lighter fabrics.  Keeping these pieces on also made the block very heavy, so I ended up snipping all of those connectors out with a very sharp small scissors.  It was tedious, but it made for a much better block. 

Soon to be a backing!

So, now that that's finished, I plan to quilt this one up for practice and donate it, most likely to the Hands to Help Challenge when that comes around.  Since it was so inexpensive and quick to make, I've been calling this the Thrifty quilt.  If only all thrift was this cute!

When I was outside to take pictures of this quilt, it was cold and windy, but look what's coming up in the front garden:

I think those are daffodil shoots!  And look--some sunshine!  It only lasted a few minutes, but it was very welcome!  Can spring be far behind?

Hope you all have a great weekend.  The hubs and I are off on a small adventure, so here's hoping we have some decent weather.  I feel like it's been gray for weeks, so some more sunshine would be awesome.

Sharing at Finished or Not Friday, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, and crazymomquilts.


  1. Love how you finished the block! I have to admit I do not trim my triangle corners because I was not aware you should. I do always press to the dark side and I know sometimes that makes it worse. Do know where I can find a tute on how to safely trim those off. And I love how you begin your blog. It is after all your blog! Polite is awesome!

  2. A pretty quilt, like the colors. Always nice to have one to donate to a good cause.

  3. Great quilt. I love those daffodils. Where I used to live they had a daffodil festival and the flowers were always out along the roadside.. Very pretty

  4. That is an adorable quilt. The recipient will cherish it, I am sure!
    Yes, it looks as though Spring is trying on her new clothes for this year. I can't wait until she is FULL BLOOM!

  5. That turned out great, Mari! Someone will enjoy it! Hooray for daffodils, and signs of spring! I saw my first crocus this week, so I know it's on its way, even if we do have more wintery weather.

  6. You did a great job with those donated blocks; It looks as if it was planned that way. Too bad about the flipped corners, but you saved the day with your little scissors.

  7. Great job finding a lovely home for those donated blocks. The aqua sashing was a great choice. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  8. A lovely way to put those blocks together!

  9. This turned out beautifully. I like the sashing and the background fabric choices. What a great rescue for these blocks. I love seeing the daffodils poking up through the ground - definitely means Spring isn't too far off.

  10. A very bright and fun quilt. Your tied all the blocks together beautifully and that background fabric is perfect. Congrats on your thrifty finish.


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