Tuesday, March 21, 2017

A few more steps

Hi everyone, and happy spring!  Every year I think that I will get tons of things done over spring break, and I always do, but somehow the things I get done are never the things I think I'll get done.  So I got a lot of work stuff and house stuff finished (including ripping up carpeting) but not a lot of sewing stuff.  Oh, well!  I did have a great idea for a new quilt in the middle of some research, but I'll tell you about that another time.

For today, let's talk about the blocks I did manage to make up in the last few days:

Aaahhh!  Yep, there's a mistake in the middle block, two rows put on incorrectly.  I looked at these 100 times and still missed it.

These are the next blocks for the Steps to the Garden quilt I'm making for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge this year.  I really don't have a lot of red, but I managed to scrape up these bits.  I admit that the butterfly print is more like a pink or a coral, but it's cute so I used it.  The one on the right is a Christmas print, but it got used too.  I don't think it's super obvious, do you?

There are a lot of pieces in this block but I think I've finally worked out the most efficient way to make these.  If I concentrate I can do three blocks in about 2 hours, which sounds like a long time, but there are a *lot* of seams here.  And I'm getting way better at pressing open seams, which I suspect will be the key to success for this quilt since every seam will need to be matched.

Speaking of which, I've now got 9 blocks.  I think the red ones fit right in:

These blocks look way better in person than in photos.  The greens aren't quite as strong as they appear in the pictures.  Overall, I'm pretty happy with how it's turning out, though I am not looking forward to matching those seams!

In other news. . . my friend Bernie at Needle and Foot has expanded her Etsy shop into a full service fabric shop!  To celebrate, there is a Grand Opening blog hop going on, with a great giveaway from each blogger.  My day on the hop will be coming up on Thursday, but here is the schedule for everyone: 

Be sure to check out all these great projects and giveaways and come back here on Thursday to see my project and enter my giveaway.  My project is a fun one, suitable for children!


Hope everyone has a great week with lots of sewing time!  The flooring guys come back on Wednesday, so I expect lots of hammering and dust.  Maybe I'll try to stay at work for a while!

Sharing at Linky Tuesday, Let's Bee Social, and soscrappy for RSC17.


  1. Your blocks look great. I hope to get to all those sites for the hop.. great reading

  2. I am loving what you are doing with these blocks! The final quilt will be a fun snuggle! p.s. Did you catch the red humility block in the center?

  3. Wow, the grouping of them together is spectacular!

  4. Complicated blocks! It would be very easy to place a piece or two incorrectly and not even notice!

  5. I hear you when you say that somehow the things you get done are never the things you think you'll get done. I like the blocks you made and actually would leave the one with wrongly orientated bit just as it is. It adds interest. =)

  6. So many beautiful points on your blocks. Very nicely done!

  7. In cases such as this one...pinning is our friend :) Your blocks are looking great. I'd say you've had a pretty productive spring break.

  8. Love the red blocks, they do go so nicely with the other colors!

  9. Your blocks are looking great together!

  10. Nice blocks. I like how you are keeping the light and dark greens as constants. It gives a whole new look to the pattern.

  11. I like those blocks with the green backgrounds! The pink/coral with your reds is really pretty! Made me think I could make some pink blocks for myself and they would look good with the other colors.

  12. Ew...your red blocks made me want watermelon! When I saw them that is the image that flashed in my mind! Beautiful!!!

  13. Those blocks are so beautiful! And the more you make, the more fantastic they look!

  14. Those blocks make a great project as they come together. The Reds and greens really fit in. Keep up the good work!

  15. The red gardenblocks are wonderful. Can't tell it's a Christmas print at all.

  16. Sujata Shah (of Cultural Fusion Quilts) says "Borrow from the Neighbor". Means when you do not have red, you can go to the neighboring color on the wheel and get orange/coral and make do, leads to added richness and depth of colors. I love that Heather Ross fabric and used it in my Mom's quilt. See you soon.


Thanks for your kind comments! I appreciate every one and will answer if I can. No-reply commenters, you are appreciated also!