Tuesday, March 28, 2017

New scrap project and a new goal

Holy cow, friends, it's the last week in March!  How did that happen?  The older I get, the faster the time goes.  At this point, the time has passed us out of winter and into spring, even though it's still a bit chilly.  I can tell that it's spring because the landscapers are here to do a major outdoor project for us, and because the leaves are coming out on the trees. That means pollen any second. Let the sneezing commence.

I've started a new project that I hope will use up a bunch of the scraps I've had laying around forever.  Because I don't have enough projects already, you know.  But I have been making good progress on my UFOs, so I feel good about this:

This is the start of a Scrap Happy Rails quilt from Amanda Jean Nyberg's new book, No Scrap Left Behind.  (Not a compensated endorsement!)

These blocks go together really fast and use a *lot* of scrap pieces.  The strings are really easy, though I did have to do mine a bit differently from the pattern.  If you look, you'll see that several of my strips are pieced together from squares and rectangles to make them the right size.  That's because the scraps that I'm using for this little quilt come from this bag:

When we were living in the condo last year and I had no space, I ended up giving away most of my scraps, because I had nowhere to put them and because I was just tired of them altogether.  Somehow this bag escaped the purge.  This included some small pieces, which led to the pieced strips.  All of these pieces will become a charity quilt for the Hands to Help Challenge over at Confessions of a Fabric Addict.  I'm planning to make it smaller than the pattern, lap size instead of queen, but I'll still have to add in a few more scraps to fill everything out.  Wonder where I'll find those?

I think this should make up pretty quickly, but April promises to be a very full month, so I'm making this my One Monthly Goal for April.  I just want to have it pieced by then. I'll worry about actually quilting it in May.  Unless a miracle happens, of course.

So I'll be stringing along for a while this week!   Hope you have a great week with a minimum of sneezing!

Sharing at Linky Tuesday, Let's Bee Social, Oh Scrap!, and One Monthly Goal.
 Elm Street Quilts


  1. That's a great book title and from the looks of things, it also has some great ideas for busting scraps. Can't wait to see how your quilt comes together this month. It will be a great one for the Hands to Help Challenge.

  2. These blocks are cute! I have already hinted to my husband multiple times that I want this book for my birthday. :)

  3. May have to go check out that book. Your blocks are really cute. I am sure that whoever received it will be most appreciative.

  4. What a nice start to a new quilt! I look forward to seeing your finished quilt top ~smile~

  5. I have that book too!! I love it and keep drooling over it -- trying to decide which project to tackle. This will be a good one Mari. Hard to believe it is time for H to H Challenge quilts again - didn't we just do that???

  6. I'm still sneezing in Autumn.. good luck

  7. Love the pink roses on green background fabric. Your scrappy quilt has the perfect color palette for Spring, Mari. You have already set your OMG for April? I have yet to write my post for completion of March OMG and only two days left. YIKES!!!

  8. The scrappier/string-ier the better. I have that book and have flagged a couple for future making.

  9. Looks like you are off to a good start.

  10. Looks great! That book is already on my wishlist!

  11. Oh I like it!!! and glad you like the book - I have been debating about it.....

  12. At first glance I was reminded of a bookcase. Lovely scrap blocks so far, can't wait to see the rest!

  13. So cute. The fabrics and the pattern are adorable :)

  14. I love the colors, and I think piecing the strips makes it even better!!!!

  15. I've been wanting that book, too! I love the scraps you're using to make those blocks, so spring-y!

  16. Great idea to adjust the pattern so you can use those scraps. I am sure more will appear soon. They seem to hide in all sorts of places. Thanks for linking up with Oh Scrap!

  17. Those smaller pieces make it even more interesting, and it does speak of spring. Keep up the good work!

  18. Great scrappy pattern. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck on your project.


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