Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Out in the weather

Wow, anybody else need a sweater?  I don't know about where you are, but it's been a crummy day here weather-wise.  First it snowed, then sleet, and now it's all ice.  We ended up with about 4 inches of snow, but the ice on top is making it hard to get around.  Not that I left the house!

What better day to show the progress on my temperature quilt for 2017?  Here's where it stands right now:

Yes, I braved the snow to take this picture.  It stunk, and this was the only good one that I could get because the wind was really blowing.  But it's still better than an indoor picture!

If you recall, I am making a quilt that shows the high and low temperature for every day of 2017.  This has a *lot* more color variation than I expected. Who would have expected the dark yellows (60s) and orange (70s!) this early in the quilt?

Check out the ice on those branches!

I decided to have rows of 18, and the rows alternate between vertical and horizontal placement for a more interesting quilt.  The square for each day finishes at 3 inches.  The half-square triangle and the square in a square are important days for our family, so they get a special shout-out, too.  I've been doing the squares every few days and it hasn't been bad at all. I finished the fourth row just today, which means waaayyy too much of this year is already gone.

So there's that! I think it's looking pretty good and is more interesting than I thought it would be.  Since it's a cold and crummy day, how about a shot of sunshine to finish this post?  Here we are:

These are two more blocks for the Sewcial Bee Sampler, a block of the week by Maureen Cracknell and Sharon Holland.  (More info HERE.)   There's still time to jump in, and the blocks are pretty easy.  No sign ups and no fees, which is the kind of quilt along I really like!

Hope all of you are staying warm and aren't completely stuck in your homes.  I'm voluntarily stuck, but only because I don't want to go outside and chip away at the ice.  I'll be spending tonight worrying about the ice on the tree branches while baking something good for the floor guys who are supposed to come tomorrow.  I think they'd like brownies, don't you?

Sharing at Let's Bee Social.


  1. We're moving into autumn and the weather is changeable, it's mostly warm and wet on and off! I like your temp quilt, pretty colorful. I need to dig out my denim quilt UFO and get it sewn before winter arrives:)

  2. I was going to start a temperature quilt, but didn't get going on it. Perhaps I will try again next year. I just have too many irons in the fire right now! The different temps are going to make for an interesting quilt by the time you are done, especially since this year has been goofy as far as the weather goes!

  3. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that this year will be a great year for a temperature quilt. The weather has been so up and down, I'll be really interested to see what your top looks like when it's finished. Just as long as there are no blues in the summer months :) Stay warm!

  4. We got 15 inches of snow and no school today but here in Montreal we are used to snowstorms. In fact this winter has been very mild. I also wanted to start a temperature quilt but I have too much to do right now. There is always next year :)

  5. Love your temperature quilt! What a fun idea. You definitely have a lot of color variation early in the year. Stay safe, hopefull it's warmed up some and you don't have as much ice around today.

  6. I love how your temperature quilt is coming along. You have made it so very unique and personal. Now I love that idea, too.

    And mhh brownies. Send some my way, please :) Have a great week!

  7. What an interesting idea! Love the colors you chose to use. We only got about 2" of snow, plenty of wind, but no ice in my part of SD, North and east of us was much worse but nothing compared to the northeast part of the country. Glad it wasn't our turn for this blizzard because I'm ready for spring.

  8. I forgot you were making this. I had not heard of a temperature quilt before reading about it here. Pretty fun idea. It will be cool to see the overall effect come December!

  9. Good for you for braving the cold! it has been so springy and dry here - we are sort of wishing for your snow.... just sort of... ( or rain)


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