Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Bright and cheerful

Hi everyone, and welcome to the other side of Memorial Day, the unofficial start of summer!  I hope you had a great holiday weekend.  The hubs and I spent ours doing a yard drainage project, which required us to hand dig a 65 foot trench, install drainage pipe, and haul (literally) 500 pounds of gravel.  I'd show you a picture, but it would literally be a picture of mud.  It was a nightmare from start to finish, but it actually works.  It really does carry the water away!

So now I am recovering from strained muscles and the first sunburn I've had in years.  You know what's really great for recovery?  Some time stitching.  True fact.  I've been catching up on my Sewcial Bee Sampler blocks:

I have a few more to make to catch up.  I also started on the sashing, mostly so I can keep track of my blocks.

Aren't those brights cheerful?  I think the white sashing works with all those colors.  I have indoor pictures today because it's pouring out again.  The little dog there is one of out "pets."  I'm allergic, so this is as close to a real dog that I can have.

I also finished all of the blocks for the Scrap Happy Rails quilt, though I haven't put them all together yet.  That's a good goal for the end of this week, don't you think?

And I am thisclose to finishing all the letters for the Paper Dolls quilt.  The free-pieced letters didn't work out, mostly because I had a real problem making them the right size.  I'm saving them for another project, though.  (It will be awesome.)

I also packed up the Hands to Help donation quilts and sent them off to their new homes, and I did a few drawings for a quilt using those letters.  All in all, I think that's a lot, what with all the digging and everything!

This week promises a ton of rain, so maybe I'll be able to do a bunch of stitching.  We also have a carpenter coming to start building a pantry, and the electrician is coming back.  By September we'll be a lot less like a construction site, I hope.  But I'm definitely finished with the digging!

Sharing at Linky Tuesday and Let's Bee Social.


  1. Hi Mari,
    Wow - that sounds like a HUGE, hard project. But now it's behind you and you deserve lots of sewing time for all that physical labor. I love it when it is raining . . . that just means you need to stay inside and sew, sew, sew. ~smile~

  2. So sorry you got sunburned and strained. get well soon. Sewcial Bee is pretty, and the Scrap Happy Rails as well. Looking forward to seeing Paper Dolls again also :)

  3. Your Sewcial Bee quilt is the perfect summer colored quilt. So cheery!!! You have been very busy with all of your blocks. The scrappy rails are great too. Glad all of your hard work on the drainage pipe is working, but I am sorry you are feeling the burn in more ways than one. I hope you heal quickly!!

  4. I'm surprised you can stitch anything after all that digging

  5. Those type of projects are physically challenging! Hope you slept well that night despite the sunburn! It's good you have stitching to do :) The Sewcial Bee quilt is really cheerful and fun!

  6. I love love love that tropical fruit fabric - so juicy :-) Do you have a scrap/sliver leftover? Your pet dog is so cute. Phenomenal progress with the scrappy rails blocks. That will be one scrumptious quilt :-)

  7. Sounds like a major project last weekend. Hopefully you've had a chance to recover and get in a bunch more stitching. Lots of fun brights in both projects last week.

  8. so happy this quilt! The colors look just like you! Loved the cleaning series and only didn't enter because I have so much!

  9. Your blocks are lovely and white works so well to highlight bright colours. Definitely relate to your ongoing projects. I think a house is a "make work" project all by itself; I know we have lots on our to do list. Happy Stitching!


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