Friday, May 19, 2017

Hot little finish

Hi everyone!  Wow, it's hot here! It was over 90 degrees here for most of this week.  I saw pictures of other parts of the country, though, and I can't believe it was snowing this late in May.  Looks like it's going to be a weird summer everywhere.  Maybe you could send some of that cooler air this way, though.

Since it was so hot, I got to stay inside instead of working on the garden outside. Probably good not to pass out in the flowers, don't you think?  So instead I finished up this happy quilt:

This one is destined for the Hands to Help Challenge at Confessions of a Fabric Addict.  I made it using some blocks I picked up as a part of a scrap bag at my favorite quilt shop in Wisconsin.  I think they made up into a cheerful little quilt, don't you? 

For this one, I had planned to try out some free motion patterns, but in the end I just did the free motion cross-hatching again.  That is, I just did a cross hatch pattern freehand, without a walking foot or anything.  What should I call that?  Organic crosshatching?  Freeform?  Whatever we call it, it's very easy, which is what I liked most.

In any case, it worked great!  I'm really pleased with it.  It didn't take that long to do and it was pretty mindless, which is good because I also had a movie on at the same time.  I was listening to the movie more than watching it, but at least I didn't miss any plot points.  I needed to keep that quilt moving through the machine, though, because it was awfully hot sitting on my lap.  And there are no wrinkles in the backing!  I am seriously happy.  This little beauty was finished off with Susie's Magic Binding, which looks a little wavy in the pictures but is actually just fine. 

Sadly, I did not finish the Scrap Happy Rails top.  Looks like that one is going to have to wait for the next donation round.  Why force it?  I'd rather slow down and enjoy it.  Not to worry, though, the charities will get some other quilts that I've been saving up, so they still win.  I hope whoever gets them really enjoys them, because I certainly put a lot of fun into making them.

And that's the news from here!  It's supposed to rain and then be a lot cooler, so I may be forced to work outside this weekend.  Also, our big project for the summer is the kitchen, so there will be a lot of work to do there starting really soon.  I get to destroy some things, which I'm really kind of looking forward to!

Everybody have a great weekend!

Sharing at crazymomquilts, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Finished or Not Friday, and Oh Scrap!


  1. It's been pretty warm here too, with temps in the high 80's. I'm a jeans kind of girl, so I'm starting to think maybe I should pull out the capri pants. Congrats on finishing up this quilt. It's sure to be loved by who ever receives it. I bet quilting all those flowing lines was very relaxing. Hope you have a wonderful weekend, no matter what you get into.

  2. Your quilt came out wonderful! I mailed off a hands to help quilt earlier this week!
    Have a good weekend!

  3. You worked on your inside flower garden instead of your outside garden. It's a beautiful quilt and does remind me of a bouquet of flowers. Great finish.

  4. Liberated Crosshatching - no further explanation needed. Happy quilt!

  5. Its that time of the year ...heating up! Sometimes a quick mindless quilt or quilting is all we need to scratch that itch!

  6. That is a very happy quilt and I'm sure it will be treasured by whomever receives it.

  7. Surrounding the blocks with the aqua print was a great idea! Great finish!

  8. Happy little quilt! You're very brave, just winging it on the crosshatching!

  9. That is definitely a happy quilt, and I love that you made it out of scrap blocks that someone else didn't want! Organic straight line quilting is what I almost always do - it's nice not to have to worry about the lines really being "straight!"

  10. I think it turned out amazing!! Someone is going to be a very happy and appreciative recipient!!

  11. A happy quilt! I find fmq trickly, so yes me too, organaic straight line quilting every time!

  12. I agree with you on the "slowing down and enjoying it", it makes sewing so much better! I have to remember to take deep breaths also :)!! Beautiful quilt, I'm sure it will be cherished.

  13. too cute! we are one of them that had snow - isnt that crazy~! What movie did you watch?

  14. Well, we had one summerlike day. But it's back to windy and cold. Loving your quilt. That's some pretty good free motion cross hatching!

  15. Oh aren't they gorgeously happy quilts - what a lovely finish :)

  16. A lovely quilt for a great cause! I could send you plenty of cold weather from MN, high today in the 40's, yesterday too! After earlier this week of 79!

  17. Happy quilt, cute backing! Good job!

  18. Great finish! Temperatures are climbing this week here in Oregon. Summer is coming. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  19. A very pretty finish! Congrats on getting that one all finished. Hope you get some stitching time even with all the yard work this weekend.

  20. Mari, that's a sweet quilt and what a great way to use orphan blocks! I need to keep that idea in mind to use later!!

  21. I really like this. I never thought of using a not too busy print with blocks like this. Thank you for sharing this idea.

  22. Hi, Mari. This is a really pretty H2H finish. :D I love the fabrics you chose to go with the blocks. Very nice effect.


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