Friday, June 30, 2017

Walking across the strings

Hi everyone, and welcome to yet another really steamy summer weekend!  And it's a holiday for lots of people, too, which just makes the heat and the rain extra special.  Happy Canada Day (Fête du Canada)  to all our northern friends! And of course, a happy Independence Day to us here in the US!  It's not until Tuesday, but why not start the celebration now?  More time for beer and brats!

Running up to these awesome celebrations, I finished the June quilt top!  This one is so light-colored that it was hard to photograph, but let's give it a try.  This photo shows the colors best:

Does that not remind you of gentle breezes and fresh flowers?  Even though the colors are hard to photograph, I really like them together.  Pink and green is one of my favorite color combinations, and I am happy to use up the strings and the creamy polka dot fabric. 

This quilt top was a part of the June quilt quilt along at crazymomquilts, from her book No Scrap Left Behind.  It was very easy, but making some of those string sections was a bit tedious.  I think if I made it again I would try piecing some longer strip sets and cut the sections from them. It would go a lot faster, but there would be less variety. And I can't help it, I used a bunch of very skinny strings.  They just add so much interest!

Colorwise, mine turned out just about the opposite of Amanda's.  If you look at the link above, hers emphasizes the larger squares and cornerstones, while mine emphasizes the strings.  I've named this quilt Crosswalk because when I look at it it reminds me of an aerial view of city crosswalks.  More colorful, of course!

This is the second string quilt I've made recently!  I really don't know how that's possible, but there it is.  I feel very virtuous, but there still seems to be a lot of fabric around.  Wonder why that is?

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday and a great weekend!  Whether you're celebrating with poutine and beaver tails (or poutine beaver tails?) or burgers and brats,  enjoy!

Sharing at Finished or Not Friday, crazymomquilts, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, and Oh Scrap!


  1. If grace and virtue had to be captured in a quilt, this is what it would look like. Congrats on the flimsy finish. I agree that stitching longer strings and sub-cutting them would be more efficient. On the other hand, feeling virtuous is not one of my aspirations. Being bad-ass definitely is. Have a Happy Fourth!!!

  2. This is absolutely gorgeous!!! Your colors are one of my favorite combinations and I love the greens especially! :)

  3. Your quilt finish is so calm and refreshing..... like a cool drink on a hot day. The colors you used are beautiful. Great finish.

  4. Oh Mari, this is just so pretty. Is it a keeper or does it have to be sent off to someone else? I really like the colors you used. The skinnier strips are certainly time consuming but it looks wonderful.

  5. This is such a soft lovely quilt! I love the color combo! Hope you get to keep it. mary in Az

  6. The colors are awesome! It turned out great! Now I can't get the thought of grilled beaver tail out of my brain!!! Have a great holiday!!

  7. A very pretty quilt! I'm enjoying all the different versions of this QAL.

  8. That is soooo pretty!!! You did a fantastic job with this... And now I have to go find me some beaver tails!! :-)

  9. I love the colors, they look very spring flowery.

  10. Such a pretty quilt, and you put it together so quickly! Way more fun than writing a paper, eh? Enjoy your weekend!

  11. So very pretty and so summery. Happy long weekend!

  12. Yours is the third string quilt I've seen using this pattern and I absolutely love them! They all have their own unique look to them and what a great way to use up scraps! Your quilt is beautiful. I think I'm going to have to add this to my "want to make" list. Visiting from Crazy Mom Quilts.

  13. I really like your version Mari. It reminds me of pink lemonade. The colors are so soft and inviting. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  14. sometimes I get wrapped up in either darker or brighter fabrics and I forget how appealing the softer side can be. very pretty

  15. So summery and cooling. Like a summer bouquet. I have the same problem piecing my crayons. You ha e to pair them then pair the pairs or whatever. Love, love that top. Worth the extra effort. What on earth is poutine and beaver tails?

  16. Mmm...this looks so sherbet-y. So cool for summer. I like how it looks so soft and delicate, but then when you look at it close up, you see all the distinct patterns in the fabric. I'm with you--love those narrow little strings! There is wonderful negative space for quilting, too!

  17. I was thinking spring flowers and light rain. (Nothing like we're getting in La.) A June bridal bouquet! Isn't it funny how you and AmandaJean both used low volume scraps but the outcome is so very different because of the blocks and cornerstones? I'm hoping that they all show up on Instagram so I can see them near each other. It's interesting to compare the same pattern in so many different colorways. Already I've thought, "Oh, I want to make one like that" about 20 times. Yours is no different BTW: now I want to make one soft and sweet and pretty!

  18. Such a pretty quilt, and you put it together so quickly! Way more fun than writing a paper, eh? Enjoy your weekend!

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