Sunday, September 3, 2017

Stocking the shelves

Hi everyone!  Wow, it has been a crazy few days here!  There has been too much to do and not nearly enough time to do it.  I just tried compressing everything into the time allotted, but that meant there has been very little time to sew.  It's all calming down now, though, so I'm really crossing my fingers about getting back to the regular routine this coming week.  I need my schedule not to be messed up!

While I had no real time to sew, I did do a little fabric shopping.  It happens that I had to go to the Amish butcher shop to replenish our freezer for the next couple of months, and wouldn't you know--there's a fabric store right around the corner!  Who put that there?  You know I had to go in, and I ended up getting some treasures.  Really, I had to.  Take a look at this:

That is actual room on the fabric shelves!  I had to fill in those gaps, didn't I?  (I knew you would understand.)

The first treasures I have are these two pieces of yardage:

Pretty, right?  It's 61 degrees and absolutely pouring outside, so we are stuck with indoor pictures, but these are really pretty in person.  The blue on the bottom is Town and Country Blue by Pepper Cory for Studio e fabrics.  I got the end of this bolt because I just couldn't leave a little half-yard piece behind.  The top fabric is from Koala Party by Swizzle Stick Studio for Studio e, and it feels really great, like really good sheets.

I also picked up a couple of yards each of these colorful pieces:

Don't those just look happy?  The orange polka dot is from Timeless Treasures and is exactly the color of a perfect cantaloupe.  I wish I had gotten more of it.  The blue on the left is Quartz by P&B Textiles.  It came in several colors but I thought this blue was the prettiest.  The pink at the top is more coral than it shows in the photo, and the selvage has no information at all!  I really don't like that, so you?  I wish there was at least a manufacturer, but no such luck. I had better luck with the green on the right, which is Droplets from Up and Away by Emily Herrick Designs for Michael Miller.  (That's a mouthful!)

After I picked out those beauties, I found a piece called Origami Birds by Sarah Campbell for Michael Miller in the "remnants" bin.  This was a happy accident, because look how great it looks with the other fabrics:

Serendipity!  This piece has a date of 2015 on it, so I feel really lucky.

That was all I found at the fabric store, but I recently got a few other pieces online, including these two pieces of Alison Glass fabric:

The darker yardage on the bottom came from Bernie at Needle and Foot, and the more aqua color on top came from the Old Country Store website.  I had a specific project in mind for these, but neither one turned out to be the right color, so they are going on the shelf.  I'm sure they'll get used for something.

Anyway, that was my interaction with fabric this week!  I promise to get back to our regularly-scheduled programming very soon.  The last week in August always seems to mess me up.  I wonder why?

Have a safe and happy Labor Day!  Squeeze in one more picnic if you can!

Sharing at Molli Sparkles for Sunday Stash.


  1. Lots of fun new fabric to enjoy here. Love the Origami Birds, Swizzle Stick, and the Droplets - so many combinations to be made with the pieces you picked up. Sorry to hear the Alison Glass piece was the wrong color. That is disappointing.

    Hope your schedule falls into place this week and includes time for sewing. :-)

  2. Nice fabric additions, delightful.

  3. Love your new fabrics! They would fit in just beautifully in my stash too. We obviously like similar colors.

    Hope you find some time to sew.

  4. Beautiful fabric acquisitions. Hope you get a chance to dive back into the sewing room soon. August was crazy, so I'm hoping for the same thing this weekend.

  5. Those are great - love the cheddary polka dot!! and yay for a full freezer


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