Monday, October 30, 2017

A few more rounds

Hi everyone!  Hope you are all feeling well and healthy today!  So, I got a flu shot about a week ago, and I had a bad sort of reaction to it.  This happens to me every few years.  A flu shot can't give you the flu, but it certainly can cause a reaction.  That's what happened this year-- I spent the last week feeling achy and tired, with no motivation to do anything.  Not even stitch something!  It seems to have run it's course, though, and I am happy to kick it to the curb.  Now to catch up on everything, including the dishes and the laundry.

All I have to show today is a few more rounds on the medallion quilt.  Here is it's current state:

Gosh, I like this.  I guess I've added four rounds since I last posted it-- a round of squares, then plain white, then the triangles, and finally another round of black and white.  I've had no plan for this, just making it up as I go along.

The triangles were fun to make and were made by just cutting triangles with the TriRecs ruler and piecing them together in opposite directions.  This took a lot more triangles than I anticipated, but I do love how it came out. The rows of triangles did get pretty stretchy, too, so I had to use a bunch of Magic Sizing on them to get them to behave.

I wasn't sure what to do for the corners of the triangle round. I considered using a square in a square block, and also hsts, but in the end I drew out and paper pieced small "ray" shapes:

These were really easy and I think they look a lot better than something else in the corners. 

I think my next round here will be the flying geese, then another solid and then one more element before it's finished.  I'm sure I have enough scraps to fill out those rounds, and after that it should be a decent size and ready to finish.  Any suggestions for the last element? 

This has been a really fun project to work on, and playing with those happy colors certainly made me feel a bit better.  Hope you are all feeling good and enjoying the fall weather.  Happy Halloween-ing, too!

Sharing at Linky Tuesday, Let's Bee Social, and Oh Scrap!


  1. The bright fabrics are so much fun with the background you're using! Great idea to paper piece those corner shapes, too. This quilt is really looking good!

  2. A bright cheery quilt. Love it.

  3. It's always fun when you don't know what you are doing or how it's going to end.. Keep the fun going.

  4. I like how this quilt gives the illusion (to me anyway) of looking down (or through a sort of tunnel) to the center block. For the last round, maybe more squares? Or piano keys? Although I do like the black/white print, too. Maybe two more rounds to include that? Glad you're feeling better. We've been putting off our shots because we don't like that feeling of flu not flu. But it has to be done, and now that our vacations are over we have no more excuses.

  5. What a fun, bright quilt! I find medallion quilts are often a bit fussy for me, but yours is fresh and modern to my eye :)

  6. I think you’re having too much fun making up this medallion quilt as you go along! It’s so bright and cheery and will be lots of fun to quilt!

  7. I like it too! glad you are feeling better

  8. Very bright and fun! Looking forward to seeing the last few rounds come together.

  9. So cheery! Love the mix of brights with the black and white.

  10. So pretty and cheerful with all the colors -- I have a tri-recs ruler and love the results it gives. I agree with you on the corner blocks - very nice look.
    I also think Janine's piano key suggestion is a good one. Keep going with this Mari, it is looking great!

  11. Oooo! What a lovely top! This is going to be magnificent when it is complete!

  12. Looks like confetti! Great idea for the corners. I sure would never think of such a thing.

  13. That is so bright and fresh. I can almost feel a spring breeze blowing, I wish. Good fix for,the corners. Keep up the good work!


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