Friday, October 6, 2017

Flinging some strings

Hi everyone! How was your week?  Okay, so I said last Friday that it was the last gasp of summer, but today I have the very last of the summer quilts to show off.  I'm so happy to have these done, and they're just in time for cooler weather, too.  Plus they're both scrap quilts, so they got a bunch of pieces out of my sewing room, which is always a win in my book.

This summer I made not one, but *two,* string quilts from Amanda Jean Nyberg's book No Scrap Left Behind, and now they're both finished!  Here they are:

Don't they look happy together?  Both are made from different leftovers of floral fabrics, which I am happy to tell you are now all used up.  Glad to have those old pieces used up!  I also used bindings from the basket of bindings that I've made from leftovers and the cutoffs from old backings, so every bit of these quilts are scrappy.

The first quilt is called Start of Summer, and was made from the Scrap Happy Rails pattern.  This quilt was really easy to make.  The pattern in the book is for a queen quilt, but it's very easy to adjust the size if you want to.  It uses a *lot* of strings, so be ready if you want to make this one.

I call the second quilt Crosswalks, and it is made from the June quilt pattern, which is also in the book and was a quilt along hosted by Amanda Jean on crazymomquilts.  This one is kind of hard to photograph because the colors are so light.  They are softer florals than the Start of Summer quilt, but in person they are just perfect.  If you look in the bottom right corner, I appliqued in a little bird that was left over from another project, too.

Both of these quilts make me really happy.  I'm so pleased with how they turned out, and I'm sending them off to two of my nieces, who will love them and use them, I'm sure.

Another reason to be really happy about these quilts is that they were quilted by my friend Diane Minkley, who has a new quilting business! Diane does beautiful quilting!  She's done a lot of quilts for me and her work is just great.  Her prices are really reasonable and she does both pantos and custom quilting.  Congratulations on the new business, Diane!  I'm so excited for you!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!  This weekend is our anniversary, so you know what that means-- no cooking for me!

Sharing at Finished or Not Friday, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, crazymomquilts, and Oh Scrap!.


  1. Your two quilts are so pretty. I keep looking at my bulging scrap drawers and thinking I need to make both of these quilts too, after I get done with current projects! Maybe this winter. Happy anniversary!!

  2. Yay for scrappy quilts! Congrats on these two finishes. Using up scraps and finishes are definitely two things happy dance about :) Hope you have a great anniversary and don't forget to have a yummy desert ;)

  3. Your quilts are beautiful, congrats on the finishes and using up a bunch of scraps! Happy Anniversary.

  4. Hi Mari,
    262 area code for a new quilting business?!! What?!! I will have have to PIN this so that I remember her name and number. Really nice quilts - your nieces will enjoy them. Which one is your favorite? I lean toward one and then switch camps. They are both beautiful. ~smile~ Roseanne

  5. Wow, such pretty quilts for your nieces! I'm so glad you pointed out the little bird, because I missed it the first time around. Happy anniversary! I hope you have a great, non cooking weekend :)

  6. That little bird just makes your June QAL quilt. Both quilts are scrapalicious!! Enjoy your anniversary (and NOT cooking this weekend.)

  7. These are both beautiful quilts and they will be well loved.

  8. Great editions of those two quilts. And Happy Anniversary.....enjoy!

  9. Lovely quilts, and so nice that you could take photos outside - it's wet and rainy here on the other side of the globe!

  10. Beautiful quilts, lovely quilting and that bird is too darn cute. Scraptastic, Juicy and Joyful = Success in every book. I'd love to see a close-up picture of that cute bird.

  11. Such sweet scrappy quilts which I know were fun making since I made the same two patterns from the book. I am sure both of your lucky nieces are going to love their quilts; they look soft and cuddly. Happy Anniversary and Happy Day of No Cooking.

  12. Both are amazing! They do make a happy pair! Hope your anniversary was's always nice when you don't have to cook!

  13. There is nothing better than a string quilt and here are two beautiful examples! I love the colors you chose for both. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  14. Two lovely string quilts! Such a great way to use up those precious scrappy bits & pieces.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Hmmm.. Trying this again!
    Wow, cut, pieced, quilted and bound in record time! These are really pretty. You have two very lucky nieces.
    Happy Anniversary to both of you. Hurray for not cooking!

  17. Hope you had a nice anniversary! I'm loving both of your quilts. Scrappy really speaks to me and Amanda Jean's books are on my wishlist!

  18. Congrats on two lovely finishes! Hope you have a very happy anniversary.

  19. I love these string quilts, and that applique bird is so cute! Lovely!


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