Friday, December 8, 2017

Fall into winter

Hi everyone!  Somehow we have gotten all the way to December 8 and I just noticed that it's December and the holidays are bearing down on us like a freight train.  How did this happen?  I currently have zero Christmas spirit and zero gifts and zero plan to get any.  I guess I really need to get my butt in gear!  Think making some Christmas cookies would help?

While we're waiting for the holidays, it is still officially fall until December 21, so how about we wrap up fall with something nice and cozy? This week I put the binding on a fall quilt, which means it's done!  Here it is all quilted and bound:

Isn't that pretty?  I made the top of this little quilt last year, during the blog hop that was a launch party for Bernie's online fabric shop.  It must have worked because her store is still going strong!  It was just quilted up a little bit ago and I finished the machine binding this week.

I call this little quilt Autumn Jewels because it's made from the jewel box pattern, which is a really common and looks great in a lot of different colors.  If you go to THIS POST you will find all the details about the fabrics as well as the measurements and a diagram so that you can make your own jewel box quilt.

Autumn Jewels was quilted by Diane Minkley, another friend who has her own quilting business and does awesome work.  I'm sure she'd love to quilt one up for you, too!  She is in Wisconsin but does do some mail order, and she has tons of experience and lots of designs.  This was quilted with an antique gold thread in a pattern called Loose Leaf, which is perfect for a fall quilt. 

I got lucky when I went to take photos of this quilt because the light was just right and the wind cooperated and it wasn't too cold outside.  This never happens to me, how about you?  Our weather is supposed to change very soon, though, and we may get some snow later this weekend. It is December, after all.  Good thing we have quilts around here to keep the chill away.

And that winds up fall for me.  This might be my last finish for 2017, but I have high hopes for one more completion before getting totally slammed by the holiday and end of year hubbub.  The end of the year really has snuck up on me, so keep your fingers crossed that everything gets finished, not just the quilting.

I hope everyone has a good weekend.  I am going to try very hard to get in the holiday spirit, which will be just in time because I have a Christmas party to go to on Sunday.  Then there are a ton of other things to do-- I'd better make a list and check it twice!

Sharing at Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Finished or Not Friday, and crazymomquilts.


  1. The perfect fall quilt that is not screaming fall, so one could keep it out all year long. Happy Holidays:)

  2. The yellow background makes all the other colors pop---I love it!! Great idea to keep in the back of my mind!
    Your quilt is beautiful! If it's any consolation, I haven't done anything to get ready for the holidays except move Christmas to Saturday so more of us can be together--so I have even less time! I'm sure we'll all get there--have a great weekend!

  3. This is so cozy looking! Love the yellow background.

  4. Beautiful quilt that sums up fall perfectly. I hope you find your Christmasy groove. I'm having a hard time trying to find my as well...just not ready to let fall go yet and it's because the beautiful colors it brings...just like your quilt.

  5. Such a pretty quilt and the photographs are gorgeous. Maybe you need a little bit of snow to get into the spirit of the season. I'm with you though, I've only purchase gifts for me which my hubby will be giving me. I have to get my butt in gear too. At least my house is decorated now although I did scale down a bit. Happy Sewing and do some celebrating.

  6. Hi Mari,
    Really nice quilty finish. The colors are so pretty yet they are so autumn that you can't use it any other time of the year. We are supposed to get snow this weekend. That should help with the Christmas spirit, no?? {{Hugs}} You'll get there, and everything always gets done too - somehow. ~smile~ Roseanne

  7. It's always interesting to see what you have been making. The colours are perfect from your autumn too. It is hard to get in the Christmas mood, we have a Victorian Christmas market this weekend here in Lincoln UK and the mulled wine certainly helps along with lots of carols!

  8. Beautiful photos in what I think of as November light. (I know it’s December, but until yesterday, it seemed like November here.) So fun to see this gorgeous quilt again. And if you’re getting the predicted weather, it will be perfect to snuggle under. We’ve scaled back the last few years, focusing on charities and the grandkiddies. That gives us space to breathe and enjoy the holidays. I hope you can find what’s right for you.

  9. What a lovely quilt, Mari! The Christmas season is coming faster than I thought too. We don't even have our tree yet! Yikes! I better make a list too!

  10. It's lovely! I really like the yellow background. Much warmer and more interesting than the standard white/cream. I'm playing with Christmas fabrics, which are helping me get in the mood for the holidays. I don't expect or need to finish anything so that just makes it fun and festive instead of "OMG I have to get this finished!"

  11. I love it!! and yep - in the same boat.. I think cookies help anything - so make some!! ha ha - we made space for our Christmas tree.... thats as far as we got!

  12. LOVE a good Jewel Box quilt and Autumn anything!!!

  13. I am in the same boat you are in as far as preparing for Christmas is concerned. I'd better get busy, too! Your Autumn Jewels quilt is beautiful. I especially like the last photo of it in the shrubbery. Nice shot!

  14. What a beautiful finish! I'm hoping the holiday spirit comes back in a big way when the SIT gets home from college at the end of the week and I get through my last week of work for the year. Hope you've found some holiday cheer and motivation.

  15. I had forgotten about this one. What a beauty - jewel tones are always so rich. Christmas does seem to be approaching fast this year. I need to get myself going! Lots to do.

  16. Gorgeous! I made that pattern a hundred years ago as a high school graduation gift. But I don’t think it came out as pretty as yours!

  17. Until the Winter Solstice, it is still Fall. Paul called me silly when I insisted it is Fall. How come we are having snow in Fall. Because we broke the planet, remember? Love the jewel tones in your quilt. It is particularly cheerful against the wintry dullness. My Christmas is up to Amazon now. Fingers crossed. Cookies can always create/recreate holiday magic.

  18. Another gorgeous quilt Mari. The photos are very good. I also struggle with getting good photos. Oftentimes, outdoors works well.


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