Saturday, December 30, 2017

Squared Away-- 2018 BOM!

Hi all!  It's the last Saturday of 2017, can you believe it? I hope everyone had a great holiday and is ready to start a happy new year.  2018 is going to be awesome, I just know it.  We already have a lot of happiness coming down the road, so I'm looking forward to the new year.

Since we're about to start a new year, it's time to think about 2018 Rainbow Scrap Challenge projects.  For this year, Angela from soscrappy and I have collaborated on a block of the month quilt! You know I like doing these, and this year's project is going to have really easy blocks and a spectacular setting that will make an awesome quilt. 

For this project, we have chosen traditional blocks that each finish at 10 inches square.  The twist for this year is that all of the blocks are made up of only three units in various combinations--squares, rectangles, and half-square triangles.  This means the quilt is absolutely suitable for quilters of all levels of skill and experience.  There are also lots of options for the quilt, including a couple of setting options that will be given at the end. My quilt will finish at about 70 by 87, but you don't have to make one that large if you don't want to.

The first Saturday of every month, I'll be posting a tutorial for that month's block, starting next Saturday.  There are 10 blocks, January through October, then in November we'll have the setting and finishing instructions.  My plan is to make three blocks each month so that I have 30 blocks for my quilt, but you can make as many or as few blocks as you like.  The setting and finishing instructions are based on 30 blocks.

Since this is a scrap quilt, there aren't any yardage requirements to give, but I do have a couple of yards of a white on white to use for the backgrounds.  For the main colors each month I plan to use some of my many, many scraps as well as some scraps that I've already cut into 2-1/2 inch squares. Those bins are never empty, are they?

These will be much happier in a quilt!

So there's the plan for 2018's quilt!  There is a tab at the top of this page with more detailed information.  If it sounds interesting, come on along and try a few blocks!  It will be fun to sew along together and use up a bunch of those scrap pieces.  And at the end we'll have some lovely quilts!

Hope everyone is having a lovely holiday and that you all have a wonderful new year celebration.  Bring on 2018!

Sharing at soscrappy, Linky Tuesday, and Let's Bee Social.


  1. I'll happily be following. Keep up the great ideas

  2. Well, this looks intriguing! I have committed to two QALs already, but I may sneak this one in. I think 3 blocks a month is something I could do, along with all my UFOs that I will get finished this year! Happy New Year!

  3. I think I will be doing this QAL I have to get control of my scraps.

  4. Well, I have my own ambitious plans, but it will be fun to see what you come up with. That is excellent paper, btw. Did you find it online somewhere? Happy new year!

  5. This looks like fun! Since I have finally finished my other RSC sew alongs I might have to join this one!

  6. i love this idea~!!!! It sounds like fun!!

  7. Count me in! Have many (too many?) fat quarters that need to be used.

  8. This is tempting me. Not sure if I have time.

  9. wowie! What a lot of planning you've done for us! Thanks Mari!

  10. Thank you for collaborating with Angela on the 2018 Rainbow Scrap Challenge. I'll be looking forward to seeing how the quilt progresses!!

  11. I don’t ordinarily participate, but this might be too difficult to resist!

  12. I am very tempted because it will use up lots of scraps. Will see how well I can keep up on my other goals and still do this. Thanks for all the work you've done to help us.

  13. Hold your horses, woman!!! When others are looking at the year past with love and longing, you are already galloping into 2018 with a full-blown QAL??? Such an OVERACHIEVER & a big SHOW-OFF :-p
    Fine, I am tempted.
    Wishing you all the best for a joyous new year. And, I am dying to talk to you - whenever you have a minute.

  14. I love colorful scrappy sampler block quilts! This is going to be sooooo much fun! Thank you, Mari, and you, Angela, for creating this Rainbow Scrap Challenge Quilt. It's going to be a good RSC year.

  15. Looks like fun!! I may never run out of scraps!! Not necessarily a bad thing.

  16. I've been wishy washy over this year's RSC quilt. I really want to use up some scraps from the bin. I loved the last sampler quilt, so I'm in for 2018. I've enjoyed watching your BOMs over the last couple of years, just didn't have the room in the storage bins (rule is not new bins, I need to empty a few). I'm looking forward to playing along this year.

  17. This looks very interesting. Thanks for putting the time into it and sharing the patterns.

  18. I am in!! Looking forward to seeing the first block. Thank you for taking the time to put this together. I really appreciate it. :-)

  19. Wonderful! I cut all my scraps into 2 1/2 inch strips so it's perfect!

  20. This does look like fun and a great way to use up scrap pieces.


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