Friday, January 19, 2018

Windy, cold, and colorful

Windy, cold, and colorful certainly describes the finished quilt top I have to show today!  It has been a bear in terms of the weather around here this week. It finally let up a bit so I could get a few outdoor pictures, which I am pretty happy about. Plus I have a really funny story to tell you about the quilt top, too. At least I think it's funny now.  I wasn't so sure when it happened. First we should get to the pictures, though, don't you think?  It was very windy, and there is snow on the ground, which always gives everything a bluish cast, but I managed to get a few shots that are acceptable.  Here's the best picture of the whole top:

If you recall, I pulled this neglected top out of the closet last week to get a border on it in order to turn it into a real quilt.  This was made as an RSC16 project, using the block I call "Grandma's block" in a 12-inch size.  (If you're interested, a tutorial for the block is HERE.)  Pretty happy that I actually did it and got the border on.

Thanks to everyone who offered an opinion on the border options, both here and on Instagram.  I used a 2-inch white border, a colorful border made of 1-1/2 by 2-inch rectangles (because I cut them wrong), and then a final 3-inch white border.  I think it looks awesome!

This quilt top is about 75 by 87, a good bed size.  I didn't start out intending to make a quilt that big, but here we are. The fabrics are all hand dyes from Vicki Welsh, except for the white, which is all a basic Kona white.  The fabrics look really rich and interesting in person, though they always look more like solids in pictures. 

So here's my funny story: I was pressing the finished top so I could measure it and get a backing together when the hubs came into the sewing room.  He rarely comes in there and even more rarely makes comments on the quilts. (Though he is generally very supportive!)  Here's our conversation:

Him (looking closely at the quilt top):  "I really like this one."

Me: "Thanks! I like it too."

Him: "It would be better if it had more pastels, though."

Me: "Ummm. . .pastels?"

Him: "You know, more traditional quilt colors."

Me:  (mouth hanging open)

Him: "Maybe all one color, like a light blue. Or green. That would be nice."

Me: "I'm holding an iron here."

Is it me?  Actually, since I really own no pastels, I'm choosing to think that he was telling me to go buy more fabric.  Isn't that how you would take it?

Eek! Snow on my quilt top!

So there's my finished quilt top! I am so happy to have this one finished off.  I have a great backing for it and this weekend I'll stitch some white batting remnants together so I can send it off to Diane to be longarmed.  The one thing that I don't have is a name for this quilt.  The whole time I was working on it I kept thinking of it as "Grandma's quilt," but I think it deserves a better name.  Any suggestions?

Hope everyone has a great weekend.  I'll be searching for "pastels," how about you?

It was very windy!

Sharing at Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Finished or Not Friday, crazymomquilts, and soscrappy for RSC18.


  1. I am sure he was telling you to go buy more fabric, how supportive of him! Love the rainbow effect of the quilt and the simple border sets it off perfectly. Love it.

  2. It will be a beautiful finish with a colourful border. Love the photos with snow. Of course, buy some pastels fabric.

  3. Love it,my first thought on seeing your quilt in the snow was "CASCADE"

  4. You have a gorgeous finish today! The colors just pop and shine. Your husband's comments sound just like something mine would say. :)

  5. It is absolutely beautiful. I love the secondary look it gives. But heck yes I think he said go by more fabric, LOL

  6. Your husband's comments sound like my husband's, and he rarely ventures into the sewing hole. My DH prefers muted colors, and I'm all about the brights. Makes life - and decorating - interesting. And I love your color choices in this quilt. The block reminds me of a plate surrounded by four cups (before the cups were broken), so maybe "Tea with Great-Grandmother" for a name?

  7. Love these bright colors and the addition of the border. I'm pretty sure roughly translated that was permission to purchase more fabric :)

  8. Yep, that conversation is definitely the green light for buying more fabric, so have at it :-) What a pretty quilt. The white pattern looks like snow crystals, so that's what I would suggest for a name. You did a great job on this quilt!

  9. Yep! he was saying buy more, and buy what you want.... ha ha ha Its a great quilt !!!!

  10. LOVE this quilt!! Happy shopping!

  11. "I'm holding an iron, here." This made me bust out laughing! This is a great quilt top and it is definitely perfect as is and doesn't need pastels. :D

  12. Beautiful quilt and colors not over powering! JUST RIGHT! How about "Around the Color Wheel"?

  13. Your quilt is a beauty. Love all the clear colors!

  14. So pretty Mari. That quilt is so colorful and pretty.

  15. LOL! So basically your DH said, "I like this quilt! You should have made it completely differently, though. Good job, honey!" Did you know that he likes pastels? Better get a big stash of them, just in case :)

  16. your conversation with your husband sounds a bit like some of ours! I do like your quilt, I found you on the busy hands link up

  17. Great quilt Mari. I love this, even though it isn't a traditional, pastel color quilt. It's ok. Maybe next time you'll get it right. Better go stock up on more fabric!!!

    Cute story. :-)

  18. Gorgeous quilt top, will be interesting to see how it's quilted. I wonder if quilting husbands just like things really simple - single colours, easy, obvious pattern - at least mine is like that! Enjoy your fabric shopping.

  19. it is fabulous! Make another one in pastels for Mr.

  20. It was so nice of your husband to suggest that you need more fabrics. Especially since you used up all those lovely hand dyes. The border might just be my favorite part of your quilt. So glad that you cut those rectangles the wrong size.

  21. Love your new quilt. Certainly didn't need pastels! You could certainly buy some more fabric, in your idea of "pastels" of course!

  22. Beautiful quilt! The border jusf males it! And your hubby...sounds like something mine would do. Sometimes he's being a smart aleck, but other times new trying to be helpful and has no idea what he's talking about! But I do think if the hubby says you need more fabric, you'd better get to shopping quick before he changes his mind! (And if what you choose doesn't match his idea of pastels, just tell him it's artistic license!)

  23. I love that the border "mistake" resulted in rectangles because it goes so well with the rectagles of the block design! My menfolk prefer more traditional colors as well, also generally supportive, as long as I am careful not to OD them on fabric chatter :)

  24. Ha! Maybe you could call it "Pastel Please!" :D

  25. That is gorgeous, Mari, and the borders you chose are just perfect for it! I'm convinced that men see in different colors than we do - my husband thinks a perfect quilt would be in gray solids...

  26. Your great-grandmother would be so proud! It’s so very beautiful!! Your DH is wrong about the pastels, but his point is well taken. After finishing a quilt that size, it’s time for another run to the fabric store!

  27. What about Hopscotch? My eye really does hop around to all those great colors. Maybe your husband is colorblind. Seriously, there are two kinds common in men. One is seeing red and green the same. The other is seeing all colors as dull, like thinking red and brown are the same. My father ran a dyehouse and had to give his workers a test for it. One time my boss had the red/green and my coworker had the dull one. Be,sure and get more fabric!

  28. Great quilt and your husband’s comment cracks me up! I agree, think you should go add some new fabric to the stash!

  29. It is a beauty, and I am laughing here imagining what happened during the conversation with your husband LOL

  30. Love the quilt. How bout ‘My Pastels’ for a name?

  31. lol! Holding an iron here! Sounds like my dh... it would be nice in blue!
    I lOVE the colors and the brightness and the way the pattern moves from color to color next to each other. Good job Mari!

  32. My Guy doesn't get the scrappy colorful thing either, he prefers each block to be the same. I can so relate to the "I have an iron" comment. Sorry no thoughts on a name. It's a gorgeous quilt!


Thanks for your kind comments! I appreciate every one and will answer if I can. No-reply commenters, you are appreciated also!