Wednesday, February 7, 2018

A new wedding ring

I am having a very weird week, how about you?  It all started when the Eagles won the Super Bowl, and then the entire area lost its mind.  My neighbors were well-prepared with fireworks, and apparently all of Thursday has been cancelled for a parade. Add in some ice and freezing rain and you've really got something!

Thankfully, I have a new project to work on while everyone around me is going crazy.  This project involves the massive bucket full of solids that I still have even after many attempts to use them up.

Why do I have so many?  Because I rarely use them but am still seduced by the awesome colors. All of these are Kona cottons and all are pieces smaller than a fat eighth (9 by 22 inches) with lots of small pieces--some of then really small-- mixed in.

The last time I made a scrap solids quilt it turned out great and is still loved, so this time I chose this pattern to use up a bunch of those solids:

This is the Monet's Wedding Ring pattern from Judy Martin.  It's in her book Scraps, which is from 2006 but you can still find it on Amazon or in the library.  (It's pretty expensive on Amazon, but you can buy an e-book at Judy's site HERE.) Doesn't that look like a cool pattern?  Almost a double wedding ring, but no curved piecing.  Winner!

If you look closely at the pattern, you can see that almost all the pieces in the pattern are squares.  Easy cutting, but super-boring because there are about 11 billion of them in different sizes.  I went ahead and started cutting the solids so that I can start sewing these blocks together:

Of course, that's a tiny fraction of what I need. This is going to take forever.

I'm thinking of using that pale blue for the background instead of a cream or white. (The color is better in the photo with the book above.)  I have enough of this one, but I also thought about a pale yellow. I don't have enough of any yellow for the whole background, but I could shop. White would look good, but white and cream get boring after a while. What do you think? Or do you have another suggestion?

So, I guess I'll be cutting solid squares for a while!  Which is great, because there's no way I'm going anywhere near the city on Thursday.  Imagine the traffic and parking!

I also have the little doll quilts to finish quilting up, and I'm also planning to make a few "hospital gowns" for the dolls to send along.  I found an easy free pattern HERE.  She also has other free patterns for 18 inch dolls and some for sale as well, in case you're in search of another project. 

Everybody have a great week.  Hope it's not too weird!  For those of you keeping track, this is my 350th post!

Sharing at Let's Bee Social and Oh Scrap!


Jo said...

I have not seen this wedding ring design before. It's amazing

Libby in TN said...

Now that's a DWR I might be able to handle! I like the blue background.

Tish Stemple said...

I love this take on the double wedding ring, but man it will be an under taking with all those squares. Will you work it as a leader/ender project or are you going to make it the new focus quilt? I think the blue will be perfect as a background. We do not have an NFL team here in WV, but it's probably a good thing. Every time the Mountaineers do well, people light couches on fire. I've never quite understood how it started.

Amy said...

Two of my friends did this pattern several years ago. The resulting quilts were stunning. One friend went totally scrappy and the other did a controlled palette. Neither used white or cream as the background, and I think the blue would be lovely with the solids.

piecefulwendy said...

I made a traditional wedding ring quilt. It was one of the first large quilts I made, and I made it for another person. Her mom had started the project and she wanted someone to finish it. It was easier to do than I had anticipated. Your version should be fun, but boy, those are a lot of little squares. We steered clear of the Twin Cities this past weekend too. I'm sure your city is in high celebration mode!

Jayne said...

Oh...My...God! This is going to take you forever! But it will be spectacular when it's finished...even in progress it will be! Do keep us posted on this one! Wow!

Alison V. said...

What a neat pattern! I like your idea of a blue background, but a light grey might also look lovely to highlight the brightness of some of the other fabrics you're planning to use!

Louise said...

Neat pattern! You're right, that's a lot of squares. But it will be so cheery when it's finished. I like the blue background you've chosen. I'm trying to stretch myself out of choosing white or cream backgrounds, too. And it's great that you're making hospital gowns for the dolls, how sweet!

Vicki in MN said...

oh that looks like a fun pattern, which I have never seen before. It'll be fabulous-you can do it!!!

Vasudha said...

This is my favorite wedding ring quilt. I hope to make it for my sons when they get married (and if they want yet another quilt from mom :-)
Lots of squares but look at pics in her viewer photos section for variations with fewer pieces:

PaulaB quilts said...

Your bright fabrics will really make this pattern sing. The blue is lovely. If yellow goes paler it can be quite dull. I hope you are not setting a deadline for the finish!

JanineMarie said...

I’ve never seen this version of the wedding ring. How cool the way those circles emerge the further back you go. And knowing it will be Kona solids? I love it already. I’m big on scrappy whites/offwhites for a background, but the blue is very pretty. Do what makes you excited to get to the finish! And thank you for the link to the hospital gown. I have the gown I wore home from the hospital after they cut my shirts off when I broke my shoulder. I’ve been wondering how to make a pattern so I can remake it for doll versions. Now I can just get to the sewing.

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

I like the blue, but maybe a tea dyed background would be better. The blue may interfere with the scrappy look and then the quilt will not pop. I have this book - lots of good patterns.
Enjoy the process

Jen said...

That looks like a crazy, wonderful quilt to use up those scraps. The blue is very pretty. I would opt for a grey or even black. I like the contrast of bright solids on a dark, dark background.

Becky H said...

Thanks for the great info on the book! That one looks like a keeper. I don't know if I have the ambition for that wedding ring quilt yet, but I love the way it looks!

Sara said...

You are probably smart to stay away from the crazies who are still celebrating! Once you get started on the wedding rings, it will take shape quickly I'm sure. Should be fun with those solids.

scraphappy said...

What a fun version of double wedding ring. Gotta love the lack of curved piecing. I like the blue. Different, but not weird.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! That is a LOT of squares! It will look stunning when it is done though. I know me, and I know I would get bored with this so I would probably try to add some interest by using a variety of low volume fabrics for the background just to keep my interest. The solids you have are very bright and saturated so I think the contrast would still be good. This will be fun to watch come together!

Lisa J. said...

I think it will look great with the blue. I'm intrigued with this pieced version of a double wedding ring. Looks like a long term project.

Anonymous said...

I have made the Monet's Wedding Ring several times. I love that pattern. I like all of Judy Martin's patterns. Lots of pieces but not hard to make.

PugMom said...

Hi Mari! I love your new project! What about a dark blue or a medium grey for the background? I just ordered Judy’s new Star Quilt book. I agree with you about the football madness. Cold and icy here too. Pugs and kisses,

Linda in Arkansas said...

I recognized that pattern right away! I bought Judy's book when it first came out. Never have made a quilt from it. BUT the book/she inspired me and encouraged me to make my first quilt. Needless to say I'm a big Judy Martin fan. I'm with you - use something pretty and fun for the background. The blue is good.

helenjean@midgetgemquilts said...

My son is in your area, and we were watching with interest. There was some excitement in the streets, and I am sure a lot of sore heads the next day. Fly Eagles Fly. I love your rainbow of kona colours.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Perhaps you could use both the blue and a mixture of soft yellows for the background? I've seen vintage DWR quilts with multicolor backings and they're quite striking. Happy square-cutting!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Someone else started that same pattern, years ago, and then put the pieces, pattern and some already done blocks in a quilter's garage sale, at a quilt show. I bought it, but, have never pulled it out, to see what needs to be done to get it finished. She also used a light blue background, I think.

Kate @ Smiles From Kate said...

Love the wedding ring pattern, that reminds me, I have a wedding ring UFO, think of something else. Yes, I do like the blue, it's a lovely change from white and cream I agree. Thank you for the hospital gown pattern link, I will be making doll quilts today, although I will be restricted sue to postage from the UK :-(

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

That pattern will be perfect for all of those solids. I love all of those bright colors you are using. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

Preeti said...

Oh Mari, that is a lovely pattern. Although I do not mind working with curves, the need for templates is a big turn-off. Love your stash of solids - so yummy and bright. The light blue background should work perfectly - like a ring in the sky. I do have a suggestion for the yellow...when we chat :-).

Preeti said...

Bernie is trying to coordinate something to make it easier for overseas quilters to send in their quilts. You may want to send her an email.