Friday, February 23, 2018

Deeply purple

(For those of you who are interested, there is a scrap giveaway at the end of this post!)

Hi all, and welcome to the end of another busy week!  February is the shortest month, but right now it feels so looooong.  I know that you know what I mean! February is what makes March look so good.  I am ready for green and growing things, aren't you?  And so looking forward to some fresh tomatoes too.  Soon!

This week, I was super-busy, so I didn't get a lot of sewing time.  And I was on such a roll for a while there! Instead I focused on finishing up my purple scrap projects so I could feel like I had made some progress.  Sometimes that's just what you need to make the week feel like a success, you know?  Here are my patchwork scrap stars:

This month I chose to make a pink star and a green one in the purple blocks.  I like how they turned out, plus I had 15 different purple scraps to use in the blocks.  I like purple, though, so it's not really a surprise.

I also made about a dozen of the little 4-1/2 inch 9-patches from my 2-inch squares:

I could have made more, but I just didn't feel like cutting more pieces, and a dozen sounds like a good number.

In 2016, I started Bonnie Hunter's En Provence quilt, and I haven't made a ton of progress on all the pieces. I love the quilt, though, and I want to use it in our guest room, so I really want to finish it. Since this was a purple scrap month, I decided to use it to finish making all of the purple pieces in the quilt:

I didn't get all of the purples finished, but I did finish off the 4-patches and the hsts, which felt like a real achievement to me because there were so *many* of them (and you know how much I like making 4-patches.)  I still have to make the triangle in a square units, but at least I've cut all the purple for those.  I only have the yellows and greens to finish after this.  I may actually finish this quilt this year!

So now I'm finished with my purple scraps for the month, and just like last month, I am giving away what's left in my purple scrap bin!  Here's what's up for grabs this month:

There are some nice-sized pieces here, but also a bunch of smaller ones, including some 2-inch strips and a few squares.  To fill out the envelope, I added some pieces from the dots and checks bin, along with a handful of 2-inch squares and also of 1-1/2 inch squares.  All together it's about 2 pounds of fabric.

I will send this scrap package off to one lucky winner for no charge at all.  All you have to do is leave a comment that says you'd like to have it.  That's all!  You can also leave a comment if you don't want it, just let me know.  I'll use the random number generator sometime on Sunday night (February 25) and send the fabric out next week.

This giveaway is now closed!   Thanks to all!

Hope you all have a great weekend!  Think of me, because we'll be doing a massive landscaping/drainage project that requires hand digging not just one but TWO trenches.  If you want to come help, I won't turn you away! And if you'd like some amusement, I'll try to remember to post some pictures on Instagram.  See you there!

Sharing at Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Finished or Not Friday, and soscrappy for RSC18.


  1. Such a shame when life takes over and spoils our sewing time. Lovely star blocks, the green one has to be my favourite, I love the contrast. Your scraps are so organised, mine are just a jumble of all different shapes and sizes, I have scrap envy here, yours are so usable. No need to enter me Mari, I'm in the UK and the postage would be too expensive. Good luck with the digging!

  2. wow! what a generous (and brilliant!) thing to do- share your scraps!!! that's one way to work through them! and to have a new infusion of fabrics will be so fun for somebody else! (but don't put me in the drawing- I have lots!)

  3. I’d 💜 those purple scraps. Springy!
    Thanks. Beth

  4. No Scraps please - I am loving those scrappy stars !It's going to be a great quilt

  5. Would love your beautiful scraps!

  6. Purple is one of my fav colors. I would love to have your scraps. I also make miniature quilts so every piece would be used😀 Thank you for your inspiration.

  7. Purple is one of my fav colors. I would love to receive your scraps .I also make miniature quilts so no piece would be unused☺ Thank you for your inspiration.

  8. I am sorely weak in the purple department. Looks like some fun scraps. Thanks!

  9. Love the color our purple and those star blocks! Especially the one with the green star. Thank you for the chance to increase my scrap collection.

  10. You’ve made excellent progress through the month with your purples. I love the star colors you did for the RSC too. I’d love those scraps you’re offering. Thanks for the chance.

  11. I would love your purple scraps. I am turning into a pink and purple fan....since I wasn't a fan a few years ago, my stash is lacking in those colors! I am also making doll quilts for A Doll Like Me. I made three and will be mailing them soon. I loved seeing yours!

  12. I love the green and pink stars in your purple blocks! And yes, I would love your scraps too!! ;))

  13. Purple is one of my favorite colors! So yes I would love them:) But I also love your star blocks.

  14. I spy a few purples among your scraps that I already have, but would still like to add to my purples. I like that you used colors for your stars, since they are usually whit or cream. Makes them more interesting.
    Good luck with the drainage project. We have one that needs doing, but my husband is totally unhandy.

  15. Your star blocks are great! I'd love to add those purples to my scrappy quilts. Thanks for the chance.

  16. Mari, I would love to have your purple scraps. These would be wonderful to use in my scrappy quilts. Thank you so much for the chance.
    I really love those star blocks. Very pretty!

  17. Since purple is my favorite color I'd love to have your scraps. It's funny how you're talking about working out in your yard and here we're under several inches of snow with temps hovering around 10 degrees. I'd almost like to come help if just to get out of the cold! ktshively (at) hotmail (dot) com

  18. I love scraps! And I'd love yours!
    I'm thinking about doing Bonnie's En Provence quilt--Have to finish On Ringo Lake first though.
    Enjoy the weekend!

  19. Hiya!!! I am sorely lacking in purples in my stash and scraps, so this would be a wonderful windfall. I'm loving all your purple-y blocks. Thanks so much for the giveaway. Blessed be, hugs!!!
    pamspretties57 at gmail dot com

  20. Such pretty purples! I just got back to work on a really old Bonnie Hunter mystery--Easy Street, and have been digging for more purples to add to it--would love to add yours! Love your purple star blocks!

  21. Just started reading your blog and have begun your Squared Away year of blocks. Just today finished January's blue and they are beautiful. Need to started on February's but no purples in my ancient stash. Have been knitting for the past many years and am back to quilting. Would love the purples. Thanks for your inspirational blog. You spur me on!

  22. This is my favorite kind of post. Seeing how someone used their scraps to make a scrappy quilt! And yes, I would so enjoy receiving an infusion of purple into my stash of scraps!

  23. How generous of you to give your scraps away. I could use them, although I have lots of scraps I don't have much purple, as it isn't one of my favorite colors. But I do like to use pops of it in scrap projects.

  24. I sure could use the purple scraps because I am working on two scrap purple quilts but I am also working to use my stash and acquire less fabric so No scraps for me. But a generous offer just the same.

  25. I love the variety of purples in your blocks! So many pretty hues! I'd love a chance to win your scraps. Thank you for the generous opportunity!

  26. Hand digging trenches? You poor thing! I'll think of you this weekend . . .
    And, yes, I'd love to have the scraps. I am a scrap quilter!

  27. Great purple blocks. I am hoping to get a few more done this weekend too. I love your scraps and would be very happy to win them. Thanks for the chance to win.

  28. I like purple but don't have much in my stash. I would love your scraps if I am so lucky as to win them.

  29. My scraps would like to play with some new friends.

    Love your project5s.

  30. I would love to get your scrap bag left-overs. That would provide hours of fun in arranging my own purple quilt.

  31. I am ready for spring too, as I look out the window to snow falling! Oh well, it gives me more time to sew, right? I would love to let your purples play with my stash, they would fit right in. Need to make some pretty patchwork scrap stars--yours are so pretty.

  32. Purple scraps! Oh, yes. I would love them so please include me in the drawi g.

  33. Purple is my middle name - well, not really, but it *could* be... Looks like there are a lot of purple fans gathered here, all of us hoping we get the purple scraps! 8)
    (You generous soul, you!)

  34. I'd love more purple. I will be making a baby quilt for my granddaughter soon. Her room is mauve.

  35. Love your purple blocks with the pink and green stars, a great idea. I would love to win your purple scraps too - purple is a colour virtually non existent in my stash so your scraps would be a marvellous addition. Thank you for the opportunity.

  36. I love new fabric, too, no matter how small!

  37. I love making scrappy quilts, and purple is my granddaughter's favourite colour! It'd be great to win your scraps to increase the variety I have!

  38. Oh please! My 4 year old LOVES purple, and wants an all-purple quilt so badly! And I have pretty much no purple yet. I just started quilting, and haven't built up any kind of stash or scraps.

  39. Wow, those are beautiful scraps. I would LOVE to win them, I am primarily a scrap quilter!

    fuzzy acres (all one word) 1 @ msn dot com

  40. I love purple more than a lot of other colors! Send them my way.

  41. I'm scrap crazy and don't have many purples. This is an awesome giveaway!


  42. You got lots done even though your stitching time was a bit constrained. Hope this week has been a bit slower and even with your landscaping project you've had some time to stitch.


Thanks for your kind comments! I appreciate every one and will answer if I can. No-reply commenters, you are appreciated also!