Wednesday, February 14, 2018

My blue Valentine

Well, happy Valentine's Day, everyone!  It's a fun little holiday sometimes, isn't it?  The hubs and I had our Valentine's Day yesterday, because today also happens to be Ash Wednesday.  I made filet mignon and cookies, and then we watched the men's curling round robin at the Olympics.  I'm not into it, but based on the yelling, it's a very exciting sport!

Speaking of the love of my life, remember a few weeks ago when he told me that one of my quilts would look better in "pastels?" Well, I wanted to make another quilt from that same block in a different colorway (for reasons that will become clear later this year) and I let him choose the fabric.  I chose the white and gave him several choices for the main fabric, which I narrowed down mainly by whether I had enough yardage to make the quilt.  Here's what he chose:

Yes, blue!  It's not exactly pastel, but it's the closest thing I have to a traditional calico.  Wouldn't you know it?  This is Town and Country Blues by Pepper Cory for Studio E.  At least that's what it says on the selvage, but when I looked for it online, this is not the fabric I found.  Maybe it's really old.

For this quilt, I am making 20 blocks for a throw quilt that will finish at about 54 by 66.  I did all the cutting at once, so the block making is going fairly quickly.  Once I made 160 half-square triangles, everything else was down hill.  Those things will really slow you down.

I've also started making the blocks for the Monet's Wedding ring quilt.  I couldn't resist putting a few up on the wall:

Not crooked, just in need of pressing!
This quilt is really, really easy.  Once you get past the cutting, there are only straight seams and almost no matching.  I can't see the pattern yet, but I know this is going to turn out great.  I already love the colors!  I did intend to use the blue as a background, but it turned out that I didn't like all the colors against it.  Not to worry, I'm sure I'll have another opportunity to use the blue somewhere else.

So that's the update from here! I hope you all have a happy/ holy day, or both, whichever you prefer!

Sharing at Let's Bee Social.


  1. Your blue and white quilt looks beautiful, Mari! And so does your design wall. Wishing you and yours a very Happy Valentine's Day!

  2. Happy Valentine's Day! Here in Minnesota, curling is a kind of a big deal especially up north. I don't really understand it, but it has a strong following apparently. You two quilts are going to be fun. The blue and white will be really pretty. Of course, the wedding ring appeals to me because of all the color!

  3. Both of your quilts are lovely....and so different! Here in Canada curling is a popular sport. I would find it funny that when my children were young, if they came across curling on TV they would be mesmerized by it. My eldest son tried it once and he said it was funny because he would keep tipping over when throwing the curling rock, lol

  4. Happy Valentines Day! That's a lovely blue colour, it looks so crisp and clean with the white. Small pieces on your wedding ring quilt but no matching? Love it already.

  5. The milk and cookies match the red/white quilt - picture perfect :-) He chose a beautiful blue. I love it. The solids look so bright and cheerful on the design wall. That there are no seams to match sounds so liberating. What would Monet's Wedding Ring pattern look like on a charcoal background, I am wondering. Let's explore our dark sides...when we meet :-D

  6. 160 HST's? That is a whole lot of trimming, which is the worst part of making HST's. But apparently you are a quilty wonder woman and don't even bat an eye at such things. :-) Love both of these projects Mari. We are usually all about the Olympics but I have not watched even one event this year??

  7. Both of your new projects are looking pretty cool. We did our Valentine's dinner out last night due to the 14th being Ash Wednesday. It was nice the restaurant was pretty much deserted, which they said had not been the case the night before. Some times being off a night has it's advantages.


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