Saturday, May 26, 2018

Everything's coming up roses

(The monthly scrap giveaway is at the end of this post!)

Good golly, it's the end of the month already! Okay, it's really close. I'm stunned that it went so quickly.  But look what we got in May-- roses!

Those will lift anyone's spirits, won't they? Yellow ones are my favorite, but pink is also quite festive.  And now that the rain hasn't been beating them down, these actually have some petals left on them!

Today I'm rounding up the pink RSC projects for May.  I love pink and use it all the time, so I had a lot of fun with this month's projects.  First up are the patchwork scrap stars:

These are super-happy looking, aren't they?  Yes, the star on the left is orange, but doesn't it look good with those pinks? I didn't realize I had so many different pink prints, and some of those have been hanging around here for years.  It's good to see them being used.

Then there are the 9-patches for this month:

How do you like that "clothesline?"  I just wanted some pretty pictures with the pink geranium.  I'm going to call these "hollow 9-patches" from now on.  I think that's a better name than "9-patches with white centers" and it's a good description of the blocks.  I got eleven 9-patches this month, which brings my total to 68. 

And now to the giveaway!  As I am every month this year, I am giving away the pink scraps remaining in my bin after I finish the RSC projects.  Nothing wrong with any of them; I'm just tired of looking at them.  Since I love pink, I had a lot of pink scraps to start with, so there is a nice selection this month:

This month there are the pink scraps, a handful of both 2-inch and 1-1/2 inch squares, and about 50 1-1/2 by 9-1/2 inch pink strips.  The strips are what's left from some sashing that I cut wrong when I was making a quilt several years ago.  I cut every piece of sashing for an extra-long twin the wrong size, so I've been using these pieces up for years and now I'm just done with them.  But I'll bet someone out there can think of something creative to do with all those pieces.  The package is finished off with the pink/ red fat quarter in the center of the picture, only because I can't decide if it's pink or red. 

The giveaway is now closed! Thanks everyone!

All you have to do to receive this package is leave a comment on this post! Sadly, I can only send the package to the US or Canada because of postage.  I'm sorry, European friends!  We'll think of something for you later this year.  If you are no-reply, please, please leave an email address!  If I can't contact you, you can't win.  I will use the random number generator to choose a winner on Tuesday morning, May 29th. 

Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend, and don't forget to give thanks for those who gave their lives for our country and our freedom.  It's not all about the burgers!

Sharing at soscrappy for RSC18.


Robin said...

Your pink blocks seem so light they could float away. The Grandmother quilt is beautiful! I fully understand how you feel when you finally hold the complete and finished quilt. I usually sign, I feel proud and my body thinks fatigue knowing what energy went into creating this amazing quilt. Only the ones that make-understand.

piecefulwendy said...

I love the pink quilts, and the orange star looks great with the pink! Fun to see your flowers; I don't even have plants yet this year. It's been so cool and chilly, but this weekend we're in the high 90s. I realized yesterday that I have very little pink or yellow in my stash. Yellow is a favorite color of mine, so it surprised me a bit. Anyway, I hope you have a great weekend!

Darlene said...

Pink is good. I am working on a heart quilt made all from pinks and need more. Thanks

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

Beautiful roses and I LOVE your outdoor nine patch display as well as the other blocks :) My neighbor has pink roses just coming in to bloom. I had a yellow bush that seemed to die off / I trimmed it all back and am crossing my fingers.

maggie fellow said...

great progress, but kuddos to the photography, it is so pretty.

scraphappy said...

Hollow nine patches. I like it! Nice pink progress this month. So happy to see your flowers blooming.

Ashley said...

Pink is my favorite color and probably my most used in my quilts as well! I love all your blocks! So beautiful and fun! Thank you for the chance to play with your scraps!

works4me said...

Love the star blocks especially. I, too, am a fan of pink, especially in the garden. The roses are gorgeous.

Thanks for the chance to win some great scraps.

Charlene S said...

The Orange is striking next to the pinks!

Shelina said...

What a beautiful pink post - the flowers as well as the blocks. The orange is really striking. As to the mystery fabric, I think it would work either way depending on whether you pair it with red or pink. It looks pink to me!

Sarah Aldrich said...

I've been following you for a while. I've never entered on of your scrap giveaways, however, I love the pinks. They make me happy and happy has been in short supply in my town this week.
(We had a tornado last week and the town was pretty badly damaged.) I would love your pink scraps. I would use them in a unicorn quilt for my granddaughter who is 3. sarahsgiftnship (at) gmail dot com

PamsPretties57 said...

Hey Mari!!! I absolutely love pink, but have very little of it in my stash (regular or scrap). I adore your blocks and the flowers are so very pretty. I rent so don't really have anywhere to put out flowers. Thanks so much for having the giveaway. Blessed be, hugs!!!
pamspretties57 at gmail dot com

JoanG said...

I love the scrappy star blocks and the orange really sparks it up. I'm getting ready to start a double wedding ring quilt and would love to include your pinks in the mix! Thanks for the chance.

Bernie Kringel said...

Beautiful roses Mari - love your pink blocks for this month. I think I will work on some scrappy projects this weekend since I haven't done April or May yet. I just happen to have a stash of new yellow scraps that are calling to me. :-)

TheEclecticAbuela said...

I love pink. Your blocks (and roses) are lovely!

Ivani said...

Beautiful blocks, beautiful pictures and I love your pink geranium.
Good luck for someone who leveas near you There are a beautiful scraps there.
Have a great weekend Mari.

Janice Holton said...

Very cute idea to display your blocks on a "clothesline" near the flowers. This time of year is SUCH FUN with all the floral eye candy out there. Hollow 9-patch is a good description of what you're making! Thank you for the opportunity to win some pretty pink scraps!

Julie A Hutcherson said...

Mari, love your blog & all your sweet projects. I'd love to have your pink scraps! Thanks!

JanineMarie said...

Your little clothes line is adorable, and as usual I am drooling over your blocks, especially the "hollow" ones. I'm glad to see pretty flowers instead of puddles on your deck!

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Pretty blocks!!

Jo said...

You are always so generous Mari. Good luck to all the entrants .. pink is a lovely colour

maureen said...

I need to start using more pink! Would love to get a start with your scraps. Thanks for the inspiration and the chance to win.

Linda said...

What a pretty washing line! The blocks look very pretty dancing in the breeze. The Star blocks are great. Pink and orange work beautifully together. Some while ago I made a whole quilt in pinks and oranges and it is one of my favourite finishes.

Liz Horgan said...

I like the orange with the pinks! and your other blocks too!
Happy Memorial Day!

Kathy's A Quilter said...

for all the pinks in all the world, isn't it just amazing how wonderful they all are. Well done on all your pink loveliness.

Cathy L Wilson said...

I love the hollow nine patches and your star blocks! Pink is one of the colors that I have the least of in my stash so I’d love to win your scraps!

Kate said...

Oooh, so pretty in pink! You used up a lot of those pretty pink scraps. I didn't think orange and pink went together till the the SIT insisted I pair those in one of her quilts. I was pleasantly surprised to find out they did look pretty good together. You can exclude me from your drawing. As pretty as those scraps are, my bins are full to overflowing at the moment!

Kim said...

The new name "Hollow 9-Patch" is great! The blocks are so pretty on the clothesline, as are the roses pictured in your post.

Mindy Sebastian said...

I am not short on pinks, but I have two little girls and they have lots of girl cousins (10!) with two more on the way! They would certainly get used up!

Ramona Johnson said...

What a great way to recycle your scraps. Gives a valid excuse for more shopping. Love the pinks.