Friday, June 29, 2018

Fast, easy, and finished

Hi everyone, and welcome to another summer weekend!  They're slipping away really fast, aren't they?  I can't believe that on Sunday it will already be July.  July! I have too much left to do for it to be July already.  Something tells me that I may not get it all done.

Here's one thing I did get done-- this week I finished up this fun little quilt:

This is a simple 16-patch that I made from some Island Batik strips that I got for Mother's Day.  It was super-easy and went really fast.  And now it's all finished, including a binding, which is a semi-miracle.

For this quilt, I just took the two darker strips from one end of the set and matched them up with the two from the lighter end of the package, then made a strip set from those and kept going the same way until they were all used up.  I got 4 blocks from each strip set with only a small piece left over.  Sure, I could have stressed over matching up colors, but I'm proud to say that I didn't.  This method worked out pretty well.

With these strips I encountered something that I never came across before in precuts-- some of the strips were bowed at the center, which means that they made a "v" when opened up.  I was able to work around most of them, but there were two that were bad enough that I couldn't use them.  I substituted another piece from my stash and just threw out the bad ones. The rest of the fabric in the quilt top is just the strips from the package, which feels great to me.

The quilting here is just a simple cross hatch with the walking foot, which worked out really well.  I was able to get a lot of the quilt done without breaking thread by just pivoting and turning the quilt.  It finished at about 48 by 56, which is a decent lap size, and was small enough that I could maneuver it pretty well. 

The backing is just a piece of batik that I had in my stash for a long time.  I was so happy to use that up!  During the quilting, I kept checking the back to make sure there were no wrinkles.  The backing turned out completely flat except for one tiny tuck.  I planned to go back and fix that at the end, but after I finished all the rows I couldn't find the tuck any more.  Let's hear it for busy backings!

I made 40 blocks from the strips in the package, and then I had to make two more to fill out the layout.  I thought that I would just add in some pieces from the stash, but I was able to use the pieces leftover from the strip sets to make 2 multi-colored blocks.  (Look carefully and you'll find them.)  This means that all the fabric I have left from the quilt top is these pieces that were too narrow to use in the multicolor blocks:

That's a win for sure!  These will get cut up for scraps at some point.  Not sure what I'm going to do with the quilt itself.  I'm thinking of selling it.  I like it a lot, but I have so many that the house is slowly becoming a quilt storage facility.  I'll see if anyone in the family wants to claim it, then it just might be for sale.  Watch this space!

So there's my fast and easy finish! Sometimes it feels good to finish up something easy, you know?  Hope everyone has a lovely weekend.  Apparently, we are going to start a seven-day heat wave, which will include dangerous heat over 100 degrees (38C), so I'll try to stay inside and have some cool drinks.  Perhaps at a place where they show movies.  Sounds good to me!

Sharing at Confessions of a Fabric Addict and Let's Bee Social.


  1. I love your quilt. I have had that problem of "bowed" strips with EVERY "jelly roll", no matter who the fabric company was. :-( I usually end up trimming them down to 2".
    I make 16 patch blocks as "leader/enders" while doing other blocks. As in: a 2-patch, then a 4-patch, then a 16-patch, and then sometimes I carry it even further as in a 20-patch. Surprising how many quilts come out of this practice. And yes, they are very scrappy, but in the end they all work/play together nicely :-) It works with 2.5" sqs and 2.0" sqs. :-) Love them all

  2. Oh my goodness, Mari. You just returned from your trip with your newly acquired jelly roll. And you have already pieced and quilted and written a blogpost about it!!! I am incredulous. Slow down, you monster maker of quilts. On the other hand, I am glad you got this finished, because you are not getting anything done when we get together :-D We will be so busy giggling and eating. I am looking forward to seeing this one in person. See you soon. Hugs.

  3. Bright and cheerful and low-stress to boot!! Well done.

  4. I like this! it is an easy pattern it goes together fast and you can quilt it quickly and use up stash in the process - I need to do this to use up some of my pieces

  5. I've had bowed strips from jelly rolls, as well as strips that aren't all the same width. You just have to make do, and you did! Your quilt is so happy and pretty. We're heading for the same heat wave here, I'm staying in most of the weekend, at least as much as I can!

  6. Yay for a super fun and fast finish! I am planning on using a couple Jolly Bars to make a 16-patch...I just love how this looks, and I have never made one before! Beautiful photos, too!

  7. Its really an adorable quilt! I love the simplicity of these kind of quilts. Theres something about them that make me feel homey!

  8. Sweet, happy, fun. I love it. Congratulations on a beautiful finish.

  9. Lovely photos of your pretty quilt!

  10. Your post has re-convinced me that I really want to make one of these! I have some couldn't-resist jelly rolls waiting to be used, so a 16 patch is now next on my to-make list--thanks!

  11. it looks great!! I love all the colors - perfect for summer!! And you are right - it is going way too fast!!!

  12. Simple quilt designs are often the best. The colors and fabrics you used just sing. Great finish!

  13. It looks like the very best selection of sherbets, ready to be dipped into cool summer treats! The multi colored blocks must be Tutti Frutti flavor :)

  14. Congrats on a very pretty finish!

  15. I love 16 patch quilts, and yours is so colorful and fun, Mari! Sounds like a jelly roll is perfect for a fast finish.


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