Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Small stuffies

Hi everyone! How is your summer going so far?  Ours has been remarkably wet--of course--and remarkably busy.  After today's post, I am taking a small hiatus to go to a professional conference and then we are going to see our grandbabies!  And what kind of a grandma would I be if I didn't have a small present for the grandkids?  Here is one of the things I am taking for the little ones:

Aren't those adorable?  This is a panel from a line called Woof Woof Meow.  My friend Nancy sent me this cute panel of the puppies. (Thanks Nancy!) There is also a kittens panel, which Nancy made when we had a sew day together, so I can attest that it is equally cute.

I know these are supposed to be a mama dog and a papa dog and their kiddos, but I'm choosing to think of them as twins who each have twins!  That way each of our twins can have their own dog with twin puppies.  Don't worry, we have something else for big brother, so no one will be left out.

The panel was super-easy to make, and all of the stuffies took about 3/4s of a 16-ounce bag of stuffing.   If you stuff them too firmly the puppies won't fit into the pockets, so these are nice and squishy. 

That's pretty much all the sewing I've done this week.  I need a little "off" time, so I am so looking forward to spending time with the grandkids.  I have to get through the conference first, of course, but I finished my paper and I'm ready for it.  Plus I always get to see friends at these things, and it also means no cooking for me, which we all know is my favorite thing.  And on top of that I'm hoping there will be sunshine somewhere along the way.  For sunshine I might even be persuaded to play hooky from the conference!

Everyone have a great week, and I'll see you in a bit!  Hope you get a lot accomplished!

Sharing at Let's Bee Social, Confessions of a Fabric Addict and Finished or Not Friday.


  1. Those are so cute! When I first saw your photo, I thought surely you bought them. That's a compliment to your professional looking work.

  2. Cute little stuffies, for sure! I hope the conference goes well. Enjoy those little grandbabies!

  3. Good luck with your paper presentation. Then enjoy your break and the grandkids.

  4. Have a good day, everyone!

  5. They are the cutest. Have a safe trip.

  6. So cute and so special because you sewed them! And twin puppies and babies for twins - can't beat that!

  7. Those are adorable! Enjoy your visit.

  8. I ordered some of these panels last month, but, haven't had time to stitch them. I'm glad that they are pretty easy.

  9. Those puppies are just too fun! I love their sleepy little faces. I'm sure your grandkids will love them :)
    louise dot hornor at gmail

  10. twins really do make the world go round. Whilst you are wet, we are having a very warm summer, rather unusual for us. I am sure your grandchildren will love these

  11. Hope you enjoy your grandies

  12. This post should have come with a warning - CUTENESS OVERLOAD. Enter at your own risk, because I am reduced to an oohing and aahing ball of mush. Have a great time. We will meet again soon :-)

  13. It’s still pretty chilly up here. There’s still frost every morning. Love your little stuffier!


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