Wednesday, July 11, 2018

The last jelly roll

Hi all!  Summer is rolling right along, isn't it?  In May I made myself a schedule of work that needs to be done before September 1, and I can't believe how fast we are creeping closer and closer to that date!  I've made progress on many things, I'm happy to say, but somehow there is always something else to do.  I wish I was progressing as fast as the days are!

As you know if you have been around here for any time at all, I really dislike most precuts and have been trying to use up the ones I have so that they will be gone and not take up any more room in my sewing room or in my head.  I'm happy to tell you that I have cut into the last jelly roll!  Hurray!

First, a nice picture of the blocks I'm making, just to have something pretty to start with:

Okay, the picture is a little artsy, but it does get boring to take pictures of blocks all the time.  Here is the jelly roll (which I know is a term that's trademarked by Moda or somebody, so I should be calling it a rollup or whatever, but really-- does anyone think of these fabric rolls as anything but jelly rolls?):

Yep, it's a bright one! It's a very colorful roll of bright strips from Robert Kaufman.  I don't know how long I've had it but it only cost $28, which tells me that it's been here way too long. It's time to move it out and use it up in something nice.

That is certainly bright and festive, isn't it? I've paired the strips with the gray on white print to make some candy-colored blocks, mainly because I had enough of the print and the strips are nearly solids, plus it's nice to do something different.  I like white backgrounds with brights, but I do that a lot and sometimes I need a (small) change. This is just different enough but doesn't make me too nervous that I've chosen badly.

This is the block that I'm making from the strips. It's a really old block pattern, dating to before 1897. I've already used this block once this year, as a part of the Squared Away quilt project (the tutorial for the block is HERE if you're interested.)  On it's own, the block doesn't look like much, but when you put them together you get great secondary patterns:

I like how these play together and really, how can you turn down an easy, happy quilt like that?  I cut these blocks from the jelly roll exactly the way that I showed in the tutorial and it has worked out great.  So far I've been using them as leaders and enders for the Harry Potter quilt, which is coming along nicely. Since these are 10-inch blocks and I can make 40 of them from the strips, I should get a quilt that measures about 60 by 70.  I'm going to have to use some of the leftovers to make two extra blocks, but there are some generous scraps left after cutting so that shouldn't be a problem.

I've cut a bunch more of these, so they should keep me busy for a while, plus I have to finish up that Harry Potter quilt.  Not that my daughter is cold, but I want to get it done while I still have a little time.  It's easy, too, but a little tedious since it's all squares.  I'm hoping to have that one done next week.

I'm spending the rest of the week in the library, then doing some outdoor painting this weekend.  What an exciting life I have! At least it's air conditioned there.  Hope you are getting a lot of summer projects accomplished, too.  See you next week!

Sharing at Let's Bee Social.


  1. I love these bright blocks. They are so cheerful.

  2. Creative picture taking is fun. Takes out the mundane and makes each project, even ones we are not crazy about a little fun and memorable. These blocks are going to be beautiful...who doesn't love a rainbow?

  3. These are so cute! I love that background fabric and it looks great with the bright solids.

  4. Neat blocks and fun pictures. I think this pattern is perfect for these lovely bright colours and I also like the slightly off from white background.

  5. I like your artsy photos!!!!! Good work with those uber-cheerful strips!

  6. This is one of my favorite blocks from the Squared Away sampler! It will be fun to see a quilt made of just this block. Looks like a great way to use up this jelly roll!

  7. The blocks are really pretty and bright. I like how they look when you put them together. I'm not a precut person either. Like you I never know how to use them. You picked a winner though!

  8. Hey Mari, I am breathless just trying to keep up with you and I am not even making these blocks. OK, I am tempted - I will someday. Clearly, summer suits you. And I thought that staying away from teaching and grading would be a drag :-P I have a crazy idea - when you call me!

  9. I love the design you chose for that jelly roll. I have a bunch of that same background fabric and haven't been able to decide what to do with it. Now if I can find the right jelly roll in my stash... Thanks for the inspiration.

  10. I am anti precuts as well. Most quilts I make are not your run of the mill typical patterns and precuts just done work for them. I feel so limited. I will purchase fat quarters though. That is my only exception. They are large enough to do something with.

    I do love your blocks and the way you showcased them in the tree is so perfect!

  11. Great block pattern, and I love those bright, happy colors!

  12. In the artsy photo the blocks look gigantic. I like that background fabric. I'm not a fan of precuts either and should follow your example and use them up. But I also don't like jelly race style quilts so I'm never sure how to use them and they are often not true to size which drive me nuts.
    Hope you get the painting in this weekend. It's supposed to be hot and humid.

  13. Love the artsy photos of these pretty blocks!

  14. I had to laugh about you using up the jelly roll because you want to get rid of it. I do the same thing! "Ugh, I don't want this cluttering up my studio, so I'll spend time and effort to actually sew it into a quilt while my 'favorite' fabrics just sit there!" Even though you don't like jelly rolls (yes, they are ALL jelly rolls, no matter which brand), that Kaufman fabric is really pretty and your blocks look great.

  15. Love your happy blocks! I thought they were huge, too. And yes, I hear you about using up the jelly roll. I've just sewn my way through two packs of charm squares- same issue but less work. Waiting for Harry to telaport onto the blog.

  16. Love your happy blocks! I thought they were huge, too. And yes, I hear you about using up the jelly roll. I've just sewn my way through two packs of charm squares- same issue but less work. Waiting for Harry to telaport onto the blog.

  17. I haven't seen this block pattern before. Thank you for sharing it! Your bright blocks are so fun and cheery. I really do like that secondary pattern they are making. I think I'll put this in my "make with a jelly roll" file! :)

  18. Great block pattern, thanks for sharing the tutorial!

  19. Love you candy colored blocks. Just like a box of Skittles.

  20. Oooh, I like this - those bright colors, the soft gray background and the patterns made with the block, it all works great together!

  21. Pretty! I love the bright colors!


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