Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Hello there!

Hi everyone, and welcome to The Academic Quilter!  If this is your first time here, I'm thrilled that you're visiting.  If you've been here before, thanks for coming back!
For those of you who have been around here for a while, this post is a part of Benita's Quilter's Meet and Greet over at her new blog, Benita Skinner's Creative Space.  Benita has been quilting for a long time and is the creative force behind Victoriana Quilt Designs as well as other ventures, and now she has a blog, too!


To celebrate her blogging debut, Benita organized this Meet and Greet for quilt bloggers and followers to find new friends, new projects, and new blogs to visit.  You can find the whole list of participants over at Benita's post HERE.  While you're there, you'll notice that she has a great grand prize to give away, so be sure to check it out and register for that.

So, I'm Mari, the Academic Quilter.  The "quilter" part is self-explanatory, but what about the "academic" part?  In my non-quilty life I'm a college professor and spend a lot of my time with books, papers, and library databases.  You can see why I can't wait to get home and touch some pretty fabric, cut it up, and make something lovely.  I learned to sew as a child, so this has been producing happiness for me for quite a long time.

Benita said to "show you around," so here is a picture of my sewing space:

I call this "the nest" and I love it.  It works so well for me.  True fact: I have a really hard time working (on anything) while facing a wall.  I need to see out into the room!  And don't worry-- it is always much messier.  I cleaned up just to take the picture!

And because I know you'll ask, here's a picture of my fabric stash:

Yep, that's all of it, except for the scraps, which are in the closet in small bins.  I love having it all out here so I can see it and use it, plus I like to keep it small.  Anything bigger than this would overwhelm me and I would find it really stifling.

As for my quilting philosophy, it's basically this: make anything you want, using any fabrics you like, with any methods that make sense to you, in any colors you really love.  Use fabric from a quilt store, a big box store, a thrift store, old clothes, or anything you have.  Use the tools you have or buy the newest thing, whichever works best for you.  There are no rules! Make what makes you happy!

I like a lot of different things, but I really consider myself a traditional quilter with a 21st century twist, and I love making traditional blocks, especially the ones with complex piecing and those that have been "neglected."  I always want to reclaim some of those blocks and get them out of the books and into the quilts.

In addition to my interest in traditional blocks, I have recently discovered that I enjoy free piecing (making things without a pattern or measuring), like the series of churches that I've been working on slowly.

And I do like making scrap quilts, which really appeals to my frugal nature.  Fabric is expensive--use every piece! I guess I really just like all kinds of piecing, and I love looking at all kinds of quilts, from traditional to modern to downright odd.  They're all so pretty!

If you look at the top of this page, ^^ you'll find some links to pages on the blog.  For the last few years I've had a quilt along to make a scrap quilt over the course of 10-12 months.  You'll find the quilts and links to all of the tutorials and instructions for the different quilts on those tabs.  We're coming near the end of this year's quilt, but it's never too late to start!  I've already started to plan for another quilt for next year, too.

Also on a tab at the top is a series of posts called Spring Cleaning, which I wrote to show how I cleared out tons of junk and made my sewing room work for me.  You might find some things there helpful as well.

So, that's the grand tour! In case you're interested, here are a few links to the older posts associated with the pictures in this post.  Feel free to comment on old posts if you feel so inclined-- I'll answer if there's a way to reach you!

Joyful, joyful, joyful!
First things
All dolled up
A church in winter
An old fashioned finish
Flinging some strings
Mary's linens
Mountains, baby!

Thanks for stopping by! I hope you enjoyed the tour and will come back again. If you make any of the blocks or quilts from this site, I'd love to see pictures, too.  Thanks to Benita for arranging this, and best wishes for a fun blogging career.  Be sure and go back over to her site and register for the give away and check out some other blogs.  Blogs are the new magazines, so be sure to check out several!

Click HERE!

Shared at Let's Be Social and on Benita's new blog, Benita Skinner's Creative Space.


  1. I look forward to reading of your Spring Cleaning! I find my quilting space is getting a bit overwhelming.

  2. I loved learning a bit more about you Mari! I love that you are not a fabric snob, LOL

  3. I love your philosophy, Mari! And it's always fun to stop by your blog and see what you're working on :)

  4. Fun seeing your quilts as well as your nest! I need to check out your Spring Cleaning for ideas too.

  5. Your nest is a place of light, joy and creativity. I know because I have been there. Love the doll quilt. When will you finish it? I know I sound like the kid in the car - are we there yet? Because I know it needs to be seen in a quilt show by many more. I have the same sentiments about the free pieced church blocks, only stronger!!!

  6. Your stash is so organized! I love it! good to see your quilts all in one post - I remember some of them and they are still amazing!

  7. I am drooling just looking at how neatly you have your stash organized. Currently mine is such a mess. When you had that series on organizing, I did purge a TON of old fabric which was helpful but then I got distracted and didn't go any further. Oh well. Someday..... I love looking at the quilts you've made and, like Preeti, I am so anxious to see your ladies all finished up. I think that is my favorite of your projects.

  8. It is so interesting reading about different bloggers in this series. I really like your Flinging Some Strings quilts. I've got Amanda's book right now and can't decide which one to start. They all look like fun.

  9. Your quilting space is really lovely! Enjoyed meeting you this morning and getting to look through some of your beautiful work! :)

  10. Totally agree with you on the fabric amount - I really need to reduce my stash. Nice to meet you!

  11. That's a great quilting philosophy!

  12. Wow, Mari, your stash is so neat and organized. I have way too much fabric and need to downsize a bit. While mine is organized, it's in totes and plastic bins and it's so hard to get to what I want. This is going to be a fun hop. Lots of favorites, but lots of new blogs to explore as well.

  13. Your nest and stash are wonderful, Mari!!
    So are your quilts...and I've so enjoyed your post.
    Thanks for being part of the Quilters Meet & Greet! <3

  14. You make such a wonderful variety of quilts, Mari! They are so much fun to see. I love your philosophy of quilting, too! I'm really enjoying quilting along with the Squared Away Sampler this year!

  15. Thank you for sharing your beautiful quilts.

  16. LOVE your stash photo with the Longaberger baskets up top!! I was a consultant for 5 years, so have several of those in my studio, too.

  17. Beautiful quilts and your quilting space is so tidy...glad you told us you cleaned it for the picture!!

  18. What a fantabulous post! I so enjoyed learning more about you! XO

  19. such pretty quilts and a nice little nest in which to create...hello from frederick, MD, just a few train stops away!

  20. Such beautiful eye candy! I love the quilt with the people. So CUTE!! Thank you for sharing!

  21. Wonderful post. Your quilts are quite varied, and all so pretty.

  22. Mari, it's nice to get to know you better! Your sewing space looks so inviting (and so tidy :)).

  23. Looking forward to knowing your work and seeing more at your blog. Wonderful Quilts!

  24. Great to know you better! Love your quilts, and you style!

  25. It was really nice to meet you. Wow, you shared some wonderful quilts. I love the purple/lavender one with the old linens - gorgeous. No rules...what a great philosophy.

  26. It's nice to meet you. I love your quilting studio photos and photos of your quilts. . You have a beautiful stash

  27. I came from the Meet and Greet by Benita. While on your blog I read your Spring Cleaning posts. Great tips and information there. Thank you.

  28. Thanks for sharing your blog. I enjoyed seeing your quilts. Especially like the encourage quilt and the one with the vintage doilies. I just finished a quilt top and stitched a lot of my mom's old doilies on it.

  29. Oh my goodness, what quilty delights! You have a new follower here. I love scrappy quilts and plan on checking out your past Quilt Alongs. I completely agree with you about keeping fabric where you can see it. I have drawers of fabrics that never see the light of day. LOL!!

  30. One of the things I love best about the blogs I follow, is that you begin to feel as if those folks are friends. So it's especially fun to see your studio space and learn more about your quilty life. And I'm with you - can't stand to face a wall. My office desk sits in the middle of the room with a window view. And in my sewing space my sewing table also sits in the middle looking out onto most of the room.

  31. Such pretty inspiration in your hands. Thank you for sharing.

  32. Your quilts are lovely! I enjoyed reading some of your spring cleaning. I need to get going on my scraps and do something with them.

  33. I love your philosophy of using what you have from where ever you got it from. I have seen some wonderful things made from beautiful wools found at the thrift store. My mother always used Coaks and Clark thread - and she sewed!!! I agree with you!

  34. Your quilts are beautiful and I am in awe at the neatness of your fabric wall!

  35. Love your sewing room. I can only dream

  36. I so agree with your philosophy . Use anything, anyway. I'm amazed at your fabric stash storage. It is so neat. I can only wish. Thanks for the time you put into your blog for us to follow.

  37. Wow, spectacular quilts and I love your sewing space! Nice to see you on the Quilter's Meet and Greet!

  38. Your sewing room is definitely a lot neater than mine. The Squared Away quilt along this year has been a lot of fun. I knew you were a college professor, but I've wondered what classes you teach?

  39. Love your Beautiful quilts...and The Nest is Awesome!! Thank you for sharing about you & all too :)

  40. You have some lovely scrappy quilts! Nice to meet you :)

  41. I really enjoyed your post, and share your philosophy! Looking forward to checking out more of your blog.

  42. Love your philosophy to do what you love! If it makes you happy, then do it, use it, buy it...whatever! To me, it is just so important to create. No judging here! Thanks for sharing. I may do your row quilt as a future rainbow quilt. A new format would be fun!

  43. Your stash looks so well organized - and it's so colorful too and can't help but be inspirational. I love that purple quilt!!

  44. The landscape, it reaches out to me, as our mountains are a few hours north of where we live in NZ,Then the bright stars, and paler quilts, different and each one is so lovely.What a great way to have your fabric, and colour organised, seeing it is an inspiration all by itself.

  45. I really love what you do. I like that you try so many different things and styles.

  46. Now there's a stash to be proud of! It's lovely to meet you and I love your church quilts, very clever!

  47. Intersting to read your post and meet you Mari - I love your philosphy on scraps and quilting style - it stikes a cord with me too :-)


Thanks for your kind comments! I appreciate every one and will answer if I can. No-reply commenters, you are appreciated also!