Saturday, September 29, 2018

Quilty blue persuasion

(For anyone interested, there are TWO scrap giveaways at the end of this post!)

Holy cow, it's the end of September! Pretty soon it will be Halloween, and then 2018 will be gone before we know it.  I am not ready for this!  As it is, we're up to that part of the year when I'm ready to wind up my RSC projects and get some quilt tops made.  And we're also to the part of the year where we hit the colors that I seldom use and therefore have few scraps to work with.  Kind of a good problem to have, though.

Since I put the galaxy stars into a top already, all I have left are the patchwork scrap stars and the hollow 9-patches.  Let's look at those first:

Only three! These were the squares that I had cut already.  I could have cut some more, but that would defeat the purpose of using scraps.

I also made some black hollow 9-patches:

Confession:  these were the only things in the black scrap bin.  Really.  I have something like four black squares left.  Pathetic, I know.  I like the color variations in these, and now I think I have almost enough hollow 9-patch blocks for the two quilts I want to make.  I'll have to count and make sure that I have enough of them next month.

For the patchwork scrap stars, I did not make dark blue ones, both because I didn't want a dark blue block in the quilt and because I was just too lazy to cut up any of the blues.  Instead I have these:

Yes, it was raining, so we get indoor pictures today.

Okay, that one on the right is a little wild, but I think it works okay with the rest of the blocks.  I really love the little penguin peeking out.  This block was just leftover bits and pieces with a red print star, and the other is obviously a lime green block.  Still have plenty of those pieces left over, too.  I do like the fussy-cut purple star, too.

So those are my remaining RSC projects!  Next month I should be able to start putting these together into some tops.  That's the hope, anyway!

As I have each month this year, I'm giving away what's left in my dark blue scrap bin this month.  These giveaways have helped me so much and I'm so grateful to all of you who have taken these old, unloved scraps off my hands.  The empty bins have opened up a whole new world of ideas for me, so thanks!

Here are the dark blue scraps:

There was more there than I thought there would be! Since I seldom use dark blue, these are pretty old, but they also include the (very few) leftovers from my blue-background projects this year, including a few small pieces of the Kona solid I've used for the larger Squared Away blocks.  There are also a handful each of the 2-inch and 1-1/2 inch squares.

But wait, there's more!  Take a look at these florals:

This is the entire contents of the floral scrap bin, which was so full that I had to use rubber bands to keep the lid on it.  I doubt that I will ever use most of these.  There is a piece in there that I know is from 2012 and others that might be older. (Eep!)  There are newer ones, too, of course.  I would also like to give these away to someone who will swear on a stack of quilt books to love them and use them.  They are very pretty, and there is quite a bit of fabric here.  I didn't weigh it, but really, I could not get that bin closed any more!

This giveaway is now closed.  Thanks all, and congratulations to Lori and Liz.

If you would like to have one of these sets of fabric, delivered to you in the US or Canada free of charge, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post!  Really! Tell me which you would like, the blues or the florals, and I will separate the comments and use the random number generator on Monday evening, October first, to choose two winners.  Please, please, if you are no-reply, leave an email so that I can contact you.  If I can't reach you, you can't win!

Hope you are having a great weekend with lots of cool temperatures and low humidity.  If that ever happens here, I'll be sure to let you know!

Sharing at soscrappy for RSC18.


  1. Isn’t it funny how we all have some colours full to overflowing and others next to empty, I suppose it reflects the colours we are drawn to. Love the peaking penguin but I love the lime green more, it’s just so vibrant. I’m in the UK and I know it’s far too expensive to post scraps to. It’s gone much cooler here but the trees are coming into their autumn colours and are beautiful.

  2. Ooo! I'd love to have the floral scraps. I am pushover for florals! I also like that little penguin peeking out. He's got personality!

  3. Scraps, scraps, and more scraps! Someone will be over the moon to win your generous give away. Once upon a time, that would have been me, but I’m overwhelmed with them myself right now. Loving your blocks as you attempt to use up what you’ve already cut. They’ll make lovely quilts.

  4. I'm leaning toward the blues... they'd be great for charity quilts for boys.

  5. What pretty scraps! I'd be thrilled to win either lot, but am leaning toward the florals, which are surprisingly few in my scrap bin!

  6. Congratulations on your beautiful blocks and empty bins. You make me laugh, ‘eeking’ over Fabric from 2012. I have made it my mission to work away at using up my floral scraps and I know that I had florals that I had bought in th 1980s but I also had my mother’s, grandmother’s and mother-in-law’s scraps that covered 1930-1970. I have made three quilt tops and finally cut up any larger chunks into 8.5 inch strips and pieced a wild backing. I have had so much fun with this personal challenge. However, I still have at least one more quilt top to make and then I will be done. I would be happy to add either of your scrap piles to my collection because I am still having scrap happy fun.

  7. I love your RSC blocks! Those blues are beautiful, and I love the black ones. The purple star is very pretty, beautiful effect inside this green! Cute penguin too ;)
    (can't play for the giveaway, I'm from France...)

  8. Thanks for the inspiration! Would love either scraps..pinky swear they go to charity quilts as you can only make so many quilts for family!

  9. Such pretty blocks. Let's say beautiful!!!

    Would love the floral and they will goto a quilty hug for chemo patients.

  10. The blues would be great for my "Anita's Arrowhead" blue blocks!
    Love the penguin!

  11. Ooh, florals, I love florals and as far as I can tell, I don't have any of those, and yes they will get used. I have to make a concerted effort to finish up some of my RSC projects. It's finally cooler here, but not much autumn color yet.


  12. Hi, Mari,

    Your peekaboo penguin is adorable!

    Please put me in the drawing for the florals. Thanks for the opportunity.


  13. The florals are tempting but not sure how I would use them. Please put me in the draw for the blues. Thank you. dorthac at

  14. I love your hollow blocks. The black especially turned out great. It would be fabulous to win your blue scraps. Mine are getting low. Thanks for the chance to win.

  15. I would love to have the blue scraps. They are lovely, and it is a color I use often. Thanks for the giveaway.

  16. I love the floral scraps and have a project in mind for them. Thanks for the opportunity to win them.

  17. I would love the florals! I would use them in watercolor quilts!

  18. Love the new block, I would be happy with either set of scraps.

  19. Oh....the florals would make such pretty grandmothers flowers hexies. I would sew those up!

  20. I'd love the blue scraps! Thanks for offering them up.

  21. Hiya Mari!!! What wonderful blocks. I think I have some of that penguin fabric (somewhere, lol.) I would love those florals. I've been having thoughts about trying an animal collage type quilt. They would be wonderful for that. Thanks so much for doing your fantastic giveaways. Take care, hugs!!! Pam pamspretties57 at gmail dot com

  22. Nothing cuter than a peeking penguin to look at! My blue stash is always low, so the blue pack would be my first pick, but either one would be fine with me! How lovely of you to share! duchick at gmail dot com

  23. Mr. Penguin is telling me that the floral are exactly what I can use. I’ve on a fabric buying fast this year, but nothing stops me from accepting free fabric,and I am starting to crave more again.

  24. Some of those florals are just lovely! BUT my sister's wedding is coming up in December and her color is blue - these scraps would be perfect to make her a gift!

    (And I love the penguin too. I'm saving lots of little 2" and 2.5" squares cut from scraps, and fussy cutting them when I can for fun surprises like that!)

  25. Oh, I’d love to be put in the drawing for the florals. And if I win, please let me share the postage cost. I swear on a stack of quilting books that they will be put to good use, probably sooner rather than later! Thanks!

  26. Awwww ...your penguin is soooo cute! Love both your Blocks!! Love both the bundles too...but the Blues would be great addition to my Blues stash, for a Christmas gift I'm working on.(shhhh...giggle) Thank you for chance to win your give-a-way :D

  27. Love that little penguin!! Fabric from 2012? It’s practically brand new! Please don’t pick me for your blessing of fabric. ;)

  28. Thanks for the update on your progress. I would love to enter for the blue scraps. (in Canada).

  29. I am enchanted with your penguin!! Since I am a SABLE, I'll leave your scraps for a quilter with a smaller stash!!

  30. I love blues and use them in lots of projects. This would help fill my scrap box of blues.

  31. I am a special fan of blues - florals not so much. I am working on an EPP with hexies and these would be great!

  32. You've done well with your scrappy projects. Very pretty bits and bobs, but as my scrap drawers are also over flowing, I'll pass on this opportunity.

  33. Thanks for sharing your scraps with us! I'd love the blues -- I want to make Bonnie Hunter's Talking Turkey pattern, but out of blues instead of red. Not sure if I'm 'no-reply' or not, so just in case: dmlash0909 at gmail dot com

  34. I particularly like your black hallowed 9 patches :) The floras would make a nice diversification to my scrap fabrics....and diversification is good ;-) izoofan2 at hotmail dot com

  35. See, now these are the kind of "blues" that anyone would love to receive. When you get the blues, make a quilt. Yes, double meaning intended :-D


Thanks for your kind comments! I appreciate every one and will answer if I can. No-reply commenters, you are appreciated also!