Saturday, October 6, 2018

Squared Away Block 10

Hello all, and welcome back to the Squared Away quilt project.  This is our last block, can you believe it? This has been a fun project.  It was designed by me and Angela of soscrappy and I think a lot of people have participated and had fun with it.  If you have just discovered this quilt project, it's never too late to start! All of the block instructions will still be available on a tab at the top of this page and on a tab at Angela's page.

Here is our last block:

Dewey Dream block, Orange Judd Farmer magazine, 1899

This is the Dewey Dream block, from the 1899 edition of the Orange Judd Farmer, an agricultural publication.  Quilt blocks show up in the strangest places!  This block is very easy and you should have your last blocks finished off in no time.

For the last time for this project, let's make some blocks!

Cutting for a 10-inch block:

From the background, cut:

2 2-7/8 inch squares*  OR 1 4-1/4 inch square (to make hsts; can oversize)
12 2-1/2 inch squares

From the green, cut:

2 2-7/8 inch squares* OR 1 4-1/4 inch square (to make hsts, can oversize)
5 2-1/2 inch squares
 4  2-1/2 by 6-1/2 inch rectangles


First, use 4 of the background 2-1/2 inch squares and all 5 of the green squares to make a 9-patch block by joining the squares into rows and the rows into a small block:

Your 9-patch should measure 6-1/2 inches square.

Next, use the 2-7/8 inch squares of the background and the green to make 4 2-1/2 inch hsts in the "old school" manner: draw a line from corner to corner on the back of each background square, layer it with a green square, then stitch 1/4 inch on both sides of the line.  Cut apart, press, and trim to 2-1/2 inches.  OR use the 4-1/4 inch squares of the green and background to make 4 at a time hsts.  These should measure 2-1/2 inches square.

The last component of the block is a unit made with stitch and flip corners.  Constructing the pieces this way will save you eight seams per block.  (An alternate method follows these directions.)

Take the remaining 8 background squares and draw a line from corner to corner on the back of each one.  Place one marked square at each end of a 2-1/2 by 6-1/2 inch rectangle as shown:

Carefully note the directions of the lines.  You want the finished pieces to look like hsts that are oriented in opposite directions.  Stitch on the lines, trim, and press the resulting triangle upward. Make 4.

Alternate method for these units: make 8 green/ background hsts that measure 2-1/2 inches.  Use these and  4 2-1/2 inch green squares to construct a unit that looks like these.

The only real difference in the methods is the seams; either method will look the same in the finished block.


Lay out all of the pieces as shown.  Pay special attention to the orientation of the rectangular pieces:

Join the units into rows and the rows into a finished block.  Give it a good press, stand back, and admire!

As always, I made three blocks for this month:

And here are my 15-inch blocks for a separate project:

And that is our last block for this quilt!  At this point, you can gather your blocks and lay them out any way you choose, with or without sashing.  Angela and I will be giving finishing instructions on Saturdays throughout October so that anyone who wants to be finished for Christmas can get a really good start. I will have complete directions for on-point settings (with and without sashing) on Saturday, October 20.  The directions include all of the measurements and instructions for assembling the quilt, as well as yardages and tips for cutting the setting triangles and finishing.  There is also a piecing diagram for a bonus block, since an on-point layout requires 32 blocks.  Be sure to come back and check that out!  I will show off my finished quilt on November 3.

Thanks so much to all for coming along on this quilty adventure! I'm almost sad that it's finished, but we'll get cozy quilts from it, right?  Hope to see you back here for some fun finishing ideas!

Sharing at soscrappy for RSC18.


  1. Thank you Mari for your time designing and sharing your designs. I have made half of them and w I'll get back to the rest. Can't wait to see the layout ideas. What a great finish to the blocks.

  2. Well done - another ecxellent block series!!

  3. Another fun block... can't wait to get in the sewing room!

  4. Thanks. I've had fun using up my scrap basket to make such a colorful quilt.

  5. Thanks, Mari, this is one QAL that I've been able to keep up with.


  6. This is another great block! I’ve really enjoyed this QAL, and so appreciate the work you and Angela have put in! Now to get sewing...

  7. What lovely blocks, I really like your 15" blocks. Looking forward to completing this last block sometime this month (maybe by next week), also looking forward to see your ideas for finishing the top. Thanks for the great instructions.

  8. Can't WAIT to see how your quilt turns out, Mari!!

  9. This is a pretty one, Mari! I'm looking forward to working on it!

  10. Thank you for all your detailed instructions. Have made at least one block each month in one or all of three different sizes. Will be fun to put them together. I was planning to play with them in one quilt, but will wait to see your finishes.

  11. Both of your quilts are going to be so nice. Thank you so much for the tutorials each month.

  12. No!!! It can't be. Say it isn't so. I am sure that folks will continue to visit and revisit for instructions and guidance. May I suggest a linky party for all the finishes - flimsy and quilts? That way the fun can go on for just a wee bit longer.
    May I please have your green scraps? Sorry, long story.

  13. This has been such a fun sampler! Thank you for putting it all together and hosting it this year. I'm hoping to actually finish a RSC project before I start the next one this year.


Thanks for your kind comments! I appreciate every one and will answer if I can. No-reply commenters, you are appreciated also!