Saturday, October 27, 2018

Straight away finish

(For anyone interested, the last scrap giveaway of the year is at the end of this post!)

Hi everyone, and happy weekend! Ours is wet and windy, but that's good weather for doing lots of things, like stitching away.  I have a friend who thinks rainy weekend days are "perfect for meal prepping!" To which I can only say, "what?" And the hubs is convinced they're perfect for watching various athletes doing things, but that's pretty much every weekend, rain or shine.

Today I"m just showing off one of the quilt tops I made from my 15-inch Squared Away blocks:

Okay, I took these photos outside and it was cloudy, so I'm not sure why they're so bleached out.  I will seriously work on taking better pictures starting as soon as this semester is over.  If you recall, each month this year I've made two of the blocks in a 15-inch size, which will give me enough bigger blocks for two quilts, and this is the first one.  The second isn't done quite yet.

This quilt has 15-inch blocks with 2-inch sashing and no cornerstones, so the blocks look like they're floating.  It's a nice effect overall.  The blue is just Kona Nightfall, which is a lovely navy blue.  The border is 3 inches wide, and I'm guessing that I'll quilt this up in blue thread. 

Altogether, I'm happy with how this came out.  It was simple to make because the blocks were all done, and it took less than an afternoon to  put together.  For now it's going into the "to be quilted" pile, which is getting very tall.  Time to do something about that!

 And now it's time for the last scrap giveaway!  I don't have green scraps to give away, but I am cleaning out the last of the bins:

This is from two bins, one for dots and stripes and the other for novelty fabrics and fun things that don't fit anywhere else.  Most of these are smaller pieces, but there are a few larger ones as well.  See the brown dots? That's about a quarter of a yard.  There's a bunch of fun fussy cuts here, too, including the penguins.

This giveaway is now closed! Thanks to all for helping me clean out some old pieces!

If you would like to have these scraps at no charge, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post.  Really! I will send this package to one lucky person anywhere in the US or Canada, and I'll pull the winner using the random number generator on Monday evening, October 29.  Please, please-- if you are a no-reply person, leave a way to contact you.  If I can't get in touch with you, you can't win!

Hope you all are having a good weekend! On Sunday I am going to look at a machine that I will probably bring home, so I may have a new-to-me machine before the weekend is out.  Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Sharing at soscrappy for RSC18


  1. Nice finish. Thanks for the chance to win some scraps.

  2. Hi, Mari! I love your use of the navy as a constant in the sqd away blocks. I've made a note in my notebook. Fabric moratorium, and no navy, but I've got a couple of bolts that might give me a similar effect. Thanks for the inspiration. I'd love your scraps. Currently collecting polka dots and eye spy some there. Heehee...


  3. Your quilt top looks great! I love the bright colors against the navy background. I'm planning to do a similar setting with the sashing from the background fabric to float the blocks. I would love to win your scraps--can't have too many polka dots!

  4. Thank you Mari, would love to win the scraps. I love the colors in your quilt, so bright and cheery.

  5. OOOH pretty! Your 15" blocks set with blue really is gorgeous. Thank you for a very fun sampler this year. My blocks are done, but I need to get the last pieced border onto Inverted Star before Squared Away gets it's time on the design wall. (Please omit me from the scrap drawing, I have lots to work with now).

  6. Love how you put together a quilt with 15-inch blocks. Have only gone as high as 12... new block size in my future!

  7. Beautiful quilt top! I love with sashings, and this blue fabric is perfect. Have fun choosing your sewing machine! (do not include me into the giveaway, i'm not in US or Canada but France!)

  8. Great quilt top--love how bold and graphic it looks with the blue background and sashing! Would love to win some scraps--thanks for sharing!

  9. Beautiful top. Love the floating effect.

  10. Gorgeous flimsy!! I love that you used a dark background; it makes it very dramatic!

  11. Love your flimsy! The navy background really makes the blocks pop. What are you going to do with no scraps?

  12. Your top is so bright and pretty. Can't miss a chance to add some new scraps to my collection (not that I need anymore) Thanks!!!

  13. You have an exciting finish! The blue makes every block bright. I’d love the cute fabrics for my. Project Linus quil.ts.

  14. I have enjoyed watching your blocks emerge this year, and the resulting quilts are so much fun. Love your blue background. The colors pop off of it. And I've been trying to be good about my own scraps, but your novelties are over the top! The pencils and crayons...

  15. I've really enjoyed this quiltalong, thank you. Now I've seen your 15" blocks, I'm tempted to make two smaller lap quilts with my 10" ones which are also dark.

    1. I've no idea why I'm showing up as 'Unknown' - I'm MrsKellyinAD :)

  16. I adore fussy cuts! The very first quilt I made was an I Spy quilt which was nothing but novelty fabrics. Someday I'll do another, more traditional quilt, with novelty fabrics snuck in there for little surprises.

    And your quilt looks great! I just need to do the last block (and bonus) and then trade them with my sister. It won't get done until after holiday sewing, but I'm looking forward to it!

  17. I like how this quilt is turning out. I like that you put the fabric with the trees in the middle. My fingers are crossed for you getting the machine that you really like.

  18. Your squared away top looks great. It's a good size.

  19. Lovely quilt top, the colors are so nice and bright. Yes, please, enter me in the scrap drawing! I'm a no-reply blogger, but you can reach me at piecethepast at att dot net.

  20. Gorgeous! I like how you used the Nightfall in all the blocks and the floating effect.

  21. That Kona Nightfall makes a gorgeous background for your Squared Away blocks, Mari! Such a great idea to make the block colors pop!

  22. What a beautiful quilt. I love the Kona Nightfall color. I'd love to win some scraps too.

  23. Wow, that navy really makes your blocks pop. I want to make a quilt like that! I would be thrilled to win your scraps as my sister and I are going to make an I Spy quilt for her grandson when she comes to see me for Thanksgiving. We're just now starting to collect them. Thanks for the opportunity!

  24. Just loving the navy background! No scraps for me!

  25. It nice to see a quilt with deep color background rather than white. Makes the quilt more dramatic. My Squared Away blocks are done. I'm just mulling over how to set them. I'd love to put your scraps to work.

  26. I enjoyed making my quilt with your Squared Away pattern! It is ready for quilting. I have a dear friend who would love those scraps.
    I do not need them but she will put them to good use! Have a great day. Nanette

  27. Navy makes a great neutral!! Your floating blocks are great and I'll be waiting to see the quilt finished! I am currently planning an I Spy quilt for my grandson and your scraps would work beautifully! Thank you for the opportunity to win them!

  28. I really like the navy background. It really makes those blocks pop.
    Polka dots are a big favorite of mine. Thanks for a chance to win.

  29. I love how you set these blocks together with the navy, Mari. It sure makes the designs in them shine. Please bless someone else with the scraps. :)


Thanks for your kind comments! I appreciate every one and will answer if I can. No-reply commenters, you are appreciated also!