Saturday, November 24, 2018

Dark blue and wavy too

Hi everyone! Show of hands-- how many people are pretty sure they never want to see a turkey again?  Always lots of leftover turkey, never enough leftover pie.  It's the great Thanksgiving imbalance.  In spite of that, we had a great Thanksgiving and I hope you did, too.  The day after Thanksgiving was a lazy day for us, mainly because it was quite chilly, though I do confess that I went online and purchased a few things. I didn't have to leave the couch, let alone stand in line outside. God bless Tim Berners-Lee.

Today I'm just dropping in to show off my totally quilted and bound Straight Away quilt:

This is one of the projects that I made with my 15-inch Squared Away blocks.  I finished the top a few weeks ago and then used this quilt to try out the serpentine stitch on the new machine.  It worked really well!  I only had a few hiccups, but thankfully they were mostly on the dark blue parts, so they were well hidden.

This is quilted with a dark blue Aurifil thread.  I always worry about using dark thread because I don't usually like dark thread on lighter fabrics, but here it doesn't really bother me. The backing is a dark floral from Alexander Henry so the stitches just blend in.  I bought about 6 yards of the backing for a song a while ago, so I still have enough left to back another quilt.

I quilted the lines about an inch and a half apart, and this is one of the coziest quilts I've ever made.  I'm so happy about that, because this quilt is winging its' way to Bernie for the Mercyful Quilts project.  You can read more about it HERE, but a very short explanation is that the Mercyful quilts go to the palliative care unit at Mercy Medical Center to aid in the care of the dying.  You should definitely go read Bernie's post.  It will touch your heart.

So there we are-- one more completely finished RSC quilt, and for a good cause.  I am happy to send this one off and I hope it brings some comfort to a family.  And I'm already quilting up another quilt with the serpentine stitch, so I should have it under good control by the end of the weekend.  I can't even tell you how thrilled I am about this.  I have two more RSC quilts I want to get into tops before the end of the year and I already feel like we're racing towardthat deadline.  We're staring at the end of 2018, people!

Hope you all enjoy the rest of the weekend!  Freeze the rest of the turkey and go for a pizza.  It will feel great!

Sharing at soscrappy for RSC18.


  1. Great to see your machine is working well. The serpentine stitch looks really good. I am getting my friends machine she doesn't want any more. I hope it can do that stitch. It is great for charity quilts.

  2. Squared Away turned out beautifully! I'm still dithering over the sashing color for my version. Good luck with your finishing plans for the year. It's always such a good feeling to get those quilts off the to do list before the start of a new year.

  3. and here I make too much pie and I'm seriously wondering if I should put at least one in the freezer or should we just keep on eating pie through the weekend! and broth - we had turkey and duck and now I have 6 pints of both for future use!
    Shopping on line here too. Did not have to leave the house. Pretty quilt and the wavy lines are great

  4. Could you send some turkey over? I thought I was going to have turkey yesterday, but no -- roast beef. Sigh. I may have to such for a post-turkey sale and make one here. Ah well, I did have pie though. What a beautiful quilt to send to Bernie for the Mercy project. I'm sure it will be appreciated.

  5. You did a fabulous job on your wavy lines. It will surely give comfort to someone in need of it.

  6. Beautiful quilt for a great cause! I'm glad your new stitch works so well. Wish I had a machine that did anything other than straight stitches!

  7. How big was the finished quilt? I know the blocks would make it 45 by 60" but I can't tell how wide your sashings are. Nice finish.

  8. This version of your Squared Away Sampler turned out great! It's SEW thoughtful of you to send it off to a family in Paradise. This will be a comfort to the recipients!

  9. The serpentine stitch looks great! Congratulations on a fabulous finish. Just a few more projects to cross off the list before the new year begins.

  10. Wow, your Squared Away quilt even LOOKS cozy! That blue background is rich and absolutely perfect. Great finish!

  11. That is so pretty, Mari! I love the backing and how the green binding contrasts so nicely against the blue. Someone is going to get lots of comfort from that quilt!

  12. Its fabulous! Congrats on a great finish that will be comfort to someone special!

  13. It’s just beautiful! You are so kind hearted to send it to Bernie for Mercyful Quilts. I am so impressed with that whole program. They should visit other hospitals all over the country to share what they do and encourage other facilities to adopt their philosophy.

  14. Turkey has its uses. But why pie??? I mean the fruit is overcooked till all the crunchiness/freshness is destroyed, doused with sugar till all the original flavors are lost and the carbohydrate and grease loaded crust which is good for a few hours and then becomes doughy. YUCK!!! Give me a fresh apple or a cup of blueberries any day.
    Switching to things that I DO like - Your Navy Way Beauty is up there. Love the big blocks (I cannot deny) and the bright colors are so joyful.
    You know that chilli, biriyani, butter chicken and jambalaya actually get better on day two.
    Of course, your Navy Wavy Lady will be gorgeous for many years :-)

  15. Great job getting the squared away quilt done. The quilting looked great.


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