Saturday, November 3, 2018

Hip to be square

Hi everyone! Happy November Saturday. Yes, I said November. Can you believe it? On the up side, it was 70 degrees here on November first. On the down side, 2018 will be over soon and I am just not ready for that.

Today I just want to show off my finished Squared Away quilt top.  After ten months in the making, here is the finished pieced top:

Another quite cloudy day, but the top is done and I'm pretty happy with it (except that I can see that there are a couple of blocks I want to move. . .)

I'm not sure you can see it in the pictures, but there are two "extra" squares in the quilt top.  (You'll be able to see these better after it's quilted because there will be batting and backing behind the top.) I used a very pale blue for the sashing around the four blocks in the center, and then a very pale gray sashing around the next "round" of blocks, just as a fun design element.  Okay, I thought it was fun. You may feel differently. The white actually has a very tiny silver/ gray dot, which is a Timeless Treasures print that I got in the Christmas section.

So, here's a story about the setting triangles: I made them twice.  The first time I made them from the same white/ silver as the sashing and I really didn't like it, so a week later I took half the quilt top apart and remade the setting triangles with a light beige confetti print (that said 2004 on the selvage).  I think it was worth it, even though I sometimes question my sanity.

You know how you should listen to a quilt when it tells you what it wants?  I also took off borders! After I put in the beige setting triangles it just didn't look like it needed borders.  Maybe those white triangles were really trying to tell me something.  What do you think-- should I add them back?

I'm very happy this is done and ready for quilting! I think it's going to be long-armed, though I don't have any real idea about a quilting pattern.  That's for later, because there are a *lot* of quilt tops built up and I need to quilt some of them soon.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend! I am off to clean the sewing room. It looks like something exploded in there!

The leaves have turned at last!

Sharing at soscrappy for the end of RSC18.


  1. Beautiful quilt Mari. I am emailing you in a sec, OK?

  2. The quilt looks great! I think you made the right call about the borders. Straight vertical and horizontal lines would only halt the lovely movement of the on point setting.

  3. Your Squared Away quilt top looks great! I like the contrast of the setting triangles and think you made the right call to switch them out. (I think I have some of that same confetti print!)

  4. I don't think it needs borders. I love to use Christmas fabrics that don't read as Christmas fabrics in non Christmas quilts. I bought a ton of them, years ago, to make space quilts, since Christmas fabric has so many stars and dots that can't always be found in regular quilt fabrics.

  5. Hi Mari - Fantastic finish. You have a great eye and changing out the setting triangles was a great idea. It provides a frame that sets off your blocks nicely. The quilt top looks wonderful and makes me a little sad I wasn't able to keep up with the BOM this year. Now I have about 8 or 10 blocks that I need to figure out how to use?

  6. Beautiful! And like the others, I vote no borders. Congrats on a stellar top!!

  7. This is so pretty! I really like how you used different sashing and setting triangle fabrics! That gives me some ideas, too.

  8. I agree, the quilt was correct and these colored setting triangles make it shine. Love the different sashing colors too - makes for a fun little surprise. This has been so much fun to make- thanks for the fun this year playing with scraps.

  9. I like the beige setting triangles and your colors are wonderful

  10. Lovely Squared Away quilt top. Great Job!

  11. Well, whew, I can comment on your post again. For the past week my phone hasn’t let me. So frustrating. I messed around to fix it and of course have no idea what did the trick. Anyway...great finish!! The different colors in the sashing and triangles add such interest without taking away from the beautiful blocks. I find it perfectly normal to rip tons of stuff out to fulfill a quilt’s desire. In fact with a good seam ripper, there’s even something satisfying in it. Okay maybe that’s not normal. But it is a good mindless way to pass the time with something fun on TV. Sometimes we need that. I like the quilt without borders, but that’s really just a personal preference. I’m sure it will look wonderful either way.

  12. When a quilt speaks to you, you must listen! Just look at this beauty! It’s not asking for borders. It’s perfect just the way it is!

  13. Wow, what a pretty quilt and, yes, listen to the quilt. I wouldn't want to rip up setting triangles either, but I think you did the right thing. So pretty!

  14. I love how your Squared Away quilt turned out! The white block background and (essentially) white sashing makes the blocks look crisp and fresh. The creamy setting triangles are the perfect frame - sort of a soft highlight - almost like indirect lighting in a gallery. It looks amazing!

  15. Mari, your quilt turned out wonderful! I am with the others; it doesn't need a border. I have been undecided as to whether or not to add a border to mine, but looking at yours may have just made up my mind.

  16. It tunred out so great!!! LOVE all the colors in it!

  17. I love the look of your quilt as it is now. I didn’t add a border to mine either, but I didn’t even add sashing and just used the white for the setting triangles. My quilting fairy has worked her magic and the quilt should arrive in the mail on Thursday, so fingers crossed I will have it all bound by the end of the month. Thanks so much for making this possible.

  18. Happy November to you too. Love your bright blocks especially on a cloudy, murky day. Ah the desire to tweak continues even after the quilt is complete. I like the setting triangles. But if you want to add a bright, pieced border, I won't discourage you :-) Hope to see you soon.

  19. It turned out beautifully! I really like the on point setting and the setting triangles make a nice frame, you really don't need another border.

  20. I so agree that quilts ultimately determine how they will look. It sounds crazy but it happens to me time and time again.
    Yes, leave the borders off.


Thanks for your kind comments! I appreciate every one and will answer if I can. No-reply commenters, you are appreciated also!